Spiritual development, Dream Interpreter
What does a classmate dream about: interpretations
Interpretation of dreams is not an easy task even for experienced esotericists and fortune tellers. In addition to purely psychological approaches, folk wisdom left a huge number of special explanatory dream dictionaries - dream books. They can come in handy, because not always dreams are forgotten by morning. Sometimes a dream at night leaves a depressing impression, it is necessary to think it over and understand what it symbolized. Especially it concerns dreams about a distant and already long forgotten past. For example, about the school years and the people with whom these years were spent at one desk.
But what does the classmate dream about on his own? If in a dream you are present at the funeral of a former classmate, this may indicate unpleasant memories related to your school years and specifically this person. Remember, did not he annoy you more than anyone? Why dream of a classmate with whom you have a violent romance in your sleep, although nothing like this has happened in school, it's to your insecurities in loved ones. You are unhappy with the quality of your personal life, think about it.
A small conclusion
Well, if you sum up all the interpretations about what a classmate is dreaming about, it's definitely a change. This means that life goes to a new stage, you need to listen to yourself, and your dreams, including, and fearlessly take the first step forward - change jobs, meet new love or just spend more time with your close people. Do not dismiss dreams, listen to what they are saying, but take the decision solely by yourself, without looking back, because sometimes, as Freud said, "there are just dreams."
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