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What language is spoken in Belgium? Cultural diversity of the European kingdom

Belgium is a tiny kingdom in the heart of Europe. It fell in love with millions of tourists from all corners of the globe, including Russia. Here, different cultures, old times and modern urban life are combined in an amazing way, and people are distinguished by hospitality and courtesy. What language is spoken in Belgium? How is it better to explain that the townspeople understand the tourists? What sights to see and what to try in the national cuisine? Such questions are most often occupied by travelers seeking to visit this small but interesting state.

The most numerous languages

So, let's clarify which language in Belgium is state and universally recognized. Most often, the local population speaks the southern dialect of the Dutch language (Flemish). It is spoken by more than 5 and a half million people, living mainly in the northern part of the country, the region of Flanders and a little in the central district. At least for everyday speech, French is also used, it is the main one for 4 and a half million citizens. Especially often its melodious sound can be found in the metropolitan region of the European kingdom and in the south.

German dialect in annexed territories

Which state language in Belgium is the smallest? The answer is simple: German. Its distribution he received in a small area of land, which became part of the country after the end of the First World War. To communicate it uses no more than 70 thousand people living on the border with the Federal Republic of Germany, mainly ethnic Germans. In total, about 10 million people live in Belgium, many of them use Dutch and French dialects in everyday life.

Historical background of the development of the European kingdom

In order to understand what language is spoken in Belgium and why it happened so historically, a small excursion to the past will be needed. In 1830 an uprising broke out on the territory of the Netherlands, which led to the revolution and the emergence of a new, independent kingdom. On its lands two large ethnic groups were formed: Walloons (French roots) and Flemings (Dutch roots), respectively, there was also a language division. Each national group aspired to domination, autonomy in the field of culture, statehood and law. At the end of the 20th century, the linguistic question was repeatedly solved at the highest level. The Constitution of the country was amended on the importance of various adverbs. This happened three times, in 1971, 1980, 1993, some controversial issues are raised so far.

What is the reason for the Belgian diversity

To find out the answer to the question of what language they speak in Belgium, one can look into an even farther past. Thus, in different epochs the territories of the modern kingdom were under the rule of various rulers. The country was headed by the Romans, conquerors from Spain, Napoleon and many other foreign rulers. Thanks to this "vinaigrette" in Belgium, a complex national, linguistic, cultural and religious structure has developed, which nowadays, at last, begins to exist in harmony and mutual understanding. However, 10 years ago in the kingdom there was a significant number of contentious issues. So, for conducting negotiations at the highest level or judicial sessions it is necessary to determine in advance the language in which they will be conducted, which, you will agree, is rather problematic.

In what language, other than the state language, is spoken in Belgium

When viewing the main tourist attractions, the English language is also useful, although it is not a state language, but it is quite common among the local population. If you need to explain in the store or order a dish in a restaurant, most likely, you will understand and willingly help to make the right choice. Despite the complexity of the culture, Belgium is a rather conservative country, so do not expect that local residents will begin to talk to visitors in Russian or Chinese, better prepare.

About statistics and immigration

In order to answer the question about what language they speak in Belgium, it became clearer, a dry statistical reference would be required. So:

  • 85% of the inhabitants of the country know Dutch (or its dialect);
  • 32% of the inhabitants of the country know the French language.

From this information, we can conclude that many local people are equally fluent in two languages, but prefer to choose one as their primary, guided by their own personal considerations.

Many of our fellow citizens come to this European state not only to study the local culture, but also to find a new job. A well-developed economic system, the headquarters of the European Union, NATO and a number of other important world organizations - all this Belgium. The official language, or rather, its diversity, will quickly join the ranks of local residents and succeed in business.

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