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Abdulova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna - the mother of the famous actor Alexander Abdulov

Alexander Gavrilovich Abdulov has been around for a long time, but his mother Lyudmila A. Abdulova is still alive and lives not far from Moscow. Previously, a woman often flashed in the shadow of her famous son, because he took her for almost every party. Close friends of Alexander Abdulov did not like the soul in a woman and always talked with great pleasure to her. Now nothing is heard about Lyudmila Aleksandrovna. Today we will try to clarify the situation and tell about the present life of the mother of the famous and beloved artist of Russia.


Mother of Alexander Abdulov Lyudmila A. Abdulova was born in 1921. Her youth fell on a difficult war period. By the beginning of the war, she managed to marry and give birth to the first child (1940), who was named Robert. Her husband, like many men at the time, went to the front to defend his homeland, but he never returned from the war. The woman was left alone with the baby in her arms. And at this very time Gabriel Abdulov - the father of Alexander Abdulov, after returning from the front, his family did not find. His first wife Olga and her son were missing. The man for a long time did not lose hope of finding his family, but all attempts were in vain. Then he settled in the city of Ferghana, that in Uzbekistan. There he took a job in the theater, where he worked with varying success for his whole life, and in the last two years he was in it the main director. By the way, the theater where Gabriel Danilovich worked was the first such institution in Central Asia, and is called the Russian Drama Theater. Many admirers of creativity and ideas of Gabriel Abdulov want the theater to be renamed in his honor.

Creating a new family

Returning to the difficult post-war years, namely, to the youth and biography of Lyudmila Alexandrovna Abdulova, it is worth saying that she also worked in Ferghana as a costume designer, make-up artist in the Russian Drama Theater. There she met Gabriel Abdulov. And soon a new family was formed, in which two joint sons appeared: Vladimir (February 24, 1947) and Alexander (May 29, 1953). The middle son of Lyudmila Alexandrovna Abdulova was born in Uzbekistan in Fergana, and the younger son - Alexander Abdulov, already in Tobolsk in the Urals. But despite frequent travel, the family lived most of the time in Uzbekistan. Their apartment was located on the street Karl Marx, in house 56. Here, not far from the house, there was a local secondary school, in which the brothers studied. And they finished it.

Strict but fair mother

Many friends of both childhood and maturity of Alexander Gavriilovich remember Abdulov Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, as a strict mother, but fair. Considering the fact that the family had three completely different in age and character boys, it really had to become more demanding, because otherwise it would be impossible to manage sometimes uncontrollable children. Lyudmila Aleksandrovna in her youth was a big fan of football. Her favorite team, whose games were not missed under any pretext - the Moscow "Torpedo". Once, when the capital football club came to Fergana, she invited a team player to visit, which made her sons and neighbor's children very happy.

Infinite love of his son

When the son of Lyudmila Alexandrovna Abdulova became famous, he moved her closer to him. The actor was very fond of his mother and treated her with great trepidation. Shortly before his death, Abdulov bought a huge plot of land near Moscow, where he built two large houses. In one, he planned to live with his last wife Julia Miloslavskaya, and another, two-story, was intended specifically for the mother. Wife Yulia, daughter Zhenya and Abdulov Lyudmila Alexandrovna - the family of the famous actor, they must all be together, he considered himself Abdulov. By the way, Abdulov's mother was a welcome guest at all home friendly meetings and celebrations of Alexander Gavriilovich. And in general, she was for him not only a mother, but also a friend. The actor took great care of her and twice a year sent him to the cardiology center for treatment.

Abdulova Lyudmila Alexandrovna for all her long enough life met many women who have always been in the life of her famous son. With her last wife Julia Miloslavskaya she somehow could not find a common language. Their relationship was tense, but Alexander was able to smooth out all conflicts and the resulting disagreements between the mother and his wife. When Alexander Abdulov died, and the tragic event happened on January 3, 2008, the actor's family split. Lyudmila Alexandrovna left her once-gifted son a two-story cottage and went to live in Ivanovo, in the old house of her parents. There were many rumors about the division of the great inheritance of the actor between his relatives, but it must be assumed that Abdulov's mother left the mansion because she had never got along with her daughter-in-law. But with the granddaughter of Zhenya, the relationship is good, they still call up on the phone and are interested in each other's affairs.

Hard luck

Abdulova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, whose biography is permeated through bitter loss and loss of people closest to her, considers herself unhappy. First her first husband was killed in the war. In 1980, fate took her immediately two loved ones: first out of life left her second husband Gabriel Danilovich, and then in Fergana killed his son Vladimir. The next blow for her, as for her mother, was the death of the younger son of actor Alexander Abdulov. He was killed by a deadly disease - lung cancer. Well, December 4 , 2011 from a heart attack in the Moscow subway died her last older son Robert, with whom the woman lived all the last years. A close friend of Alexander Abdulov, Leonid Yarmolnik, in one of the interviews mentioned that Abdulova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, the photo of which is placed above, considers herself deeply unhappy, because she buried all those who were especially dear to her.

Life in the distance

Now Lyudmila Alexandrovna lives in Konokhovo (Ivanovo), at her parents' house with the widow of Robert's eldest son Albina. A disabled woman is diagnosed with systemic osteoporosis. She rarely rises from bed. Problems with joints make themselves felt at such an advanced age, she is 96 years old. Many mass media write that the mother of the famous actor exists on a scanty pension and lives on the verge of poverty.

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