HomelinessPest Control

A woody bug, or a scabbard green wood: how it looks, what it feeds on

Many people are afraid or insecure. Their fears are not without reasonable ground: many parasites in the apartment spoil furniture and food. True, despite the global development of insecticides, insects have successfully adapted to them and survive safely in any conditions. And even more surprises await those who own the land. For example, a wood bug is not such a rare visitor at the dacha. In a small amount these bugs do not harm the site, but it is only necessary to multiply them ... Consuming the juice of plants, they kill the plantations and reduce the yield.

How does the bug look like wood?

Bedbugs are a three-dimensional family. Depending on the species, they can have a completely different appearance. Some are referred to pests, others to useful creatures. Globally, bedbugs belong to the family of semi-beetles with incomplete transformation. The name comes from the special structure of the wings. Hind wings - transparent membranes with unclear veins, and the front tegmen covered with chitin, from which they are rigid.

What does a bedbug look like, the most hated person of this family? The insect reddish color with a complete lack of wings comes to life at night. He bites a man and drinks his blood. The body is flat, which makes it hard to kill, six legs. In contrast to the brethren, it has well-defined segments of the body.

Otherwise, the tree bug looks like. In the people it is also called a stink. He was met by almost everyone who collected berries. An inconspicuous green bug. It is worth it to crush - and in the air there is a disgusting smell. And those individuals who like to bite off unwashed berries and fruits, they can taste it even more. The bug-protector prefers rose hips and raspberries, but does not disdain other plants.

Features of transformation

Where did the name "wood bug" come from? With the onset of autumn, the green beetle turns brown. This is necessary for camouflage among fallen leaves. Over the summer, insects lay eggs twice, attaching them to the back of the foliage. It is noteworthy that on the eggs there are small caps, through which the larvae leave the shell.

Life cycle

True defenders pass through several stages of development for their lives. In the beginning, larvae appear from the laid eggs. They are white in color and actively feed, so the female lays eggs on the leaves beforehand, so that the children have something to eat. Further, the larva is transformed into a nymph. This is almost an adult. Its difference in the absence of wings. During molting, the nymph is released from the chitinous shell. At this stage, most of the masonry dies. In total, the tree bug lives in its lifetime five rulers. As a result, the individual reaches a size of 1.5 cm.

Winter bugs are easily transferred, falling into a stupor and hiding under the foliage. There they safely remain until the warm spring days. Initially, the bug is brown, then black and green. At the last stage of development - a green beetle of beautiful color.

Is there any danger?

When a person discovers that his plot was captured by a bug-protector, how to deal with it is the first question. In fact, this group of insects can not be attributed unambiguously to the group of agricultural pests. The problem becomes when their number reaches a critical level. Since they feed on plant juices, they can cause serious damage to cereal fields and raspberry plants. Therefore, when visitors are found on the site, it is better to attend to their destruction.

Methods of struggle

A wood bug in small amounts is easily collected by hand. In severe cases, you can try popular methods of struggle. For example, brew infusion of onion peel. To do this, take a liter of warm water, add to it a few handfuls of dry onion peel and let it brew. Spray all plants with the resulting solution. Also, instead of onion husks, you can use mustard or other bitter remedies.

Since fruits and grains are supposed to be used for food, it is undesirable to use chemical agents - the green tree guard is easily eliminated on its own. Use poisonous substances only when there is a lot of insects.

Why does it smell so?

Many people do not know why bugs smell so much. Everything is extremely simple: on the back of his cephalothorax you can find special glands. Their task is to create a special secret, the basis of which is cyamic acid. It is she who gives the smell. In fact, its main task is poisonous, and this makes the bedbug dangerous for other insects. For man, the acid is completely harmless.

Scientists have several versions of the purpose of a specific smell of bedbugs:

  • Scaring off an opponent;
  • Attraction of the female;
  • Protective mechanism.

Despite the general harmlessness to humans, their smell can spoil raspberry berries, since the secret affects the taste and aroma of the fruit.

Bed Bugs

Houses mostly live underwear bugs. Their place of residence is soft furniture and clothes. But sometimes the guard settles in the house. Massively, they attack extremely rarely. For a person completely harmless. They live in a number of unfavorable conditions:

  • Insects look for a warm shelter as a result of a sharp cold snap.
  • A flood or a fire, bedbugs simply seek refuge.
  • Insects are recorded with a strong wind.

Having discovered uninvited guests, do not try to fight them with the same methods as with bed bugs. This is ineffective and useless. Shtitniki do not survive in the conditions of the house, as a result of which they perish or leave themselves. So you can just manually collect them and take them out on the street. To prevent their occurrence, put mosquito nets on the windows.

We protect the site from guests

Everyone knows that, instead of removing insects, it is easier to prevent their occurrence. Wood bugs do not like sharp smells. Therefore, it is useful to plant on the perimeter of the site such plants as wormwood, tansy, mustard. The most effective works tsimitsifuga. Cover all windows with special grids.

Thoroughly consider the planting scheme. For example, raspberry bushes are best not to plant next to the house, especially under the windows. Otherwise, tenants often find uninvited guests at risk. Therefore, raspberries should be planted along the fence. And windows and doors do not interfere with coating with a solution of water and onion husks, since a strong smell will scare off bedbugs.

You can also plant spicy herbs, such as basil or oregano.

Are bites dangerous?

The nearest relatives of the guard are linen bugs. Their main drawback is bites. But is it so dangerous in this respect a woody bug? No. To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand that they bite extremely rarely. The fact is that they do not have a jaw for this. All they have is a proboscis. They pierce the leaf or stalk of the plant. The linen bug also has powerful chewing jaws, it eats spiders and can bite a person.

The schetnik attacks only when threatened with life. As a rule, they are harmless to humans. The bite site should be treated with an antiseptic or ointment. Another thing is if the bite fell on the mucous membrane. Then probably the appearance of a tumor, redness and itching. In this case, it is worthwhile to see a doctor to prevent the inflammatory process.

Chemical weapons

With an excessive amount of wood bugs, it is advisable to use chemical destruction. But their use is associated with certain difficulties, since pesticides affect fruits and soil, also poisoning them. Nevertheless, such drugs as "Carbophos" or "Chlorophos" are effective against bugs. When using them, be sure to wear personal protective equipment, such as gloves and a respirator. Carefully study the instructions for use.

Mechanical means of struggle

In a small amount, wood bugs are easily collected by hand. All that is required is to take a large jar with a narrow neck and a tight lid. Beetles should be picked up gently and folded into a container, then closed with a lid. It's not hard to catch them, because they are slow. Caught insects should be released outside the site.

Biological means of struggle

Folk remedies advise mixing water with plants that have a pungent odor. For example, with bitter wormwood or onion husks. The resulting aqueous solution is treated with all the plants. It would be superfluous to wipe them with door and window frames.

In any case, remember that any insects are part of nature, and in a small amount they perform their tasks. So do not try to destroy them completely. Also, before using chemicals, think about how they affect the soil and the quality of the fruit. To begin with, try to manage improvised means.

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