
About how to make a ring from a coin

If you are on this page, then you are interested in the question of how to make a ring from a coin. Your attention seems to be something like a virtual master class on this topic. Everyone learns this differently. Someone is reading the materials of foreign authors, someone is watching a video. The material presented here will become one more source, enabling everyone to make a ring from an ordinary coin.

Choose a coin

Given that people live in different parts of the world, where, accordingly, their coins are circulating, we will not focus on any particular. Use the one that is available in your country.

So, how to make a ring from a coin? First we need to red-hot our money unit on fire. This will allow you to work with the material without much effort. One should always remember one important detail. Do not overdo it with heating, because otherwise the coin may distort its shape, which will result in the loss of visibility of some elements.

When the metal turns red and only begins to turn white, stop heating and quickly dip the coin into the water, preferably cold. Just do not be afraid of hissing sound, it's normal. This completes the first stage.

We drill

We continue to understand how to make a ring from a coin. Now you need to carefully and without fanaticism drill a hole in the very center, which should not be too large, as this will entail the exit of too thin walls near the finished ring. This can be done on a special machine or with a drill.

When the hole is ready, take the bolt and put a coin on it through the freshly bored hole. Next, we take a pre-prepared plastic hammer (note that it must be plastic, since the metal will destroy all the elements) and start slowly, evenly pulling the ring down. Avoid strong shocks that can deform our product.

So we almost figured out how to make a ring from a coin. When the material has become the size we need, we stop stretching. Do not forget that it must be periodically turned over, so that it does not take a cone shape. Now we will only have to process the decoration.


For final finishing, take the sandpaper and carefully walk through the entire plane. Then, with the help of a grinding paper circle and a paste of goji, we will achieve the final and rather impressive effect. We hope you have learned how to make a ring from a coin, and you can repeat it yourself at home.

Finally, let's list the equipment that we needed at the time of manufacture. Of course, this is a coin, which we turn into a ring. We also used a deadbolt, a plastic hammer to fit the next ring to the right size, a drill for making holes, well, sandpaper with a grinding wheel and a paste of goys for polishing the finished product. If you learn how to make rings in this way, you will have a good opportunity to earn on the sale of such products.

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