Spiritual developmentAstrology

According to the Chinese calendar, the year of the Dragon - which years? Characteristics of the Year of the Dragon

People born in the year of the Dragon - what years belong to this sign? These are 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024. They leave a rich and long life to the personalities born under this mysterious symbol.

The sign of this animal has an unusual astronomical effect on the fate of this year's representative. However, one should not think that a person born in the year of the Dragon can not make special efforts to achieve success in life. Many representatives of this sign are given a high intellect from birth. The most important thing is not to be lazy and be able to exercise it in time and use it.

Positive and negative features

A person born in the year of the Dragon, in any company, unwittingly finds himself in the spotlight. He is very original in his judgments, therefore feels to himself genuine interest from others. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by an inexhaustible supply of vitality and tremendous efficiency. People born in the year of the Dragon, sometimes able to make impulsive rash acts. But this is more an exception than the norm.

Representatives of this sign have quite a wide range of hobbies. Particular preference is given to sports hobbies. It is the Dragons that are known as avid travelers and lovers of novelty. In the production sphere, they are able to succeed in many fields: in medicine, acting, in military affairs and pedagogy. This is not the entire list of professions available to the brilliant representative of this sign.

Man, born in the year of the Dragon, the Chinese horoscope endowed not only with pleasant qualities of character. Some people of this sign are extremely selfish and impatient in their relationships with others. Their nature often manifests egocentrism, ruthlessness and impatience. Astrologers call on the Dragons to curb the dark side of their personality in order to live in harmony with themselves and the world around them.

What is the Dragon in love?

Representatives of this sign basically allow others to love themselves. They very rarely succumb to the true feeling of love. Often such a quality of character leaves after the relationship with the Dragon trail of offended partners with broken hearts. Women of this year produce a strong impression on the opposite sex. Particularly to the representatives of the dragon's symbol are the indecisive modest men. They are literally from the first minute fascinated by a determined and purposeful girl-dragon. It will be a wonderful businesswoman, since the main feature of this woman is enterprise, punctuality and practicality. She does not like her feelings to rule over her. Therefore, to choose a partner, she approaches soberly, and sometimes prudently. As a rule, around the representative of this sign is a lot of men. Sometimes, because of this, it's hard for a Dragon girl to make a choice. In family life, she often takes the position of a leader and pays much attention to her production activities. Despite this, in her house always there will always be order and harmony in everything.

Male Dragons are extremely self-centered and eccentric. They seldom languish alone. Women give them their attention, fascinated by their natural magnetism. In turn, if the Dragon will be sincerely interested in her partner, she will bathe in the luxury of his compliments and various gifts. Unfortunately, the Dragon can quickly burn out in its emotions, forcing the partner to suffer from his lack of demand.

These men, born in the year of the Dragon, what? Years make them relate to the choice of a woman for a serious relationship quite scrupulous. Representatives of the stronger sex need to feel confident in the girl and have a reliable home rear. Male Dragons are considered careerists, so their ladies often have to spend long evenings alone. But the representative of this sign will certainly choose for his woman time and have a wonderful holiday with her in the Hawaiian Islands!

Year of the Dragon - what years are suitable for a love relationship?

To people born in the year of the Dragon, the Chinese horoscope advises to pay attention to partners born under the signs of Rooster, Monkey and Rat. Representatives of these signs each in their own way will perfectly complement the Dragon. It will not be difficult for the Rooster to live in the shadow of the partner's fame. If necessary, he will easily survive the period of lack of money, than will please a practical Dragon. The monkey with its inherent flexibility will easily adapt to the uneasy character of the male Dragon. The rat will conquer the partner with his devotion and ability to manage the family budget. Unwanted partners for the family relationship with the Dragon are the Tiger and the Dog. People-Tigers are quite charismatic and inclined to bring to life the Dragon imbalance. Such a relationship will likely resemble a fight club, rather than a harmonious relationship of a loving couple. Dog people for the Dragon are unnecessarily tense, alert and pessimistic. These qualities can irritate the self-confident Dragon, and he quickly enough bored to maintain the spirit of his dreary partner.

