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What can I do to prevent a miscarriage? Symptoms that can not be ignored

Sometimes you can avoid spontaneous abortion. In order to avoid a miscarriage, the symptoms of the threat should be recognized as early as possible and consult a doctor.

Unfortunately, approximately every 4th pregnancy ends in a miscarriage. Sometimes the reason depends on the woman, and sometimes - no.

Miscarriage: early symptoms

Sometimes a woman does not even know about pregnancy, and she has a miscarriage. Some take bleeding for menstruation. Allocations may be brownish with or without blood impurities. At an early date, it is almost impossible to change the course of events. Usually at this stage, miscarriage occurs because the fetus is not viable. But if you had brownish discharge, but the fetus is not yet ejected, do not ignore the first symptoms of miscarriage. Seek medical advice immediately. Perhaps pregnancy can be saved.

Miscarriage: a symptom in the second trimester

If the miscarriage occurred from the 12th to the 22nd week, it is called late. Sometimes it is accompanied by painful sensations, but they may be absent. Symptoms of miscarriage in the second trimester - allocation and bleeding of scarlet or brown color. In most cases, the fetus dies in the uterus, and then comes out in parts. In some cases, you can see a grayish blister. This means that the fruit has completely separated.

Usually bleeding lasts several days and does not stop even after a miscarriage. If you notice the first symptoms, immediately call an ambulance. Pregnancy can still be saved in the first two stages. The first phase is a threat. It is characterized by a bloody "daub" and pain in the abdomen. Some women experience this condition almost throughout their entire pregnancy. But one can not treat them superficially. The second stage is the beginning of a miscarriage. A woman feels pain that looks like a fight. Allocations are initially mild or moderate, dizziness is noted, weakness is possible. In such cases, hospitalization is necessary. Often after therapy, pregnancy can be maintained. For these purposes hormonal therapy is often used . For the child, such treatment is harmless. Often because of hormonal failure, miscarriage begins.

If there is a so-called. "Abortion in progress," pregnancy can no longer be saved. During this period, the fetus dies. The woman experiences sharp pains in the lower abdomen and aching pain in the lower back. Bleeding can become profuse. The fourth stage is the complete expulsion of the fetus. This can happen in whole or in parts. To make sure that parts of the fetus did not remain in the uterus, you need to undergo an ultrasound examination.

Miscarriage: a symptom that can not be ignored

If you see spotting or feel pain in the abdomen or lower back, consult your doctor. Sometimes a sense of discomfort in the side may indicate problems, for example cysts. If you feel that your condition has changed dramatically, for example, weakness, severe nausea, or increased / decreased pressure, seek help.

Before the arrival of a doctor, lie down on the bed and do not take any medication.

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