FinanceThe property

What is on rented apartments

Choosing a rented accommodation, you need to decide in advance with a few questions. For example, is it easy to get to a new home? Is the value of the apartment proportionate to its condition and size? Is there enough space for new housing for a comfortable life in it? And is there any furniture in the apartment left from the owners or previous tenants?

As a rule, in any rented apartment there is a small set of standard, "basic" furniture: a kitchen table, several chairs, a refrigerator, a closet. Sometimes there is a TV and a microwave and, of course, there is always a bed there.

Let's talk about beds in rented apartments

Oh, these beds (or more often sofas) in rented apartments! The species that have often been used many times, they always cause mixed feelings. Of course, having a bed in a new house solves many other problems - you do not have to suffer, carrying your own bed, you do not need to buy additional furniture, you have to ask yourself to buy good mattresses here, for example. But on the other hand, a number of questions arise. Firstly, is not there, incidentally, in the new-old bed of the small tenants - bedbugs. And, secondly, how clean are the mattresses?

To relieve yourself of the need to recognize yourself, it is better to take care of your own health and comfort in advance. No, buying good beds here is not the best solution. But you can, for example, clean the pillows and mattress. You can even treat the surface with some means against bugs. Fortunately, modern sprays are odorless. Still you can take out the pillows on the balcony for a while, or get them out properly - this will save both the dust and the smell.

And, of course, when entering new housing, you should stock your own clean linens. Of course, in some cases, and in rented apartments provide sheets and duvet covers - especially if the area is rented for hours and days. But even then the purity of the veil should be questioned.

The kitchen should be clean

The rest of the furniture available in a rented apartment or room can be treated much calmer. Unless the microwave oven and gas stove should be cleaned a couple of times. In the kitchen, special attention should be paid only to the refrigerator. That's it, you definitely need to unfreeze it and properly wipe it off. And do it not only to maintain cleanliness, but also in order to protect their health. After all, even if the owners of housing are very nice and well-bred people, it is not known what products were stored in the freezer by the previous tenants. But what if there was something dangerous?

Summarizing, one can say one thing: that life in a rented apartment was peaceful and comfortable, some things should be taken care of necessarily. And cleanliness is one of the main points in this "mandatory list". Especially - cleanliness in those places where the dinners have supper and rest.

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