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When do they celebrate the World Day of Dolphins and Whales?

Recently, dolphinariums, aquariums, aquariums have become very popular ... There you can learn a lot of interesting things about the life of marine life, to communicate with representatives of marine fauna. Visiting such institutions is always a holiday for children and adults. And on the other hand, you just imagine what it's like to live like a sea animal! After all, they are doomed to spend their entire lives away from their native places and not be able to frolic in the vastness of the ocean ...

Not only entertain, but also treat

If you have ever been to a dolphinarium, then for sure remember what an indelible impression the performances of dolphins, fur seals and whale-beluga whales produce. What positive and good are the performances of these lovely representatives of the marine fauna! They are so wonderful and sincere that you yourself are charging yourself with them with kindness and positive energy. No wonder there is such a kind of treatment of a number of neurological pathologies and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, like dolphin therapy. What a sweet and amusing language of dolphins - their cries! However, the therapy itself is based on the effect of ultrasound waves emitted by them on the human brain. They are wonderful, these inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Do you know what is the day of whales and dolphins? Yes Yes. It turns out that the inhabitants of the World Ocean have their own holiday.

When is the world day of whales and dolphins celebrated?

Let's talk about the history of this holiday. In 1986, on February 19, the IWC (International Whaling Commission) banned whaling industrial fishing around the world, and with it, the trade in whale meat. The matter is that the previous two hundred years of the whales mercilessly exterminated.

And by no methods of combating illegal fishing, it was impossible to stop hunters for such prey. In addition, significant damage to the mammalian population was made and their catching for dolphinariums, aquariums, marine circuses. Some species were on the verge of extinction. Therefore, the ICC has moved to cardinal measures. Currently, February 19 - World Day of Protection of Marine Mammals, Day of the Whale (as it is also called). "And when can you become a participant in such an event?" - you ask. Read about it below.

How and when do they celebrate World Whale Day?

The holiday itself was officially established on July 23, 1986. So it happened that the World Day of Dolphins and Whales is celebrated twice. Every year these days, environmental organizations organize various actions in defense of the mammals of the World Ocean. Often environmentalists around the world come together to devote a day to one of the endangered species that faces the danger of extinction. In this way they try to draw the attention of humanity to this problem. For example, in 2013 in the European Union there was a demonstration, propagandizing the closure of all dolphinariums.

For Russia, this day is also relevant, as the seas of our country are home to dozens of different species of marine seals, whales, dolphins. But it's no secret that many of them have long been listed in the Red Book, and some are on the verge of extinction.

Interesting fact. Despite the fact that there is an officially recognized World Day of Dolphins and Whales, some countries have established their own holiday, or rather, have given it a different date on the calendar. So, for example, Australia in 2008 transferred the holiday on the first Saturday of June, and the Americans celebrate it on the twenty-first of June (during the summer solstice). Probably, it is not so important who and when celebrates this day, the main thing is that it is dictated by good intentions - to protect the inhabitants of the World Ocean from ourselves, otherwise shortly some of them will be mentioned only in scientific literature as missing species. And what about the World Day of Whales and Dolphins? The photos presented in the article demonstrate some of the events and actions held on this day and are designed to draw public attention to the existing problems, to push people to their solution.

People, do not be so cruel!

Certainly, the nineteenth of February is an occasion to recall the marine inhabitants and the problem of the extinction of some species, as well as to take care of the mammals' defenselessness before a person. In a number of countries, the World Day of Dolphins and Whales has already acquired its traditions of honoring the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Employees of environmental organizations propose to pay attention to all marine mammals, since several species do not face extinction, the problem is much larger than it may seem at first glance. Here seals, for example, are very affected by people's attention, and with them, and dolphins.

The ban of the ICC, which came into force in 1986, is still in force. Nobody canceled it. But, unfortunately, not all countries take it into account. The Japanese are still supplying whale meat to the restaurants of their country. And this is done under the guise of catching for scientific research. A couple of years ago, the Prime Minister of Australia, indignant at this outrage, demanded that Tokyo stop killing mammals. But, as they say, it's still there ...

Illicit catch of whales is also practiced in the Dominican Republic, and in Norway, Canada, Iceland, Greenland. World Day of Dolphins and Whales collects like-minded people who want to remind not indifferent people that they are also exterminating such beautiful creatures of nature. So, we need to stand up for their defense, because they are unarmed in front of people.

Origin of Whaling

The founders of the whaling are residents of the southern provinces of France and northern Spain. Even in the eleventh to twelfth centuries, they began to cut down whales, which were thrown ashore. Basques used whale oil, meat. In the sixteenth century, given the demand for all these products, people have already started commercial catching of marine animals.

And by the middle of the seventeenth century practically all the European countries with maritime exits already engaged in such fishing: France, Spain, Holland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and, of course, England.

In Russia, before the revolution, the peoples of Chukotka traded in the whaling industry. Before the war, a small number of sperm whales were mined in the Far East, and the first fleet of whalers was founded there (1932). In full scale, the fishery was engaged after World War II. And it continued until the end of the seventies.

The amazing facts about whales

Whales, dolphins inhabit the waters of the World Ocean. All of them are quite interesting in their behavior and combine the signs of seemingly different detachments. They have fins, smooth skin, streamlined body shape, like fish. But all internal organs are arranged, as in warm-blooded beings: there are lungs, they bear and give birth to babies. Creating whales, nature has taken into account the smallest nuances. For example, they do not have wool, because they simply do not need it, because the subcutaneous fat will protect them from the cold. Small eyes of whales also do not cause them inconvenience, they can see very well under water. Moreover, marine animals perfectly orient themselves in the ocean thanks to the sounds they give to the congeners.

All whales on the planet can be conditionally divided into two types: toothed and mustached. They differ in the structure and physiology of the organism.

Moustached whales do not have teeth. Instead of them in the mouth is a whale, which is a large plate, covered with villi. They feed on plankton and small fishes. Representatives of this group include blue and humpback whales.

Toothed whales, on the contrary, have teeth, and therefore their food is a large fish. These include dolphins, sperm whales, porpoises, killer whales.

Kitoboev was always more interested in the production of mustached whales. Whether their more peaceful disposition or the value of the whale's mustache played a role.

The similarity of humans and dolphins

But the dolphins - those in general in structure are similar to humans. And we, and they are warm-blooded, we feed offspring with milk, we breathe lungs, we have a four-chambered heart. Growth is also approximately the same. Dolphins reach a length of one and a half to two meters, which is comparable to human size.

And there are legends about the mutual assistance of these lovely creatures. Between them are strong family ties. They live in packs, which are for them a family. His dolphin will never leave in trouble. There are cases of rescue by them of sinking people. Dolphins, strangely enough, are never aggressive towards people.

They communicate with each other using signals. Only people do not understand them. A person can hear only a small part of them because of low frequencies. Scientists, studying these amazing creatures, realized that they responded to the names given to them at birth. Moreover, dolphins recognize themselves in the mirror. Even the weight of the brain is almost the same as in humans (1.7 kg).

Instead of an afterword

The article tells about what the World Whale and Dolphin Day is and how it is celebrated. 2015 was no exception, and celebrations in Russia were marked by the holding of actions dedicated to the types of whales, seals, seals and dolphins that are listed in the book of the International Environmental Union. Since not all countries and currently ignore the ban on whale fishing, such a holiday is simply necessary to remind of the existence of a serious environmental problem and is any attempt at least to somehow influence the situation.

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