
What is the role of iron in the human body?

What is the role of iron in the human body? Insufficient amount of this trace element can affect the overall health and well-being. Iron has one of the most important values, because it is responsible for the production of hemoglobin in the blood, which supports the nutrition of organs, tissues and systems.

Why does the body need iron?

It is possible to describe the role of iron in the human body briefly - it is one of the basic chemical elements that is responsible for the normal functioning of the whole organism. This microelement is part of hemoglobin, which introduces oxygen into tissues and removes carbon from them.

Without iron, red blood cells can not function properly, which leads to oxygen starvation. All these processes have the most negative effect on the body, most of all from the lack of oxygen, the heart and brain suffer.

Functions of iron

What is the role of iron in the human body? This microelement is contained in the body in small quantities, but it performs the following functions:

  • Supports the immune system;
  • Strengthens bone tissue;
  • Supports the pancreas;
  • Normalizes blood circulation;
  • Increases physical activity;
  • Supports the functioning of the nervous system.

Iron enters the body together with food. In products of animal origin, the trace element is contained in an easily digestible form. There is iron in plant products, but the body does not absorb it well from such sources.

Usually the microelement enters the body together with food and in the digestive tract it is affected by gastric juice. Complete absorption of it occurs in the duodenum. This is how the iron enters the blood and binds it to the protein, and then, together with the blood, it goes to the right parts of the body.

In what products is a lot of iron?

What is the role of iron in the body? In fact, it is very significant, but for this it is necessary that the microelement stably get into it with food.

Products that are rich in iron should be present in the person's diet constantly. Most of the trace element is found in food of animal origin. Of plant products, iron is not easily digested.

For better absorption helps: ascorbic acid, sorbitol and fructose. Tea and coffee adversely affect the absorption of iron, so immediately after a meal it is better to drink fruit juices. This will help the microelement to quickly assimilate.

Sources of iron of animal origin:

  • Meat (beef, pork, turkey and rabbit);
  • liver;
  • Mackerel, pink salmon;
  • Egg yolk;
  • Snails, oysters.

Sources of plant origin:

  • Oatmeal and buckwheat;
  • Beets, celery, tomatoes, pumpkin;
  • Dried apricots, dates, prunes, raisins;
  • walnuts.

These products are the source of iron, which is so important to the body for proper functioning.

Daily iron norm in the body

Let's consider in detail what the role of the element of iron in the human body. Of the total amount of a chemical element entering the body with food, only a tenth is fully absorbed. This is due to the fact that products containing iron are assimilated in different ways. The main source of microelements are products of animal origin. The amount of iron needed for the age groups is set separately.

For a child's body this dose is 5-15 mg, but with age the required amount of trace element will grow.

The female body needs 20 mg, during pregnancy the indicator grows to 30 mg.

For the male body, the daily norm is 10-15 mg. With heavy physical work, drinking alcohol and smoking, the need for iron increases.

Symptoms of iron deficiency

What is the biological role of iron in the human body and signs of micronutrient deficiency? The importance of iron can not be overemphasized, an insufficient number of it can cause malfunctions in the body.

The signs of a lack of iron include:

  • Pallor of the skin;
  • Attacks of suffocation;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • Headache and dizziness;
  • Serious changes in taste preferences - a constant intake of spicy food, marinades, pickles;
  • Feeling dry in the mouth, cracks around the lips;
  • Depression;
  • Weakening of immunity.

The risk group includes: pregnant women, athletes, children and adolescents during the growth of the body. The categories of these people are subject to constant monitoring of the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Excess iron in the body

We have already found out what role iron plays in the human body, and how the lack of a microelement is manifested. Despite the need for sufficient intake of iron in the body, its overabundance also negatively affects health. Here are some signs of an elevated microelement level:

  • The skin becomes icteric;
  • Itching itch;
  • The size of the liver increases;
  • Decreased body weight;
  • There is a violation of the rhythm of the heart;
  • Pigment spots on the palms and underarms.

Similar symptoms can appear in very rare cases, or in people who are addicted to alcohol. Excess iron is a danger in the form of impaired brain function and damage to the liver and kidneys.

What is dangerous is the lack of iron in the body?

What is the role of iron in the human body and what is fraught with a micronutrient deficiency? Excess and shortage have a negative impact on human health.

If the time is not to fill the level of trace element in the blood, then it can develop:

  • anemia;
  • heart failure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • depression;
  • Permanent infectious diseases due to decreased immunity.

This is not all the consequences that occur when there is a shortage of iron in the body, but these changes in the state of health are observed quite often.

What to do if there is an iron deficiency?

Many people ask themselves: what is the role of iron in the human body and what to do if there is a deficiency of this trace element? Yes, iron is a very important component for human health, but before replenishing its losses, it is necessary to establish how significant its shortage is.

In some cases, to get the microelement into the body in the appropriate amount, you need to change the diet, in others you need to take vitamins and medications.

When the diagnosis is confirmed, the specialist prescribes such preparations:

  • "Aktiferin."
  • "Sorbifer durules".
  • "Ferrum Lek".
  • "Totem".

These medications have some contraindications, and they should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor. During treatment, "Ascorbic acid" and "Pancreatin" must be prescribed, which will help improve the absorption of iron by the body and protect the stomach from the effects of aggressive chemical components. The time of taking the drugs is at least 2 months.

Rules for the intake of iron-containing preparations:

  • Take the medication with a little water;
  • Tablets with calcium, tetracycline, levomycitin should not be taken together with iron-containing medicines;
  • Do not increase the dose of the drug, even if you missed its one-time reception.

Adverse reactions of the body to the use of drugs can manifest as: nausea, decreased appetite, diarrhea or constipation, flatulence.

In some cases, to replenish the amount of iron, it is enough to take a vitamin complex that contains this trace element. There are the following types:

  • "Multi-tabs".
  • "AlphaWith Classic".
  • "Complivit".
  • Vitrum.
  • "Elevenprenatal."

The use of vitamin complexes is convenient because their composition is completely balanced, and therefore the iron is absorbed by the body completely. Their use makes it possible not to care about food that contains this trace element.

Before taking vitamins, you need to get a specialist consultation in order to choose a complex that matches the individual characteristics of the organism.

Prevention of iron deficiency

Knowing the information about the role of iron in the human body, it is worth thinking about prevention. According to the WHO, iron deficiency is the most common cause of metabolic disorders in humans. About 60% of the world's population suffer from a deficiency in the body of iron.

To prevent the occurrence of anemia in the diet should include products containing iron in sufficient quantities. Only a balanced diet will reduce the risk of such events.

When the body lacks the necessary amount of iron with food, the person can resort to taking a special vitamin complex. And only when anemia specialists diagnose it is necessary to start taking iron-containing preparations.

The role of iron in the human body can not be understated, so if a deficit is found, an individual examination should be performed, and only in this case to take the drugs that contain this trace element.

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