
What is the blind probing of the gallbladder?

Probing the gallbladder is a procedure that improves the process of bile secretion and eliminates its stagnation in the ducts. With regular exercise (every 3-6 months), it promotes weight loss. In the people this procedure is called "tyubazh."

Indications for conduction

Probing is performed only for people who have been diagnosed with bile stasis. This pathology is revealed through the usual ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder. As a rule, such patients complain of the constant presence of gravity in the right hypochondrium. The most affected are people who:

  • In the gallbladder there is sand;
  • There is excess weight.


Blind probing of the gallbladder is prohibited when the following indications are given:

  • Exacerbation of diseases of a chronic type (bronchial asthma, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.).
  • Presence in the gallbladder stones. This procedure can provoke their progress along the bile ducts. At the same time, stones can simply become stuck, which in due time will lead to serious consequences, the solution of which will be only carrying out the operation.
  • Ulcerative colitis. With this disease, this procedure leads to bleeding in the intestine.
  • Gastritis is also a disease in which the probing of the gallbladder is contraindicated. In this case, this procedure provokes the appearance of a stomach ulcer.
  • It is not recommended to resort to sounding when the person is healthy and does not have any diseases, except stagnation of bile in the ducts. In this situation, the body itself copes with the task posed without any additional measures. The main condition - a mandatory breakfast, provoking the withdrawal of the so-called "nocturnal" bile.

What is the procedure for this procedure?

The main essence of the sounding is considered to increase the activity of the gallbladder, which will help get rid of stagnation of bile. The main assistants in this procedure are sorbitol and magnesia.

The sounding of the gallbladder requires careful preparation, which consists in observing a special diet 3 days before the procedure. It is based on the intake of light and plant foods, which helps to unload the body.

The sounding is performed from the very morning on an empty stomach, the patient should not get out of bed. You need to drink about a glass of warm, still mineral water, which is added 5 grams of sorbitol or magnesia. Then you need to lie on your side (right) and put a bottle filled with warm water or a heating pad on the liver area.

So it is worth lying at least an hour. Then you need to drink warm water again, but with the addition of lemon. After about 15 minutes you can eat a choleretic breakfast - boiled soft boiled egg with a small piece of butter. Eating bread is not welcome.

How to understand that the procedure was successful?

If within a few hours you have mild diarrhea, then you can safely say that the sounding was successful. Together with the feces comes a stagnant bile.

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