Arts & Entertainment, Art
Young artist Nadezhda Rusheva: biography, creativity, memory
The youngest graphic artist Nadezhda Rusheva really wanted to become a multiplier. However, her life ended in 17 years. In total, the girl counts more than 10,000 amazing works. An interesting story of Nadia can be found in the material of the article.
Forever alive
In fact, the child joined two cultures. Dad of young talent, Nikolai, was an artist in the theater. In 1945 he was invited to work in the Tuva People's Republic. Fate brought him with a successful ballerina Natalia Azhikmaa. Young people immediately fell in love and a year later they got married.
Subsequently, the couple moved to Mongolian Ulan-Bator, where the pair on January 31, 1952 appeared first-born. The girl was named Naidan, which meant "she who will live forever." The Russian analogue of this surprising name is Nadezhda. In the summer, a small family moved to Moscow. The woman left the ballet to bring up the crumbs. My father worked as an artist of theater productions.
Very early began to draw Nadezhda Rusheva. It should be noted that the girl used to not even hold a pencil in her hands. Parents believed that you should not overload the child with science before school. However, every evening Krokhe read the tales of Alexander Pushkin.
Talented child
One evening, my father always laid his daughter to bed. Before going to bed, he recited to her another work of Russian genius. That day in his hands was "The Tale of Tsar Saltan." The girl listened very carefully, and then fell and went to the table. From there I took a notebook and began to print something on the pages. When my father looked at the sheets, he was very surprised. On paper lay the ideal lines, an excellent illustration of Pushkin's work. In general, that evening the girl drew 36 amazing pictures. Then the man was amazed how exactly his daughter passed the character of the heroes. It was also surprising that little Nadezhda Rusheva perfectly and correctly picked up clothes for the main characters.
After a while, Dad took the daughter's work to friends-artists. Specialists unanimously declared that the baby, of course, has a talent. Since then, the child has not parted with his favorite pastime.
Fast popularity
Over the years, Nadia improved her skills. Already at the age of seven, the schoolgirl painted with a tassel. Parents tried to support the hobby. In turn, such activities hampered the student in the classroom. A small artist instead of listening to the teacher, constantly distracted and something sketched in a notebook.
Not much in common Nadezhda Rusheva had with her classmates. The artist had few friends, and those with whom she communicated, could not understand the depth of her world. At a time when contemporaries were interested in discos, first love and expensive foreign things, Nadia was drawn to museums, to literature and art.
Of course, journalists could not help noticing the young graphics. They more than once took a talented girl interview, wrote about her articles and shot stories. However, Nadia was indifferent to the general popularity, which should have flattered her. The girl continued to live an ordinary life and never lifted her nose.
A Unique Gift
In 1964, the magazine "Youth" organized for the little artist the first exhibition. The public was then impatiently waiting for the twelve-year-old master. However, when the girl came out under a loud ovation to a noisy audience, she was frightened. Nadia burst into tears and refused to communicate with so many people.
Subsequent years her drawings were printed by the most fashionable and prestigious magazines of that time. Pictures of Hope Rusheva exhibited in different countries of the world. In general for 5 years, more than 15 opening days were organized.
When the young genius was asked how she draws, the girl always answered simply: "I see images and outline them." It should be noted that the artist never thought about the subjects. If the work did not work out, the master simply took another sheet of paper. People who saw how Nadia works create the impression that the pictures themselves are emerging from under her hands.
Idols of the genius
Attracted the child and famous people, whose life was creative, but was very short and full of mysticism. She was interested in the works of Alexander Pushkin (tragically killed in a duel). Not once she was with her parents and correspondents in his St. Petersburg apartment. There she was very inspired. Without the help of historians and guides, she herself depicted the scenes of the life of the famous poet. Moreover, Nadezhda Rusheva was remarkably guided in the details of the interior and wardrobe of that century. The biography of the writer seemed to be revealed to her in a mysterious way. Therefore, the subjects came out extremely realistic, and portraits expressed a lot of emotions. Today in the Pushkin Museum there are hundreds of paintings by Nadya.
The girl was also fond of Vladimir Vysotsky, whose fate was no less interesting. Once she had the opportunity to attend a concert of the singer. Sitting in the hall and fascinated listening to his songs, Nadya later said that they are related souls with the artist.
Favorite books
Excited her creative nature and Antoine de Saint-Exupery, whose fate was also unique. His best work "The Little Prince" was one of the girl's favorite books. She repeatedly illustrated this tale. Often, Hope noted that they are very similar to the protagonist. Nadia was interested in the life of Mikhail Bulgakov.
One day, friends at the school told her about the novel "Master and Margarita". The girl immediately wanted to read an unusual and mystical work. She asked Dad to find a book for her. However, the novel was published only in magazines. So, Nadezhda Rusheva got acquainted with one of the author's best works. She re-read the book several times, and then created a series of amazing drawings.
Bad feeling
In the autumn of 1968, the father who followed the creativity of his daughter noticed an unusual drawing among her works. It was a terrible image of a small body that writhed in pain. A strange picture of the pope explained that Nadia is experiencing a transitional age. But he had a bad apprehension.
One day the girl returned from school very weak. When parents asked the child what had happened, she said that in the physical education class, she accidentally hit the head with a ball. After this event, Nadia often complained of a headache, but her parents did not attach much importance to complaints. Subsequently, my daughter suffered from flu for several days. But this time she continued to be treated at home. At that time, she could not even draw. When the cold passed, Nadia again began to live a normal life.
In March 1969 the girl visited Leningrad. They filmed a documentary, the main star of which was Rusheva Nadezhda. My daughter said that she had a good rest on the trip.
Short life
March 6, 1969 schoolgirl as always going to school. In the morning she had a good appetite and a good mood. However, dressed, the girl fell and did not rise again. Parents called an ambulance. Doctors fought for a few hours for the life of the child, but they could not save her. Nadia discovered a congenital aneurysm. Today such a disease is treated, but then the doctors were powerless. Later, experts said that with this diagnosis, children live only up to 8-10 years. This "long" life of Nadia is a real miracle.
After the death of her daughter, her father met with his wife Mikhail Bulgakov - Elena. During the conversation, he gave the work of the girl to a woman. All the heroes of the novel were as if alive. It is interesting that the Master is similar to Christ and to Bulgakov himself. Margarita was an exact copy of Mikhail's wife, although Nadya was not familiar with either the writer or his chosen one. Moreover, the girl depicted details that only people close to the literature knew about.
A series of drawings were to be published in the book "Master and Margarita". However, due to poor printing (or mysticism), the images came out vague. Therefore, you can see these works of Nadi only in museums.
Today in the capital there is a school named after Nadezhda Rusheva where the girl studied. They opened a museum in which everyone can learn about the fate of the heroine and get acquainted with the work. In honor of the little genius, they named an asteroid and a pass in the Caucasus.
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