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A democratic republic is a form of government? Concept and types, examples in modern society

Democracy is the highest form of social development. Decisions on the satisfaction of common goods and interests are taken by the people themselves in a collective manner. Only society is the only legitimate source of power.

The election of leaders takes place through fair elections.

In a democratic society, in the first place are such values as legality, justice, equality, freedom, human rights, the absence of abuse of power.

What is a democratic republic

A democratic republic is a form of government. The power belongs to the bodies elected by the people or their representatives for a specific period.

A democratic republic is a form of building a society where the population can always intervene independently in the process of resolving pressing issues. The realization of this right occurs through a popular vote - a referendum.

A democratic republic is the equal rights of citizens, freedom of the press and speech, manifestations. Such a system implies control over power structures and the absence of arbitrariness.

A democratic republic is an effective system of state power. The functions of elected leaders can not go beyond the limits of the allocated powers.

The bourgeois-democratic republic is a special form of building a state in which the people officially have freedom and equality. But the real power belongs to the bourgeoisie. In other words, the rights and freedoms of people are limited in favor of "special citizens". Liberal democracy is an antipode to true democracy.

Democratic federal republic - the division of power in the state between several bodies. At the same time, the country should observe the general rule of democratic governance with all the accompanying rights and freedoms of citizens.

Common signs of democratic republics

Virtually all countries that have in their name the phrase "democratic republic", put socialism at the head of the state system.

The party system most often consists of one party. The lack of proper criticism from the opposition ultimately leads to inevitable abuses of power.

The terms of the leadership of the leaders are unlimited. There is no real possibility of changing them. There is a restriction on human rights.

Below are the most famous countries, in the name of which there is the phrase "democratic republic".


The Korean People's Democratic Republic was formed on September 9, 1948. The popular unofficial name is "North Korea".

The capital of the Korean People's Democratic Republic is Pyongyang.

Officially, all the full power belongs to the "Labor Party", namely, to the peasants, the intelligentsia, and the working people. Its head, and part-time and the head of state is the third representative of the dynasty of rulers - Kim Jong-un.

Formally, there are two more parties. "Social Democratic" and "Young Friends of the Religion of the Celestial Way." Of course, in all matters agreed with the representatives of the "Labor Party".

The Korean Democratic Republic uses the Juche ideology in building its society, which means that it is necessary to rely exclusively on one's own strength.

The form of government is a parliamentary republic. The number of parties is one.

The Korean People's Democratic Republic has a rather low value of the gross domestic product (GDP), which is 1,200 dollars per capita.

The human development index (standard of living, literacy, longevity and education) is low.

The capital of the Korean People's Democratic Republic, the city of Pyongyang, is also the country's largest metropolis.

The population of the state is monoethnic. More than 99% of the inhabitants are Koreans.

The economic situation of the DPRK

The economy of the state is planned. All without exception, the industry (economy, industry, trade) are under strict control.

Until the seventies of the twentieth century, the financial condition of the republic increased. The economy worked, there was development.

But after a significant increase in spending on the military industry, growth rates became negative. Over the past thirty years there has been an impoverishment of the population, a default, a devaluation of the national currency.

Despite a certain amount of foreign investment, there is no significant progress in economic development.

A considerable part of the expenditures of the military industry is carried out on the nuclear program. According to official data, the first successful tests were conducted in 2005.

In the early nineties the country was engulfed by famine, which led to the death of several thousand inhabitants. After the incident, there were some indulgences in the development of private entrepreneurship.

The voting right comes from the age of seventeen. Once in five years, there are no alternative elections to parliament (the Supreme People's Assembly).

The capital of the Korean Democratic Republic is the place from which the fifth largest army of the world is administered, which is about eleven million people.


The Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the largest states on the African continent (the eleventh in the world). Also among the first in terms of population (almost seventy eight million people). From 1971 to 1997 it was called Zaire.

The huge size of the state and a good human resource "did not stop" the country for many years to be in the top list of the poorest countries on the planet. In 2012, this sad rating was even topped.

The human resource index is low. GDP per capita does not exceed three hundred dollars.

May 1960 was to become a truly turning point in the history of the country - at the head of the parliament was the famous freedom fighter Patrice Lumumba. In June the state gained independence from Belgium.

In September of the same year, the newly-minted prime minister was dismissed by the president.

A wave of riots is rolling across the country, which only the UN troops could completely stop in 1963.

Due to the coup in 1965, the head of state was removed. Mobutu Sese Seko comes to power.

First of all, the newly-made dictator introduces a one-party system - the "Popular Movement of the Revolution". Throughout this time, the country was shaken by insurrections and insurrections. Mobutu often practiced public executions.

Situation in the country

The state is mired in corruption and bribery. And, of course, in poverty. The head of government had personal castles, a modern fleet of vehicles, as well as a small "grudge" equal to the country's external debt. A logical result was several defaults. From the crisis, the country for the past 60 years has never left.

