Food and drink, Main course
What kind of fruit is pomelo? Properties of pomelo fruit. Where does pomelo grow?
What kind of fruit is pomelo? This and other issues related to the submitted product, we will devote today's article.
Biological Description
Before you figure out what kind of fruit is bogus, you should find out exactly how this product looks and where it grows. As you know, such a citrus is the fruit of an evergreen tree, which has a similar name. The height of this plant reaches 15 meters, and the crown has a globular shape with large leaves and white flowers with a diameter of 3 to 7 centimeters.
Pomelo fruit (photo of the fruit is presented in this article), covered with thick skin and divided into large lobes, which are sealed with a harsh septum. Inside this citrus, seeds can often be found. The size of these fruits is almost twice the size of a large grapefruit. The color of the mature pomelo can be pale green or yellow. As for the mass of the fruit, it often reaches 10 kilograms (with a diameter of 30 centimeters).
Where grows pomelo (fruit)?
Originally, this citrus appeared in Malaysia and Southeast Asia, and also grew on the islands of Fiji and Tonga. In China, the presented fruit was known as early as the 100th year BC. However, in Europe it appeared only in the XIV century thanks to the mariners.
Currently, pomelo is actively grown in Thailand, South China, Taiwan, Vietnam, southern Japan, India, the islands of Tahiti, Indonesia and Israel. In small quantities, this citrus grows in other warm countries (for example, in the USA, or rather, in California).
Main varieties of fruit
Answering the question about what a fruit brewed, you can not ignore the fact that this citrus has many varieties. Let's list the main ones that you can find on the shelves of stores.
- Khao horn. The flesh of this fruit is white and sweet, and the skin color is yellowish green.
- Khao namphung. This citrus differs pear-shaped, yellowish-green skin and sweet white flesh.
- Khao paen. This pomelo is a flattened ball with a yellowish-green skin, white flesh and sour taste.
- Khao phuang. This fruit also has a pear-shaped shape with a greenish-yellow skin, yellowish-white pulp and sweet-sour taste.
- Thongdi. The presented variety differs in spherical form, dark green skin, pink and sweetish flesh.
Useful properties of pomelo fruit
The presented product is very useful for the body. This is due to the fact that it includes a huge amount of minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium) and vitamins (A, C, beta carotene, B1, B2 and B5). In addition, pomelo contains essential oils and limonoids. Due to this composition, this citrus has a pronounced anticancer activity, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, strengthens the immune system, and also tones up and charges with vivacity. It should be noted that pomelo contains quite a lot of ascorbic acid, which makes the use of this fruit especially useful during viral and infectious diseases.
By the way, this citrus is actively used for weight loss. After all, it promotes the rapid breakdown of fats and proteins. That's why, if you have excess weight, then you should definitely include in your daily diet pomelo.
Another useful property of this wonderful fruit lies in the fact that it quickly enough normalizes blood pressure. In this regard, doctors very often recommend their patients to use this product.
Choosing the right fruit
What kind of fruit is pomelo? Not everyone knows the answer to the question, not to mention that very few people imagine how to choose it. After all, today there is an incredible number of supermarkets, where such citrus can be sold at completely different prices. So, what is the reason for this? And with the fact that pomelo can grow in different countries and be imported to us from China, Thailand, and even from America. Moreover, the cost of this product is significantly different and depending on a particular variety.
So, how to choose a pomelo (fruit)? To get a suitable citrus for you, you should first pay attention to its flavor. It should be pronounced and felt at a short distance. In addition, it is recommended to inspect the fruit from all sides and note the uniformity of its color. If you see any spots on the fruit skin, then it is better not to take it.
Getting pomelo, it is very important to touch it. In this case, you should note a uniform thickness of the skin throughout the fetus, without any seals. If they are still available, this indicates that the citrus was grown in the wrong conditions. Such a fruit should not be bought, as it will be fresh, dry, tasteless and with a lot of pits.
What should be a sweet and ripe product?
If you want to eat citrus, then the fruit with the divorces on the skin, as well as with uncharacteristic color (burgundy, red or brown) is better to put aside. After all, such signs indicate that the fruit-bearing plant hurted during the maturation of pomelo. Of course, for a person these diseases are not dangerous, but there is no benefit from such a fruit, and its taste is unlikely to please you.
To buy a sweet and ripe product, you need to check the top of the fruit, which should be tight, but in diameter do not exceed 1 centimeter. Also, you should pay attention to whether there are any damages or build-up on the fruit skin.
Choosing the right citrus, you will provide yourself with a mass of useful substances and vitamins, as well as get rid of bad mood and many diseases.
How to properly clean the fruit?
Clean the pomelo should be exactly the same as an orange or grapefruit. But in view of the fact that such a product has a thick skin, this process is considerably complicated. Thus, in order to quickly release the citrus from its shell, several longitudinal incisions with a depth of up to 1 centimeter should be made. Further it is required to put a finger on the skin at the base and literally pull it down along the lobules. As a result of such actions, you should get a fruit completely covered with a film. It must be carefully separated from the pulp and proceed to eat a tasty and healthy product.
Methods of application
How to eat pomelo? A fruit with a dryish flesh and a small bitterness is most often consumed fresh. However, some housewives use this product and during the preparation of the second course. To do this, it is completely cleaned from thick peel and hard films, and then cut into small pieces and added to stew or fried meat a few minutes before the plate is turned off. It should also be noted that pomelo is often used to prepare various salads. For example, a dish from citrus pulp, boiled shrimps and celery greens, filled with fatty sour cream and spiced with spices, is quite popular. In addition, such a fruit can be included in a dessert made of kiwi, banana, apples and pears. To fill this delicacy is recommended either a melted cream ice cream (a filling), or a sweet and tasty yoghurt.
As you can see, there are a lot of recipes, where the fruit of pomelo is used. Take advantage of them - and your guests will never forget the festive table covered by you!
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