Food and drink, Main course
What is the benefit of irgi?
Many have never heard of such a berry as an igra. This is explained by the fact that it may not grow where you live. Homeland irgi are the temperate climatic regions of the northern hemisphere. It grows throughout North America, especially in the northeastern United States and southeast of Canada, and also occurs in Asia and Europe.
As you can see in the photos, it resembles blueberries in size, and also in color. However, the similarity is only external - the berry has its own unique delicate aroma and unusual taste. Despite the fact that the use of irgi has been noticed for a long time, its artificial cultivation started only a few years ago. More recently, these berries were not available in the market.
The most common species of this plant are small trees, often multi-stemmed, or large thick bushes. The bark is gray (less often brown) and has a smooth texture. Fruits are berry-shaped pomegranates, the color of which varies from red and purple to almost black at the end of maturation. Their diameter is usually 5-15 mm, and the taste can be from fresh to very sweet.
Previously, this berry was used for medicinal purposes. Modern science has also confirmed the usefulness of irgi, when it was found that it contains a large number of antioxidants - phenolic resins, flavonols and anthocyanins. As you know, these substances have a beneficial effect on the body.
In addition, in addition to the unique sweet taste, the use of irgi is manifested in its nutritional value. This berry is an excellent source of manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, copper and carotene. A 100-gram portion of fresh irgia can give the body 88 mg of calcium, representing the best source of this microelement than red meat, vegetables and cereals.
In addition, these berries are an excellent source of iron, since in 100 grams it contains up to 22.3% of the daily norm of this substance. The advantage of irgi also lies in the fact that it has a high content of sugar and vitamin C and differs by three times the content of manganese and copper than the same amount of raisins.
In folk medicine has long been noted the effectiveness of berries in the treatment of throat diseases - rinsing the juice of this berry allows you to quickly cure angina. In addition, the juice promotes rapid healing of wounds and abscesses. Also make sure what the benefits of irgi, you can when treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - inflammatory processes and colitis. These fruits can be of great help in case of insomnia - they act on the nervous system in a relaxing way, thus helping to fall asleep quickly.
Speaking generally about what the benefits and harms of irgi are, one should not forget about its ability to lower blood pressure. This suggests that the berry is undesirable in large numbers to hypotonic patients. However, people who spend a lot of time behind the wheel, the fruits are not contraindicated - in order to cause a sedative effect, you will need to eat simultaneously more than a kilo of berries, which is unlikely.
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