CareerCareer Management

You are unhappy because of your work: 8 signs

It happens that all the troubles and problems fall on you in one moment. Monday necessarily coincides with rainy weather and another verification from a higher authority. And even if you love the work you are doing, you absolutely do not want to return to work after the weekend. What can we say about the holiday, which seems so fleeting to you? If you constantly feel unhappy in your workplace, if you do not like your colleagues and are terribly afraid of the boss, this may not be related to the seasonal malaise. If the work gives you more negative than positive, it's time to move on. Do not spend a third of your time in an atmosphere that is so oppressive. Before you are the signs by which you can easily determine that your career needs a reboot.

You hate all your colleagues

Every person in the office has a couple of enemies and ill-wishers. But a deeply unhappy employee feels that the level of hostility directed towards him is simply off scale. If you belong to this category of working people, you are familiar with the feeling when it is impossible to look at the faces of colleagues without a certain amount of disgust. Of course, all these terrible feelings did not arise from scratch, and you did not become an outcast in the team overnight. Quite possibly, you could not get along in the uncomfortable environment of the team, where each employee tries to manipulate others, seeing the looming prospects of moving up the career ladder on the horizon. Work, where everyone tries only for their own good, clearly you do not like. The situation when employees actively conduct behind-the-scenes games, create groups and are ready to betray each other at any time, is very depressing. It's terrible that constant stresses have rebuilt your thinking. It turns out that hatred of people can be contagious.

You hate your boss

In society there are too many cliches about unjust bosses who are alien to the needs of their subordinates. In fact, a good and fair boss is fifty percent likely that you will stay with this company for a long time. But if you get along badly with the leader and feel that he treats you too prejudiced, this is another good reason to hate your job. If the boss sees in you only a cheap workforce, a powerless employee from whom you can twist the ropes and squeeze out all the juices, you will feel deeply unhappy. It seems you deserve more.

You fall into melancholy on a Sunday evening and hardly wake up in the morning

Soak up the extra 10 minutes in bed - that's what you need for complete happiness, before you start the usual morning routine. If the desire to stay in bed longer does not prevent you from focusing on the tasks set for the coming day, you can regard it as a whim or a momentary weakness. But if you can not put your will into a fist to tear your head off the pillow, it's an alarm bell. When you feel emotional emptiness, weakness and fatigue in the morning, your subconscious mind struggles to work hard. For the same reason, you hate Sunday nights, and instead of using the rest of the weekend with profit, you regularly fall into melancholy. All your thoughts are centered around the inevitable approach of a new working week. These feelings can go away as soon as you find a more suitable work schedule or find a new professional calling.

You pay little

You probably love your job, but your salary leaves much to be desired. Perhaps in the beginning of his career a small but stable income was the limit of dreams. But now, after a lapse of time, your income can not remain at the level of five years ago. If you feel melancholy because of low pay, it's time to talk with the boss about the increase. But if the boss does not take measures to meet your requirements, you should think about finding a more profitable place to work.

You hardly ever see your friends and family

The feeling of deep misfortune can cause an incorrect balance between work and personal life. This is wrong when you come home only at night or are in constant traveling and business trips. Yes, you can have a responsible position or manage a whole business structure, but your loved ones will suffer from a lack of warmth and attention. Because of this, conflicts, lack of mutual understanding and even alienation are inevitable. When work damages personal life, there is no doubt that it is necessary to part with it.

You can not concentrate

When you come to the workplace, you need too much time to swing. You are engaged in abstract business, and by the time you realize that you have not achieved anything at all. And all because you find it difficult to collect the will into a fist and work on the current project. Instead, you prefer to check incoming e-mails in an electronic box or conduct abstract conversations with colleagues. But if you can not concentrate around the main activity, then the work does not give you positive emotions. You need to find a new source of inspiration.

You complain a lot about your work

A truly unhappy person will not fail to tell his friends and relatives about the next wits of the boss, a bad situation in the team or express dissatisfaction with wages. All your friends are convinced that you hate your work, because they hear your endless complaints every day. It seems that you yourself forget that you are starting to repeat yourself, but your lamentations can not change the situation for the better. In addition, constant negative statements about colleagues and bosses only exacerbate the feeling of unhappiness. Recognize that at this point in time your professional activities have come to a standstill.

You are irritable

If you are unhappy in the workplace, you can shout at colleagues for no reason at all. You are annoyed by bad manners, slanting looks and even the phone off of someone from the staff. It seems that grunting has become the norm for you, because when you return home, you carry the accumulated discontent to your family members.

Pity your family, take care of the business that will bring you emotional pleasure!

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