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What you can not do with hemorrhoids: limitations

Many believe that hemorrhoids are a non-serious disease. But it is not so. And all because such a disease has many complications (venous bleeding, paresisal abscess), which are very dangerous for humans. And in order that the disease does not develop and do not appear various complications, every patient should know what can not be done with hemorrhoids.

Sauna with a disease

Many are interested in whether it is possible to go to a sauna or a bath with such a disease? To this question, most doctors say that categorically not. This is due to the fact that the temperature is very high. Under such circumstances, the walls of the vessels greatly expand. This effect has a high temperature and affects the veins that are in the rectum. In this case, the blood begins to pass into the small pelvis. Then the patient may have severe pain, and the disease will develop further.

In the event that the hemorrhoids are bleeding, then when the temperature rises, severe bleeding may begin. If you do not bring down the temperature and stop the blood, the patient may experience a shock. Such a state can even lead to death. From this it becomes clear that with hemorrhoids one can not overheat.

In addition, under such conditions, a person sweats. And this in turn can lead to dehydration. And so the blood becomes thicker, and the patency is broken. In this case, thrombotic formations are formed. Therefore, this method of alternative medicine is strictly forbidden for hemorrhoids.

Doing sports with disease

Now it's fashionable to go in for sports. But is it allowed when there are educations in the rectum? What physical exercises can not be done with hemorrhoids?

If you do simple exercises, they will have a beneficial effect on the course of the disease. Vessels are strengthened, and blood enters the sick zone better. Therefore, stagnant blood in the rectum is eliminated. Then the disease does not develop. But with physical exertion, you must carefully monitor your condition. And if there is an exacerbation, it is best to avoid sports. When such a condition appears, it is best to wait a few days until the exacerbation passes.

But we must remember that there are exercises that can not be done with hemorrhoids. It is best to go for walks. So what exercises can not be done with hemorrhoids? And if you still have a desire to go in for sports, then you should avoid heavy lifting, as well as exercises where you need to take a sitting position - squatting. If there are any doubts, it is better to consult a doctor and find out what exercises are contraindicated, and which will only improve the condition of the vessels. After all, sport is one of the methods of treating many diseases.

What kind of people are affected by hemorrhoids?

Basically, for physiological reasons, such a disease occurs when the walls of the vessels begin to lose their elasticity. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to provoke any stagnation of blood.

To this state can lead and the position of the body, which for a long time does not change. Therefore, people who spend a long time in one position, most often suffer from hemorrhoids. This category includes people of such professions:

  • Truckers;
  • Scientists, and people who give knowledge to others - teachers;
  • Hair stylists;
  • People who work hours in the office;
  • Bartenders.

And those who occupy such positions, it is desirable after several hours to change their position, and it is best to do uncomplicated gymnastics. What can not be done with hemorrhoids? First of all, be a long time in one position. Therefore, you need to get up as often as possible, walk around, you can make slopes, make circular movements of the hips.

Prohibited sports

And those people who professionally go in for sports, when finding this disease, it is best to switch to a more sparing mode of study, so as not to lead to serious consequences and do not prolong the illness for a long time. Therefore, it is advisable to reduce the load as a whole - do not lift the gravity, do not make sharp turns. So it is impossible to do with exacerbation of hemorrhoids? Engage in certain sports that can increase pressure in the pelvic area. Banned is cycling, riding a motorcycle, riding horses. Also it is impossible:

  • To hold your breath when exercise is performed;
  • Climb in the mountains, as well as make hikes in the mountainous terrain.

In addition, in any case, you can not wear tight underwear or clothes, tighten your waist at the waist and sit for a long time on soft sofas, chairs and more.

What you can not eat with hemorrhoids?

What can not be done with hemorrhoids from physical exertion, has been described above, and now you need to know that you can not eat with this disease. After all, with improper nutrition, constipation develops, which ultimately leads to the development of hemorrhoids. If there are any unusual sensations in the rectum area, then it is best to start eating properly. First of all, it is necessary to exclude from the diet bakery products that contain easily assimilated carbohydrates, we include sweet pastry and confectionery products.

And it is best to replace fruits and vegetables, which contain a lot of fiber and lead to better passage of stool, without delay. But except carbohydrates, you need to stop eating fatty foods, fried, fast food, mango, rice porridge and fatty dairy products. It is best to replace them with fermented milk.

But with the appearance of this disease there are not only contraindications, but also mandatory conditions. The patient needs to eat balanced and comply with the regime. You need to eat a little and small portions.

If there is constipation, at which hemorrhoids began to develop, then it is best to revise the food and begin to introduce into the diet products that promote mild laxative action. But at the same time, if it is difficult to go to the toilet, then you can not overdo with the laxative, so as a result, there is no diarrhea. If there is constipation, then you can get rid of it with the help of special physical exercises, which are done in the morning on an empty stomach.

It is very important for hemorrhoids to drink more liquid, namely pure water. But strong alcoholic beverages, coffee and tea, jelly and soda are counter-indicative.

Excess weight

In addition to all of the above, negatively affects the course of the disease and excess weight. In the treatment of hemorrhoids, many patients pay more attention to the underlying disease, rather than weight control. What in the end leads to the fact that a person begins to suffer from excess weight. But those people who, in connection with a hereditary predisposition or because of a sedentary lifestyle associated with work, it is better to carefully monitor yourself. If you have extra pounds, it's better to go on a diet (it should also be discussed with your doctor) so as not to lead to more health problems.


Some patients are prescribed special creams for external hemorrhoids. It is best to use those that gently impact.

And what can not be done with hemorrhoids external? Just in this case, you can not use candles. Since they can injure and so thin vessels in the large intestine and lead to bleeding. Therefore, it is best to take special creams, which will be advised by the attending physician.


Why not make an enema with hemorrhoids? This is due to why you should not put candles. Since such a procedure can damage the walls of the hemorrhoids, which will lead to serious consequences.

In addition, such treatment is not sufficiently effective. But some doctors still prescribe such a procedure, if there are no serious contraindications. In this case, the enema should be inserted very slowly and the tip must be lubricated.


It is very important to consult with the attending physician about taking various medicinal herbs, both inside and outside (in the form of trays, compresses, etc.). After treatment with herbs, if taken internally, affects the entire body as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all the indications and contraindications of these medicinal plants. And those herbs that can have the properties of stopping blood, you need to take in certain doses and generally better limit. After all, with this disease, clots can form. This ultimately leads to serious consequences.


Now you know what you can not do with hemorrhoids, and what you can do to achieve better treatment and not worsen the patient's condition. We also touched on the topic of balanced nutrition. After all, in the diet of a patient with this ailment there are some limitations.

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