
What is spell: the translation options and the most famous expressions with this word

Many words of foreign origin are so often used in the Russian language that some use them, not always knowing their true meaning. For example, the English adjective special (speshl). What is this, let's find out, and also consider the most famous expressions with it.

Etymology of the word

Before finding out the lexical meaning of the word special, it is worthwhile to learn about the origin of the term.

Like most of the English words, "hurry" came into it from Latin. In times immemorial, when Rome seemed an indestructible state, its inhabitants used a noun species in speech that meant "appearance."

After the fall of the empire, Latin still reigned for many centuries in Europe, thanks to the fact that most scientific and theological works were written on it. At the same time, although it actively influenced the formation of almost all languages in European states, it itself was exposed to them. Thus, the so-called "medieval Latin" arose. In it the term species evolved to the word specialis, which, with minimal changes, was borrowed by Old English and especial languages.

Modern appearance and meaning the word "hurried" acquired in the Middle English period, retaining it to this day.

What is special (speshl)

Having dealt with the etymology, it is necessary to finally find out what is hurried?

This adjective translates from the language of the British as "special", "outstanding", "unusual" or even "unique."

As a rule, the word special is used in speech when they want to emphasize the exclusivity of a thing, moment, event, action or object.

Also considered adjective in official names is used in the meaning of "special".

Translation and the meaning of the expression "hurried editions"

The aforementioned phrase can often be found on the covers of books, comics, manga, music CDs, games, movies and television series. What does it mean?

A literal translation of "hurried editions" is a special / special edition. However, in the Russian language, it is often replaced with a similar expression of "collector's edition."

As a rule, such a mark indicates the uniqueness of this product:

  • If these are records of music, films or television series, then on the discs they will contain some additional materials. Usually this is either a documentary tape about the creation process or a set of cut scenes. If the picture on the disc in 3D format, a special edition is usually presented with 3D glasses.
  • When it comes to games, it means that they will necessarily have bonus levels and assignments.
  • Books with such a note often have a more expensive design and are well suited as a luxury gift. Also, they can contain information about the author or the history of the creation of the work. In addition to all of the above, a special edition may include draft versions of the book. If this is a dictionary or an encyclopedia, the collection version may contain additional articles or a disk with a digital version of the book.

All this is done in order to maintain the interest of buyers in the products and force them to acquire new copies, despite the presence of old ones.

The word "hurried" in the names of episodes

Considering the question "What is a hurry?" It is worth noting that in the names of some serials or games it is used in itself. What is this for?

As you know, most of the television products are released during the nine-month season lasting from September to May. The other three months, similar projects, as a rule, are on a "vacation". Sometimes these vacations can be delayed for a longer period, as for example, with the British TV series "Black Mirror" and "Sherlock" (they have a frequency of the seasons once every three years).

Due to long breaks, viewers are able to cool down to their favorite project. To prevent this from happening, the creators of television production in the off-season release special series with the mark special. As a rule, they are not related to the main storyline, but at the same time give viewers a better understanding of their favorite characters and have a good time.

As an example, we can cite the well-known animated series One Piece (based on the manga of the same name) consisting of more than seven hundred episodes. Among them there are full-length animated films, as well as special editions, timed to the holidays and the off-season. The latter are called "Van Pease: Special", and then the more detailed name of the episode.

What is the meaning of the phrase "hurriedly"

The phrase special for you, probably, takes second place in popularity (after all possible expressions with a noun love) as an inscription on postcards and romantic wallpaper on the desktop of the computer.

Correct its translation: "especially for you / you." This expression is used when the speaker or writer wishes to emphasize that what is done or donated to them is not intended for everyone, but for a particular person.

Among other things, this phrase is often used in songs about love and passion.

What is SPECIAL?

Considering the question: "What is hurry?" - it is worth mentioning one more way of deciphering the given word.

If it is written as an abbreviation with dots after each letter - this means that it is a role system for the popular computer game Fallout. Each of the letters of this adjective is an abbreviation of a certain characteristic of the character.

  • Strength is strength.
  • Perception - perception.
  • Endurance - endurance.
  • Charisma - charm.
  • Intelligence - intelligence.
  • Agility - agility.
  • Luck - good luck.

In addition to the "golden seven", all the characters of the game SPECIAL have other characteristics, but they play a secondary role

Having considered the meaning of the word "hurry", as well as the most famous expressions with it, it can be concluded that in the modern world it, along with the adjective "new" (new), has become one of the main tools in the field of marketing.

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