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What is the difference between a Chinaman and a Japanese? Appearance description

Many owners of European appearance often joke about the fact that "all Asians - one face!". Is it true? We will try to understand the difference between a Chinaman and a Japanese. A list of all the brightest signs and differences especially for you in our article!

Ethnic Help

If we compare China and Japan, it's easy to see that the first, mainland state occupies a large area and boasts a rich multinational composition of the indigenous population. At the same time, many Chinese nationalities have their own peculiarities of appearance. Representatives of some of them do not at all resemble the Chinese, as they are represented by Russians and Europeans. For this reason, it is difficult to determine the average phenotype and some standard. After all, among the representatives of the small nationalities of China there are people similar to Tajiks, and similar to the Mongols.

It would seem that the situation should be much simpler in Japan, an island state that occupies a small area. But this is not entirely true, modern Japanese can differ significantly from each other externally. The reason for this is immigration to the Land of the Rising Sun by residents from neighboring countries. So how do the Japanese differ from the Chinese in appearance? If you look closely, there are a number of differences.

Eyes - the mirror of the soul!

According to Europeans, the brightest sign of the Asian type of appearance is a narrow section of the eyes. In the Chinese, this feature is most pronounced. The eyes of the Japanese are larger, often they are convex. The Chinese are more likely than the Japanese to have a single eyelid. This feature is also found among the inhabitants of Japan, but much less often. Very often the Chinese eyebrows have a raised outer edge. For this reason, the eyes visually appear even narrower. It is worth noting that the hair and eyes of representatives of both nations are almost always dark shades.

But there is one sign that helps to understand the difference between a Chinaman and a Japanese. The hair of the Chinese people is more rigid and naughty. The Japanese, however, have a softer and silky hair.

Characteristic features of the face

An inexplicable fact is that the Japanese have more subtle bones than the Chinese. For this reason, the physique itself is usually more fragile, and the figure is somewhat more elegant. At the same time, the Japanese's head is bigger than that of the Chinese. The inhabitants of Japan have a more elongated oval face. A characteristic feature is the protruding nose, while in the Chinese it is often flattened. The faces of the Chinese are broader, with pointed cheekbones, sometimes large cheeks.

From the Japanese, the inhabitants of China are markedly more dusky skin, often it has a yellowish tinge. In Japan, a whitened face is considered to be the highest glamor. In this case, the local people themselves are light enough.

Visually, what is the difference between a Chinese and a Japanese? A popular joke is that people in Japan are like fish. Chinese are often compared with kittens. Perhaps this comparison is quite abstract, but many agree with it.

Secrets of make-up and concepts of beauty

The concepts of beauty and aesthetics vary considerably among Japanese and Chinese people. In China, many women take too little time to take care of themselves and their own appearance. In many provinces of this country you can see, for example, a lady in pajamas or home clothes on the street. The appearance of Chinese men can also often be described with a reference to the lack of striving for neatness.

The Japanese, by contrast, are too sensitive to personal hygiene and cleanliness in principle. The representative of this nation you will never see in a public place with unwashed hair or dirty nails. Japanese women like to emphasize the whiteness of the face, choosing the lightest tonal means.

Women in China much more often than in Japan, dye their hair in unnatural colors. Another feature of Chinese women - the use of special stickers and glue to create a "European" double century. As for make-up, in Japan, the natural and modest version of it is the most popular. In China, women of fashion often choose bright shades of lipsticks and eye shadow.

The constitution of the Japanese and Chinese

It is believed that the average Japanese is higher than the Chinese, the difference in growth is up to 10 centimeters. The indigenous people of Japan differ in more proportional physique. In the Land of the Rising Sun very few people are overweight. As for the Chinese - by nature they are often of medium to medium height and have a slender physique. However, in recent years, more cases of obesity have been reported in China.

Chinese women in the majority can brag of very beautiful and harmonous legs. But Japanese women have problems with this. Curiously, despite the natural curvature of the legs, many Japanese women enjoy wearing gaiters and high socks.

Fashion style

What is the difference between a Chinaman and a Japanese externally? The inhabitants of Japan often wear clothes of world famous European brands. At the same time, they look elegant and attractive in it. But in China, the popularity of cheap clothing. The Chinese choose fakes of branded things, often combining the colors and texture of the fabric in the most unimaginable way. There are in China and their "women of fashion" - often young girls and women. Most of all they like clothes and accessories with an abundance of sequins, crystals and beads. Representatives of the fair sex from Japan do not dress like that.

The appearance of the Japanese is often characterized as modest and elegant. In this country, only a few of the local residents wear clothes made of fabric with large prints or bright prints, while in China such things are quite popular. At men-Chinese sports suits are popular enough. Many choose them as casual clothes. In Japan, it is customary to have separate clothes for each case and type of activity. It's unlikely that you'll ever see a Japanese in a sports suit somewhere outside the fitness center.

Behavior and rules of decency

Japanese and Chinese people have differences even in the manner of communication. The people of Japan speak clearly and fairly quietly. Their culture provides for an abundance of barely noticeable polite gestures. Expressing their respect, the representatives of this nation approvingly nod (a symbolic bow). If you observe from the side behind the communication of a group of Japanese, you can marvel at their courtesy and calm. In Japan, in principle, it is not customary to raise the voice in a public place and interrupt the interlocutor.

The Chinese communicate quite differently. It is believed that this nation is one of the noisiest among all Asians. The people of China are quite impulsive. During the conversation, they can loudly shout, actively gesticulate, waving their hands. And it's better not to tell them that it's indecent. The eyes of the Chinese express surprise at such a statement, but, most likely, their owner will not even understand their mistake. After all, this country emotionally communicates all the inhabitants.

Language and other features

You can distinguish a Japanese from a Chinese by listening to a speech. By ear, the Japanese language is perceived as quite tough, with an abundance of consonant sounds, while in Chinese vowels are encountered much more often. Another interesting feature of the Japanese language is its monotonicity, it hardly uses intonations and accents.

China and Japan have different traditions and customs, the mentality of the inhabitants of these countries varies considerably. The Chinese are more pragmatic, the Japanese, on the contrary, differ in their desire for contemplation and philosophy. Trace these features can be in all areas of life.

In Japan, traditionally, special attention is paid to beauty and rituals. Even a simple meal in this country boils down to admiring the design of the dish. The Chinese are not so choosy, very often they tend to first satisfy physical needs. The eyes of the Japanese are able to see the beautiful in small things, it is for this reason that the representatives of this nation strive for perfection in all its manifestations. The Chinese prefer to think less about aesthetics and higher matters.

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