Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Why do we dream of a storm? To dream a storm on the sea

Why do we dream of a storm? Such a dream is capable of both reflecting the storm that is taking place in the soul of its master, and predicting future events. Interpretation of sleep can be learned by referring to old and modern dream books. Of course, for this it is necessary to recall in detail the events that took place in the night dreams. So, should one fear or rejoice in a person who has seen a storm in a dream?

Why does the storm dream: dream book of Freud

How does the famous psychologist interpret this dream in his guide to the world of dreams? Why do we dream of a storm if we rely on Freud's opinion? A person who saw a storm in a dream should pay close attention to his emotional state. It is possible that his life is poisoned by all sorts of fears and phobias, to cope with which he will be helped only by a specialist.

Freud also connects the dream in which the storm appears, with the relations of the dreamer with the representatives of the opposite sex. It is likely that a person is tired of his partner, thinking about parting with him. If this thought is already eating for a long time, it is possible that it is worth doing just that.

The power of the storm

What does a storm look like if it is accompanied by a thunderstorm? The owner of such a dream should show maximum caution, especially in the financial sphere. It is not ruled out that the conclusion of an unprofitable contract will result in substantial cash losses for him.

What do the nightmares foretell, in which the calm sea instantly transforms into a raging abyss? Such a plot can be regarded as a prediction of the future. In real life, the dreamer will suddenly be drawn into a maelstrom of events, which can not have a significant impact.

What does a storm look like if it is weak? Such a dream promises a period of trouble, but it will not be long. If the master of sleep is able to mobilize all the forces, he will manage to overcome difficult days without significant losses. While ignoring problems will result in the opposite result.

Observe from the side

It is obvious that a person who sees a storm in a dream is not always at the center of events. Is it worth it to be afraid of someone who watches the storm from the side in night's dreams? Such a dream promises problems that can affect various areas of life. Armed with patience and wisdom, the dreamer will easily resolve them.

Why dream of a storm at sea, if a person sees, how in the center of events are people dear to him? Such nightly dreams can predict a break in relations, it is possible for a long separation from your loved ones or friends. Also, it is worth to fear for the health of those who were victims of the storm in their sleep. It is likely that soon one of the participants in the events will have to get sick. This is especially true in the case when in his night dreams the dreamer tries to help this person, but he can not be saved.

What does it mean if during a storm the dreamer is on the shore, watching the foaming waves? In real life, such a person should beware of conflicts with household members, family quarrels can have serious consequences. To see in night dreams, like waves carry stones, means to come across in real life with empty conversations, gossip.


Why do we dream of a storm on a ship if the owner of the dream is on board? Such a dream warns that soon a person will become a participant in public unrest. First of all, this applies to those whose professional activities are connected with politics, as well as people with an active life position.

If a dreamer is among the victims of a shipwreck caused by a storm, in real life he will be drawn into questionable matters against his will. The outcome of such projects may turn out to be tragic. If he watches in the dream how the other passengers of the sinking ship perish, he also should exercise caution in making decisions in reality. It is possible that the mistake made by the dreamer will have a negative impact on the lives of his relatives and friends.

Why do we have a strong storm that overtakes the owner of a dream in the open sea? Such nightly dreams can mean that a person is too indifferent to his health. It is possible that in the near future he will face a serious illness, spend a lot of money for treatment.

Different subjects

Often people dream about how they learn about the approach of a storm on the radio or watching the development of events on TV. In reality, a person who has seen such a dream will become a witness to someone else's conflict. It is likely that he will not be able to maintain neutrality, will be forced to accept the side of one of the disputants. If a dreamer is warned about an impending storm, in real life he will receive news that will upset him.

Why do we dream of a storm? Waves, in which a man swims in a dream during a storm on the sea, predict him an interesting acquaintance in real life. Lonely people who see such a dream, will soon find their second half. It's bad if a dreamer in his nighttime dreams is happy at the sight of the exciting sea. In reality, he can not overcome the feeling of envy, which makes him rejoice in other people's troubles.

Summing up

Why do we dream of a storm? To understand this, it is necessary to remember what the end of the dream was. If the storm did not harm a person or his close people in nighttime dreams, in real life he will successfully overcome all problems. If someone dies in a dream, one should be mentally prepared for the onset of a difficult period, which will not be completed soon.

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