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What to do when overeating, how to unload?

Overeating causes a strong sense of discomfort. Everyone knows this. However, to keep from the next portion of your favorite treat is very difficult. What should I do if I overeat? Often, this condition causes pain in the abdomen, it makes digestion difficult. After a while, a constant overeating affects the figure. How to cope with the problem? To begin with it is necessary to specify the reasons.

Why does a person overeat

To answer the question of what to do when overeating, it is worthwhile to find out the main causes of this phenomenon. They include:

• Getting pleasure. In many developed countries, the population is obese, as consumers often have a desire to try something new. This is done to irritate the pleasure center. Usual useful food in such cases is replaced by more harmful, enriched with various additives, flavors and preservatives. In addition, some manufacturers add to their products substances that enhance taste and irritating taste buds.

• Stressful situations. Many in the period of depression or with increasing nervous loads begin to consume large amounts of food. As a result - a strong overeating. What to do in such cases? We'll talk about this a little later.

• Eating lots of food because of boredom. For many, this is required to create an employment effect. However, this is not an option.

Main features

So, what to do when overeating and how to determine if there has been a glut of the body? There are several signs indicating that the stomach is full.

If a person has overeaten once, then no special symptoms will arise. In this case, you may feel a heaviness in the stomach, accompanied by a bloating. If overeating occurs regularly, then its signs will be more pronounced. Thus the person can feel independently changes in an organism:

• Significant increases in weight and changes in the way of life.

• Insomnia.

• Discomfort in the intestines caused by gases and flatulence.

• Uncontrolled meals. A person will eat foods even when the body does not need it: when watching a movie, sitting at a computer and so on.

Often, women complain of overeating during pregnancy. What to do and how to avoid it? It is worth considering that during pregnancy, internal organs are squeezed. This also applies to the stomach. Future moms should eat small meals, increasing the number of meals to 6 per day.

What causes overeating?

What to do when overeating, we found out: to restrain ourselves. Difficult? Certainly! In order to begin to deal with their problems, it is worthwhile to find out what the consequences result from excessive consumption of food. In rare cases of overeating, a person may experience heaviness and discomfort in the stomach, general fatigue, drowsiness, headache. All these symptoms pass by themselves the next day. But systematic overeating is fraught with more serious consequences:

• Increases the load on the pancreas. As a result, the agency has to work for a long time at the limit of its capabilities.

• The stomach gradually stretches. Because of this, the appetite increases.

• The body gets more calories than it consumes. All the excess settles in the body in the form of fat deposits.

• There is a poisoning of the body as a whole. Usually in large quantities, people use what contains preservatives and various flavor enhancers. Such substances can damage. Organs lose the ability to quickly cope with a large amount of food. As a result, poisoning and accumulation of toxins occur.

• Violated metabolic processes. Overeating is always accompanied by the accumulation of excess fats in the body, as well as the development of certain diseases of internal organs.

• The body is working to the limit of its strength to cope with the violations that have arisen. As a result, a person may experience chronic drowsiness, fatigue. Often worse overall health.

Drugs from overeating

What to do after overeating? To cope with unpleasant sensations, it is possible to resort to the help of traditional medicine. There are a number of drugs that can significantly alleviate the condition and eliminate some of the symptoms of overeating. Such medicines include Uni-Festal, Eristal-P, Penzital, Festal, Digestal, Panzinorm, Mezim, Hermitage, and Creon.

Separately it is worth noting the usual activated carbon. This drug is an excellent sorbent. Sick of overeating? What to do? Take activated charcoal. In this case, the dosage is calculated, as in the case of poisoning. 10 kg of weight requires 1 tablet. Take the drug is half an hour after the last meal. This will avoid bloating and pain.

Natural remedies

What to do after overeating, if you do not have drugs at your fingertips? In this case, the means of alternative medicine. The easiest way is to include the use of fruit infusion, black or green tea without sugar. In the drink you can add a small piece of ginger or a leaf of mint. Such a means can accelerate the metabolism in the body.

Do not drink alcohol. This will only exacerbate the condition, since alcohol has an additional burden on the body and increases the feeling of hunger.

You can also prepare a drink that will remove spasm and increase the production of gastric juice. It is necessary to dilute in a glass of water a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and as much natural honey. Drink a drink in small sips. However, not everyone can use such a "medicine". After all, he has contraindications.

The simplest remedy, in the opinion of nutritionists, is chewing gum. Its use increases the production of saliva. This increases the number of enzymes that help the stomach to digest food more quickly.

Compulsive overeating

What is compulsive overeating? What to do in this case? Such a diagnosis is often made by those who suffer from obesity. What does compulsive overeating differ from usual? This is a psychological pathology, manifested as follows:

• The patient often has attacks of uncontrolled gluttony. Portions become more and more each time. In this case, the food is absorbed quickly and without residues.

• When eating the next dish, a person experiences frustration. Uncontrolled absorption of food leads to stress and depression, arising from discontent with their appearance and figure.

• A person is constantly justified and feels sorry for himself.

It is not necessary to hope that such a state will pass independently. In such cases, therapy is required.

What to do with compulsive overeating

With this psychological state, it often makes you sick, and the stomach is full of overeating. What to do and how to cope with the disease? When compulsive overeating is prescribed, taking certain drugs that eliminate discomfort and heaviness in the stomach, and also prescribes a diet that allows you to reduce the size of the stomach. In addition, psychotherapy is conducted:

• Hypnosis;

• Behavioral;

• cognitive.

To eliminate all problems, patients are often prescribed antidepressants and medicines that contribute to a decrease in appetite.

What is dangerous is compulsive overeating

Compulsive overeating leads to a number of problems: the work of systems and individual organs in the body is disrupted. Among the violations worth highlighting are:

• high cholesterol;

• hypertension;

• cholelithiasis;

• diabetes mellitus, usually of the second type;

• the likelihood of a lethal outcome increases: the patient may suffocate in a dream.

Are there any preventive measures

To avoid overeating, you must follow simple rules. This will eliminate the occurrence of negative consequences and the development of certain diseases. Here are the basic rules:

• Do not fill dishes completely with food. They should not have more food than can fit in your palm.

• The food must be thoroughly chewed.

• Do not engage in extraneous matters while eating. You should eat only in the kitchen. You can not talk, read, watch TV, and so on.

• Food should be extremely positive emotions. If you experience stress, then instead of another portion of food, drink hot tea.

• It is worth noting the use of harmful products, which include a large number of chemical additives. Such food helps to gain weight.

And the most important rule to remember: food is not pleasure, it does not need to remove stress and cheer up. Cooking is an art. Portions should be made beautiful, but small.

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