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2012 is the year of the dragon of what color,

The coming year is not at all easy, but very important in everyone's life and successful. 2012 is the dragon of what color is this mythical creature? This is perhaps the most frequently asked question. Indeed, it is reliably known that this year is the dragon of the water element. But what color is the dragon 2012 - there is no unanimity, but presumably it is black. This year, you should not put off serious business, it is necessary to gather strength and do everything in time. And it does not matter what color the year 2012, the main thing is that this is the year of the great, powerful and mystical Dragon. It is perfectly suited to fulfill long-planned plans.


Rat. Do not worry, this year is safe for her, everything will go well.

Bull. The bull will be saved by his stubbornness and the desire to conquer the peaks, in the year of the Dragon he will have to try, despite the external well-being of the circumstances.

Tiger. 2012 is not the easiest year for him. But everything will be fine if the Tiger finds the right fulcrum.

Cat. External annoying factors will pass by the Cat in 2012 - his concern with his own affairs and natural tranquility will be guarded against problems. The Dragon. Truly, a year of victories and achievement of goals for the Dragon.

Snake. The wisdom of the Serpent is the key to peace in 2012. She always helps her out. Horse. In the year of the Dragon, the Horse will be able to show all its essence and achieve success, it will be an interesting year for her.

Goat. In 2012 , Goat will be in search of an interesting and fascinating for himself, and most importantly - will find and combine in a competent combination.

A monkey. The dragon can not without the Monkey, so the year she will be full of pleasant impressions.

Cock. The Year of the Dragon promises Rooster the conclusion of marriage ties, this will be a successful union. All the most ordinary things will find new significant moments.

Dog. 2012 year of the dragon what color is the symbol, such is the year! She should think twice before hacking. It is important to remain calm before difficulties.

Pig. A lot of spiritual food will be given to the Pig in the year of the Dragon, it is appeased by pacification and silence.

How to meet 2012 - the year of the Water Dragon?

Have fun! Who likes to have fun at its fullest is the Dragon. The meeting of the new year throughout the festive night should be filled with the stirring sounds of rhythmic dance music. Fans of rock, avant-garde must definitely meet the Year of the Water Dragon under your favorite music, which is perfect for meeting 2012! The dragon is mobile, so do not sit at the festive table all night, you have to dance and move in the rhythm of the dance. Although charging for an invigorating song, too, will like the Dragon.

Come off!

The dragon prefers freedom and open space, which will not limit the scope of his wings. When choosing the place for the 2012 meeting, do not stop at the celebration in four walls, night walks in frosty weather are perfect. Dress warmly! The dragon knows a lot about fun, he is a big fan of everything new, interesting and fresh, so careful preparation for the celebration in advance is necessary. Organize fascinating contests, jokes, stories, invite to the festival of actors who will diversify your holiday in the year of the Dragon. The dragon will appreciate the efforts!

Dress up!

What to wear for the meeting of the Year of the Water Dragon? Astrologers were divided in opinions this year. 2012 year of the dragon, what color should clothes be at the moment of the holiday? Some argue that materials of black color are fine, while others recommend to the black along with elements of gold or yellow. The only opinion in which astrologers converged - it is necessary to "shine"! Brightness, variegated colors, chic, shine, precious stones - the choice of the Dragon, but remember that all good things should be in moderation, do not overdo with shiny elements. In addition to the bright side, you can make a beautiful hairstyle and decorate your hair with varnish with sparkles, the Dragon will be pleased.

How to dress up at home for the year of the Dragon?

Since 2012 is the year of the dragon, what color to choose the decorations for the house.

This year - the water element, of course, will suit all shades of blue, and elements of marine themes (starfish, shells). A figurine of the Dragon (it is desirable, that it was made of crystal, wood or ceramics) should be placed in the very center of the table. It will symbolize the coming year.

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