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6th week of pregnancy from conception: what happens? 6th week of pregnancy from conception: sensations, fetal size, ultrasound, photo

The first pregnancy is a special time in the life of every woman. All changes in the body are felt quite sharply, which sometimes happens unexpectedly for future parents. We do not call meticulously to study all medical reference books or watch video about births immediately after you saw two strips on the test. However, to show a little interest is still worth it.

Calendars of pregnancy today, there are almost every women's portal. In our review you will find all the useful information on the topic "6 weeks of pregnancy from conception." What happens, how the fetus develops, what are the necessary medical studies and recommendations for nutrition and lifestyle, you will learn from this article.

Gestational age

In medicine, there are such concepts as obstetric (40 weeks) and embryonic (38 weeks) gestation. The difference between them is approximately 12-14 days. Thus, it turns out that the 6th week of pregnancy from conception corresponds to the eighth obstetric week.

The embryonic period is still called true, but it is very difficult to reliably determine on what day the connection of the egg and sperm has occurred. The reference point is the date of ovulation or proximity between partners.

Most often gynecologists are limited to calculating the obstetric pregnancy, for which you only need to know one date - the first day of the last period. There are two ways to do this:

- From a certain date, take three months and add seven days.

- To the famous date, add nine months and seven days.

It is worth noting that no exact expert will tell you the exact date of birth. The duration of pregnancy is individual for each woman and depends on the hormonal background, weight and sex of the baby, as well as possible diseases of the mother and child. After 37 obstetric weeks, the fetus is considered complete and ready for independent life.


It is a mistake to believe that 6 months of pregnancy from conception, the ultrasound specialist will establish reliably. This research has a completely different goal - to learn how the fetus develops and what obstetrical week its size corresponds to.

Another unverified method is a feeling of stirring crumbs, but the 6th week of pregnancy from conception can not be precisely determined. All sensations depend on the threshold of sensitivity of the future mother, but most often the baby begins to feel at the term of 18-22 obstetric weeks.

The First Bells

So, we decided, the 8th obstetric week is 6 weeks pregnant from conception. What happens to the female body?

Symptoms of pregnancy continue to increase. Drowsiness and tearfulness, as well as a frequent change of mood indicate an increase in the level of hormones. Progesterone has a sedative effect, so pregnant women often complain of fatigue and a constant desire to sleep. Doctors advise to listen to your body and do not resist.

Term 6 weeks of pregnancy after conception is characterized by an increase in the size of the uterus. For the future mother, it is not so noticeable, but for the internal organs delivers a certain discomfort. The appearance of constipation and frequent urination are the norm. In the general picture also fit selection, sometimes brown. If this process does not accompany the itching, poor health and pain in the lower back, then everything is in order.


Morning sickness, characteristic of the first trimester, is accompanied by nausea and weakness. With the toxemia in the early period , most pregnant women face.

Aversion to food, profuse salivation and vomiting prevent normal nutrition, so 6 weeks of pregnancy from conception of sensation can not deliver the most pleasant, but there is no cause for concern. However, if vomiting is repeated more than five times a day, it is best to inform the obstetrician-gynecologist.

Development of the fetus

A small step from the embryo to the fetus - this is characterized by 6 weeks from conception of pregnancy. The size of the fruit is more like a grapes: weight - 3 grams, height - 1,5-2 cm.

It's amazing how in such a tiny body such large-scale processes can occur. The head, arms and legs are already clearly visible, the face is drawn. From this time on, the fetus is fed through the umbilical cord.

Internal organs and systems develop:

- there are kidneys, branching of the bronchi in the lungs,

- the heart becomes four-chambered,

- there are genitals (girls - ovaries, boys - testicles),

- the nervous system is improved.

The kid actively moves, tumbles, squeezes and unclenches the handles, it is clearly visible on ultrasound, but because of the small size of the mother does not yet feel the perturbations. This week all organs are finally formed. Over the next months, their improvement will occur, the fruit itself will continue to gain weight and grow.

Women's consultation

If you have not already registered in the antenatal clinic, then the 6th week of pregnancy from conception is the best time to visit a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, give recommendations, pick up vitamins and prescribe all the necessary tests and studies. It is necessary to report on existing chronic diseases. In addition to a gynecologist, expectant mothers should definitely visit a venereologist, dentist and therapist.

In the early stages, the attending physician prescribes an ultrasound study, for which the 6th week of pregnancy is best suited for conception. Photo after ultrasound will be the first in the life of your crumbs. You may not have an obvious tummy, toxicosis or other signs of an interesting situation, but the picture will be the best reminder.

Proper nutrition

A future mother needs to revise the diet beforehand. In addition, during the period of toxicosis the body itself tells you which products should be abstained.

General recommendations:

  1. We give preference to natural products. Refuse any semi-finished products, canned food, sausages and sausages, as well as packaged juices.
  2. In the diet must necessarily be fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and sour-milk products, as well as fish and boiled lean meat.
  3. Fried dishes should preferably be replaced with stews or baked.
  4. In case of early toxicosis, eat small portions every 1.5-2 hours.


Many pregnant women work before the decree. Of course, pregnancy is not a disease and no reason to stay at home, but your lifestyle also needs some adjustments.

First, try to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. Useful walks in the park and trips outside the city - far from the bustling city and highways breathe freely and easily. It is very important to maintain a positive attitude, even when due to hormones you want to cry and resent the whole world.

Secondly, keep yourself in shape. In the absence of contraindications, light physical exercises will only benefit, and special exercises for pregnant women will help the body to accept changes more quickly.

Third, avoid crowding people to avoid infection. Even the treatment of an ordinary cold should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Fourth, reduce any negative impact. Reception of alcoholic beverages, smoking, contacts with agricultural chemicals and household chemicals can affect the formation of the fetus.

Fashion style

For your own comfort and health, reconsider your wardrobe. 6 week of pregnancy from conception is not an occasion to flee to a specialized store for free dresses or jeans with an elastic belt. However, this is the best time to give up high heels and pins.

Wrong shoes do not just disrupt the blood supply. Because of the unnatural position of the feet, the center of gravity shifts, which, in turn, negatively affects the uterus. High heels can lead to miscarriage.

Genetic consultation

From the 8th (6th week from conception) on the 12th week of pregnancy, gynecologists recommend conducting genetic studies. To date, experts in this area know about five thousand genetic diseases, but only three hundred of them can be diagnosed.

Biochemical screening is prescribed for all pregnant women. With the help of a blood test using special markers, the biomaterial is tested for a special kind of proteins, this allows us to draw conclusions about possible chromosomal abnormalities. Screening is performed in conjunction with an ultrasound study, so that the obstetrician-gynecologist had a complete picture.

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, genetic examinations and fetal development disorders are also assigned.

Waiting for the results makes the expectant mother nervous, so experts advise paying attention to early prenatal diagnostics. Before the conception of the child, a man and a woman can undergo medical and genetic testing and be sure of the health of the baby.

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