Year of the Dragon: horoscope zodiac

Dragon-Aries is characterized by great obstinacy and perseverance. Partly it will help him achieve his goal. But if he had more flexibility, he would have packed fewer cones on his way to success. For such a person it is especially valuable to have a reliable friend who could help him with advice at a crucial moment. Dragon-Aries is a natural specialist in the fields of trade, construction and communal services. Dragon-Taurus is distinguished by a subtle taste and love for everything that is elegant. It's more like a poet and a romantic in the shower. He can perfectly realize himself in art as a designer, fashion designer, artist. These Dragons are great family men.

Twins Dragon is quite a contradictory nature. His mood can change dramatically from the greatest good nature to terrible anger. These people need to find the golden mean, so that their life path is more balanced. The constellation of Cancer gives the Dragon a dreaminess. Often the plans of such a person are far from reality. They are encouraged to create a firm ground under their feet. Dragon-lion, as is known, likes to shine. He will feel organic if he is in the spotlight. The Constellation of the Virgin gives its owner an ideal practicality and eloquence. Such a dragon possesses the gift of persuasion and can safely carry the most original ideas to the people.

Dragon-Libra does not like routine. He can often say that he is tired of everything: food is tasteless, the opposite sex is uninteresting. It is desirable to change the situation more often and be enriched with new impressions. Scorpio, born in the year of the Dragon, is always focused on global affairs. This man is a perfectionist. Either all or nothing! He is fearless and often likes to get involved in adventurous things. Dragon-Sagittarius is the most sensible and accommodating among his fellows. He does not gravitate to worldwide fame, but has all the makings of the "gray cardinal". He is a responsible colleague and a reliable friend with a pleasant disposition.

The personal qualities of the Capricorn Dragon are based on stability. However, the representative of this sign is not without originality. If he chooses an entrepreneurial activity, it will not be the sale of flowers, but the sale of exotic animals. Dragon-Aquarius has a demanding character in relation to himself and others around him. He is acutely experiencing setbacks and easily falls into depression. This attitude inevitably affects the activities he is engaged in. Dragon-Fish is extremely sensitive. He is a connoisseur of all beauty. Unfortunately, many representatives of this sign have a low self-esteem. Astrologers advise such Dragons to spend most of their time meditations and other practices.

The Metal Dragon ( 1940, 2000)

Representatives of the Metal Dragon are distinguished by their eccentricity, lively thoughts and unshakable willpower. Such people can be called revolutionaries. They are not afraid of loneliness and are called to translate bold ideas into reality. To people of the sign Dragon, whose birth years fell on the above, it is important to pacify your excessive temper.

Water Dragon (1952, 2012)

Such a dragon is extremely lucky. He is dynamic and friendly. The only thing, he can suffer from a lack of sense of humor. But his ability to empathize with people and forgive them for their weaknesses smoothes out this feature.

The Wooden Dragon (1904, 1964)

Representatives of this year are characterized by detailed events and practicality. They often become generators of various interesting ideas and always try to translate them into real life. These Dragons are distinguished by special generosity, humor and generosity of actions.

The Fiery Dragon (1916, 1976)

Personals born in this year of the Dragon, what? The years of metal endowed them with a stable inner core. Representatives of this sign are very ambitious and responsible specialists in any field. Despite the emotional closeness, fire Dragons enjoy sympathy due to their leadership abilities.

Earth Dragon (1928, 1988)

This is the most balanced Dragon of all his fellows. He has a lively and inquisitive mind. This person always knows what he wants and persistently achieves his goal. Earth Dragon has all the prerequisites to become a successful entrepreneur or financier. People born in the year of the earth dragon are excellent diplomats and very popular in any circles.

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