The Democratic Republic of Congo maintained a strong personality cult. Mobutu was called the "father of the people", "the savior of the nation" and other equally flattering epithets. Everywhere there were his portraits, badges, even with money banknotes "severely" watched Sese Seko.

For a long time the ruler adhered to pro-American policy. But after the end of the Cold War, relations between the countries deteriorated sharply.

Country after the departure of the dictator

Sese Seko stayed at the helm of power until 1997, was displaced as a result of the attempt. The ruler fled the country and died that same year in Morocco.

The situation did not improve much when Laurent-Désiré Kabila came to power - the same personality cult, lack of elections.

Relative stabilization came with the coming to power of his son - the end of the civil war and some improvement in the economic situation.


The Democratic Republic of Afghanistan is a state that did not last on the political map of the world and for fifteen years (from April 1978 to April 1992).

The number of parties is one.

The history of the state began with a revolution that brought to power the representatives of the People's Democratic Party. But the resistance inside the country only increased.

After several months of difficult confrontation and the change of several leaders, Amin Hafizullah comes to power. In foreign policy, the new "helmsman" decided to focus on the United States. As a result, he was killed, and the supporters of socialism came to power with a "pro-Soviet" course. The troops of the USSR were introduced into the country.

The Soviet period

The flag was replaced and Islamic designations with symbols of statehood were excluded. Of course, a large part of the population was against these changes and actively resisted military force from the outside. Constant sabotage and attacks by government troops nullified attempts to reconstruct roads, bridges, medical institutions, the housing sector, schools. The rebels destroyed the supporters of the new government, infrastructure, harvest, motor transport.

The powerful assistance of the USSR economically and militarily allowed the state to even gradually develop. But a considerable part of the territory was for "dushmans".

After the withdrawal of Soviet troops in 1989, in conditions of international isolation, the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan lasted no more than three years. In April 1992, the capital was captured by the rebels, and Islam was returned to the leading role.

Despite the long years of life in fact in military conditions, this democratic republic causes nostalgia among some citizens of the country - at this time there was a serious improvement of the infrastructure. Such support cost the USSR eight billion dollars annually, more than fifteen thousand dead soldiers and the acute need for psychological support for fighters in subsequent years.


The Saharan Arab Democratic Republic borders on Algeria, Mauritania and Morocco. This is a partially recognized state.

From the very first days, residents living in this territory had to fight for independence.

Since the end of the nineteenth century it was a colony of Spain. Local liberation movement and claims to the territory from Morocco forced the Spanish to retreat. In 1975, agreements were signed in Madrid.

Spain divided its former colony between Morocco and Mauritania.

Liberation movement

Of course, the liberation movement (the Polisario) did not arrange such a way out of the situation. And the clashes continued with the Arab countries.

The all-round support of Algeria helped to withdraw Mauritania from the arena of events already in 1976 and to abandon claims to the territories. However, these lands immediately went partially under the banner of the strong army of Morocco.

In the possession of the POLISARIO there are about 20% of the desired territory.

Since then, the conflict is in limbo. Both sides consider their territories. At any time, fighting can be resumed.


The German Democratic Republic lasted a fairly long period of time - from October 7, 1949 to October 3, 1990.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the territory of Germany was divided into three zones of occupation, later transformed into two.

The first, which was influenced by Western capitalist countries, later became known as the Federal Republic of Germany. The GDR was oriented toward the Soviet Union.

Democratic Republic of Germany, its main goal was to fight capitalism. Formally, the country was independent, but in reality all significant issues were resolved not without the help of Moscow.

Situation in the state

A branched branch of the police, security agencies, special services, counterintelligence was established throughout the country. A stable network of informants has been formed. Family members often became informers.

The first and only president was the German Communist Wilhelm Peak. There were several political parties - conservative, liberal, left-nationalist, agrarian-conservative. However, even in the Constitution it was written that the ruling party is a communist one.

The Soviet Union invested a lot of money in the reconstruction of the country. Being close to the capitalist "neighbor" forced them to spend a lot of money. In the GDR were developed radio electronics, optics, construction of railway equipment, automotive and chemical industry, shipbuilding. In many respects, development has surpassed the regions of the USSR.

Parallel to the successes in the economy, every resident felt that he was under the scrutiny of the special services. Departure abroad was extremely problematic.

More than twenty-five years have passed since the unification of Germany. The GDR period is assessed ambiguously. Someone remembers it with nostalgia, and someone with hatred.


The Russian Democratic Republic existed only a few hours on January 6, 1918, after it was proclaimed by the Constituent Assembly headed by VM Chernov. The unification of the territories and national autonomies of the former Russian Empire was planned. The device is federated.

The Democratic Republic of Russia was to be ruled by a president elected for one year. He was vested with broad powers, up to the dismissal of ministers and the leadership of the army.

The head of state was planned to elect a bicameral parliament. The capital of the republic was the city of Petrograd.

On the same day, on January 6, 1918, a decree was issued on the dissolution of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly. Together with this body, federal education has gone into history.

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