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Actress Emma Cesarska: biography, filmography, personal life and interesting facts
Initially, it did not fit into the Soviet cinema of the 1920s, accentuating attention, for the most part, on the avant-garde revolutionary component. But after a decade, previously unknown to anyone Emma Cesarsky will turn into a famous movie actress. She possessed not only magnetic charm and beauty, but also inner self-sufficiency. The popularity of the film star of the USSR has become stunning, after the role of Aksinya in the "Quiet Don" was approved by Emma Cesar. Biography, the filmography of the actress, perhaps, would have formed differently, if her husband had not been arrested ... However, she stubbornly endured all the blows of fate and tried to overcome life's troubles. What was the creative way of the star of Soviet cinema? Let's consider this issue in more detail.
Biographical information
Emma Tsesarskaya was born in Ukraine, in the city of Ekaterinoslav (Dnepropetrovsk). It happened on June 3, 1909. Since childhood, the girl wanted to become a famous pianist. But also she had a huge interest in "great art". Emma Cesarska, whose biography certainly deserves a separate examination, already at the age of sixteen decides to go to the Soviet capital to study for an actress.
Relatives helped her with the choice of an educational institution, having advised the film school of Boris Tchaikovsky, whose leader, though not an eminent director, but was able to learn such coryphaeuses of Soviet cinema as Nikolai Kutuzov and Raisa Esipova. In 1928 Emma Tsesarskaya became a graduate of the above-mentioned institution.
First roles in the cinema
Shortly before the end of the film school girl invited to take part in the film "Baba Ryazan", which was directed by Ivan Pravov and Olga Preobrazhenskaya. She gets one of the main roles. Emma Cesarska must play a peasant woman, who is compelled to resist the house-building and the vestiges of the old system. She brilliantly copes with the actor's task. Then followed another bright work by Cesar. In 1929, directors Dmitry Poznansky and Alexander Shtrizhak-Steiner approve Emma Vladimirovna as Bolshevik Praskovia, who lost her beloved men in the First World War.
The first Aksinya of Soviet cinema
In the late 1920s, the great Soviet writer Mikhail Sholokhov completed work on the "immortal" work "Quiet Flows the Don".
Directors Ivan Pravov and Olga Preobrazhenskaya, without thinking twice, decided to film this famous novel. Actress Emma Cesarska was invited to the main role of Aksinya. The list of films of the Soviet film was supplemented by the painting "Quiet Flows the Don". It was a real success. The actress played the image of a temperamental and charming Cossack woman. The audience enjoyed watching the Quiet Flows the Don. The printed edition of "Daily Walker" (USA) wrote a note on Cesar: "Anyone who wishes to see the adaptation of the great novel in the coming days will be able to enjoy the talented reincarnation game of this beautiful and colorful actress, which the whole country can be proud of."
The author of the "Quiet Don" was delighted with the high degree of mastery that Emma Vladimirovna demonstrated on the set. However, it should be noted that the film was subjected to severe criticism from the censors: the directors who removed the classics were excluded from the Association of Revolutionary Cinematography Workers. The motivation was simple: "To serve the tastes of the petty-bourgeois spectator."
The film for a long time was gathering dust on the shelf, and only Mikhail Sholokhov's personal intervention corrected the situation.
The heyday of a career
Cesar Emma Vladimirovna became famous not only due to the role of Aksinya. Her popularity was multiplied by works in the films "One Joy" (I. Pravov, O. Preobrazhenskaya, 1933), "The Insurrection of the Fishermen" (M. Doller, E. Piscator, 1934). Soviet viewers also liked the image of Vasilissa's widow, who led the "Babi Riot" in the film "Love and Hatred" (A. Gendelshtein, 1935). Fans of the movie applauded when they heard: "Emma Cesar." Movies with her participation have never been missed. By the mid-30's, she had every chance to be called an actress No. 1 in the USSR. Even foreign film producers were delighted with the talent of the graduate of B.Tchaikovsky's film school, unconditionally affirming it for the image of Grusha in The Brothers Karamazov.
They had no doubt that only her skill and talent could fully reflect the essence of the heroine of the classical work. For the work in the adaptation of the novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky, actress Emma Cesarska was to receive a substantial fee. However, the film star was forced to abandon this work because of "pressure from above" ...
Turn in destiny
In the spring of 1937, an event occurred that radically changed the life of the actress. "Chekists" took under arrest the wife of the Cesar - Max Stanislavsky. He was sent into exile, and the actress knew nothing about his fate. Only in the late 50's, Emma Vladimirovna was handed documents, from which she learned that her husband was sentenced to death in the summer of the 37th. After his arrest, the kinodiva lost her own housing, the property was confiscated, and the acting career sharply declined. It was not possible to finish work in the film "Daughter of the Motherland". The director Korsh-Sablin had to look for a replacement. Long months forced to sit in the "four walls", the actress Emma Cesarska did not find her place when she heard footsteps on the landing, morally preparing for the fact that they came for her.
Most of all, she was worried about the fate of her son, who was only one year old. The situation was almost hopeless.
Help of the great writer
To cope with life difficulties actress helped writer Mikhail Sholokhov, whom the Soviet government favored. Only the intercession of the author of the "Quiet Don" saved Emma Vladimirovna: she was returned to her dwelling and given the opportunity to continue her film career. In 1939, the movie "Girl with a Character", directed by Konstantin Yudin, was released on Soviet screens. In it, Cesar played the commander's wife. Before filming, the director timidly asked: "Emma, are you ready to shoot?" And the answer was positive. In the pre-war films of Cesar the images of cheerful and strong-willed heroines were most often trusted, but it was not easy to play their actress. This was recognized by Emma Vladimirovna herself. "I tried to work hard to perfect my acting talent, but for me it was no less important to be able to grow and raise a son," she said.
Career after the war
As far back as in 1944, Emma Vladimirovna joined the troupe of the Theater-Studio of the actor. In this church Melpomene she served until 1963. After the war, she rarely went to the set, getting from the directors of the proposal to play a supporting role.
In the 50s, the viewer of Cesar was remembered by A. Rowe's film "May Night, or Drowned Woman," in which she inherited the role of sister-in-law. However, the desire to re-play Aksinya in the production of Sergei Gerasimov remained unrealized: unfortunately, the age took its toll, and the director chose in favor of E. Bystritskaya.
In the sixties the Cesar flashed in such pictures as: "Nahalenok" (E. Karelov, image of the priesthood), "Leap Year" (A. Efros), "Sleeping Lion" (A. Feintsimmer). The famous actor and director Yevgeny Morgunov, while filming the short film "When the Cossacks Weep", invited the graduate of B.Tchaikovsky's film school to the main role of Daria, whom the actress played filigree and talented, earning rave reviews from the public.
Starting from the second half of the 60's, you can talk about the end of film career Emma Vladimirovna Cesar.
She died on February 28, 1990. The actress was buried in the first section of the Don Cemetery in the capital.
At the mourning ceremony, the partner in the film "A Girl with a Character" actor Mikhail Gluzsky said the following: "Tsemarsky Emma Vladimirovna was a wonderful actress and a charming woman. It will remain for all of us an invaluable relic of the cinema of the USSR of the 20-40s ".
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