Fashion, Clothing
With what to wear leather trousers: combinations for all occasions
To clog your wardrobe with superfashionable clothes that will become obsolete in the next season is uninteresting and wasteful. But to buy a spectacular base piece of classic cut is a winning idea.
What can be more chic than leather, with a matte tint, a little brutal, but sexy-fitting trousers ?! Correctly matched to the shape and style, they will be the basis for a feminine and luxurious outfit, perfect for a bright appearance.
Modern fashion for interesting and stylish women, not afraid to experiment, offers a huge choice: narrow and straight, free cut and length. You will find an excellent pair of black, red, brown colors, as well as completely unusual shades: yellow, orange, blue, green. Designers today prefer strongly narrowed leggings or skinnets from artificial imitation of the material, pleasantly emphasizing every detail of a beautiful body.
If you figure out what to wear leather trousers, how to properly combine and connect them, without going beyond the bounds of good taste, then your originality will be noticed and appreciated.
What to consider
- External coarseness and causing eroticism.
- Expensive and luxurious appearance.
- Leading role in any ensemble.
For such qualities, even the most courageous women of fashion with great taste are afraid to buy trousers, as they are afraid to look too vulgar, courageous and vulgar. However, it is not. You can combine everything, as well as with ordinary jeans, with the only difference that in any set they always focus on.
Therefore, the main thing is not to overdo and correctly balance! For this purpose it is necessary to balance or emphasize and emphasize leather pants as the main accent in appearance. How and with what to wear them, so that everything looks harmonious? For this, there are several proven combinations and tips.
Let's start with the main thing: if you bought such a thing in your wardrobe, you definitely do not want to get lost in the crowd and look gray, boring and banal. You are ready to play with your appearance, experiment and combine non-standard.
Therefore, we offer you two options: universal and extravagant.
With what to wear leather pants to a girl who wants to look stylish, trendy, feminine and elegant, but not defiant? To do this, you need to look interesting, but too much attention in a particular situation to anything.
In this case, you will need several correct and basic options. Use Combinations, provided by the office dress code. Black trousers will look great with a classic, masculine cut, a voluminous or shortened jacket, a bouclé blazer in the Chanel style. Under it, put on a turtleneck, an "American", a top or a shirt. Color solutions should choose neutral tones or the right basic shades - red, gray, brown, blue, dark green. The style can be fitted or baggy - the one that best suits your type of figure.
If the situation allows, then give the femininity to all along with a few unbuttoned buttons on the neck, an elegant chain, beads or a kerchief, rolled up sleeves of a shirt or blazer, an interesting clock on a thin hand, a wide belt of matte shade.
For a not very business meeting, when you need to impress with your femininity, especially on men, the most charming option with what to wear leather trousers will be a blouse. Snow-white or with bright floral prints, classic business or soft translucent, with a bow or the simplest cut, silk, chiffon or cotton - a variety of options. Fill it or choose a beautiful belt - a refined and slightly sensual image is ready.
As a shoe, classic shoes or elegant, lightweight ankle boots will look best. Shoe color tune to the general style: do not use too bright and catchy tones and prints, lacquer materials - they will be discordant with your favorite panties.
For a more informal environment
If you want to spend time easily and pleasantly, feeling simultaneously attractive and free, then you should choose with what to wear leather trousers for meetings with friends, family rest, shopping and other household trips to public places.
Here are the combinations that are suitable for any of these cases:
- A plain shirt or a tight-fitting or loose-fitting T-shirt complete with a sports jacket or denim jacket will be in harmony with lengthened or ordinary sneakers, ankle boots or ballet shoes.
- A cozy sweater, cardigan, knitted cardigan will look nice with a belt on the hips, a voluminous scarf or large beads and bracelets. To them, wear moccasins, ballet flats, boots or short ankle boots. If you prefer laconism, you can do without accessories, adding shoes with heels.
- Beat the ethnol: the jumper in the folk style and the appropriate jewelry and shoes will look actual and fashionable.
- An elongated tunic with large costume jewelry complete with elegant shoes.
Extravagant variant
For non-ordinary girls, there are several combinations with which to wear leather trousers (advice to women of fashion who are ready for experiments):
- Create an image of a hunter or predator. Use for this suede jacket, trench coat or jacket, fur vest or jacket, any top with an animalistic print. To such things, shoes and accessories are selected carefully - do not overload the general image.
- Exaggerate the rigidity of clothing from the skin, having beaten the entire set in a military style. A military jacket with shoulder straps, accessories in the form of a sword belt, army boots - in such a manly image the woman will look even softer and fragile.
- The luxurious combination with festive top - bright, colored, glamorous or openwork blouse, blazer, waistcoat or corset from elegant textured fabric or with expressive details will look original and exciting. Risk and put on as a top short dress - it will look elegant and stylish. Do not be afraid of sequins, sparkles, beads, rivets and other things - the texture of your favorite base thing will be able to endure almost all combinations, the main thing is not to go beyond the limits of good taste.
You learned how you can combine and what to wear leather pants. There are many possible ensembles - only courage, sense of proportion and harmony are required of you.
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