ComputersComputer games

With the help of what and how to make a portal to hell in "Maynkraft"?

Exploring new worlds is what attracts gamers to computer games. Here they can learn the history of some unknown universe or experience the events of their own world, only slightly modified. As for Mayncraft, the best sandbox game in history today, then there the study of the world takes most of the playing time. In the process of research, you find materials, convenient places for construction, seeds of edible plants, as well as animals that are suitable for breeding on the farm.

Without research, "Maincraft" would have been at times less interesting. But what will happen if you add a few more worlds to this game for study? Naturally, it will become more fascinating at times, so no one was surprised when in the world of "Maynkraft" there were paradise and hell. Here they do not act in their usual role - they simply act as new sites for research with the appropriate setting. However, here many beginners have a question: how to make a portal to hell in "Maynkraft"? It can not be said that this is a simple process, therefore, we must approach this task with the utmost care.

Preparation of equipment

If you are going to extract resources for the portal into hell, and then activate it, then you may need a whole set of different tools. To understand how to make a portal to hell in "Maincrafter", you need to access all the necessary resources. And first of all it's obsidian, one of the rarest blocks that occurs in the game. To extract it you will need a diamond pickaxe - it's a diamond pick. No other, even gold, will fit. It is not known what the developers were guided by, but the resource itself falls only from obsidian blocks in the event that the block is broken with a picket made of diamonds. Otherwise, the block will be destroyed, but you will remain without obsidian itself.

You will also need a lighter, which is useful when you activate the portal, and a bucket of water - grab it in case you find a deposit of lava somewhere. But about everything in order: to go to the decision of the question of how to make a portal to hell in the "Maincrafter", you must first deal with obsidian.

How to get obsidian?

In nature, this resource is rare, but you can still find it. To do this, you will need to descend to a very low level of the cave, it is desirable that the level was lower than the tenth. This means that far from every cave you will find obsidian deposits, so the journey can be disappointing. But if you still want to unravel the mystery of how to make a portal to hell in "Maynkraft", then you will have to have patience. You will need it not only when searching for the right resource - even when you find it, you will need to spend a lot of time to get it. But the end justifies the means, so take the time to mine, especially considering that you only need fourteen blocks. This is the number you can see, if you look at the recipes of "Mayncraft" - the portal to hell is pretty simple to design, only the ingredients for it are harder to get.

Creating Obsidian with Your Own Hands

But if you do not want to descend into each cave in search of the right resource, then you can try to make obsidian yourself. To do this, you will need the same bucket of water that you pre-packed. If you see a deposit of lava, then gently pour the water next to it - so that it flows directly to the lava. As a result of the reaction, the same obsidian is formed, with the help of which it is possible to build a portal to hell in the "Maincrafter".

But here you need to be extremely careful - the order should be exactly this: water should leak into the lava. If the lava flows into the water or you simply mix these two ingredients, the probability of obtaining obsidian will be extremely low. In most cases, you will get a normal stone, which is full in the game. Exactly the same rules apply to the simplified version of the game, "Meincraft 2D". How to make a portal to hell there, it's even easier to understand, because you do not need to be distracted by the 3D world of the original version.

Time to build a gate

So, you have on your hands fourteen blocks of obsidian, which you extracted either by natural means, or by mixing water and lava. It's time to build a structure that will become your door to hell, that is, into a new world that you can explore. Set the blocks so that a rectangle with horizontal sides of four blocks and vertical sides of six blocks is formed. But what's the matter? Do you pass through the hole formed and nothing happens? Naturally, because the portal must first be activated.

We set the gate to hell

It's time to use the lighter, which you stocked at the very beginning. Approach the portal and use it on the lower blocks - as a result, the empty space of the gate is filled with a purple shroud. It is through it that you need to go to be in hell.

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