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Werther effect: description, features and examples of manifestation

Unfortunately, a bad example is contagious. Sometimes people, not agreeing, tend to imitate suicide, widely covered in the media. Today we will talk about this strange large-scale phenomenon, called the Werther effect.

Consequences of reading the famous novel

It started more than two centuries ago. On the streets of cities across Europe continually appeared brightly dressed young people. A yellow waistcoat, a blue coat and trousers could be a fashion trend. Progressive youth was under the impression of reading the novel of the great Goethe "The Suffering of a Young Werther". The work brought the author world fame. But who would have thought that people would want to copy not only the habits of clothing, but also the horrifying ending of the plot: in the finale, the main character shoots himself in the head. Then the Werther effect as a phenomenon was not classified. This happened only two centuries later. And in the seventies of the eighteenth century, authorities in Germany, Denmark and Italy found nothing better than to ban a great work, stopping provoking impressionable youth on suicide.

Introduction of the term

Two centuries later, American sociologist David Phillips investigated the causes of mass suicides that spontaneously arose after reading Goethe's novel. The imitators of the young Werther, just like the protagonist, suffered from unrequited love and saw no sense in continuing their existence in this mortal world. The powerful message of the work forced people to experience this story to the end.

However, the syndrome of young Werther after two centuries has not disappeared anywhere. David Phillips began an independent investigation. The scientist analyzed the details of 12,000 suicides that were covered in television news, and came to a terrible conclusion. People really tend to copy suicide attempts, and it does not matter from what sources they learned about it: from literature, newspapers, news programs or television movies. So in psychology a new term arose - the Werther effect.

Why do mass suicides happen?

Mass suicides in themselves are by no means a new phenomenon. In history, in all world cultures there are vivid examples: hara-kiri of Japanese samurai, self-immolation of Old Believers, suicide of Jews who did not want to become slaves in ancient Rome and even suicide bombers these days. However, all these suicides are dictated by a different, not imitative motive. These mass actions are dictated by ideology. The Werther effect has a completely different character. This is something beyond understanding, but also the phenomenon has a powerful motive. For example, the desire to go to another world after the idol.

The brightest stars, whose death served as an incentive for mass suicides

The most illustrative example can be considered mass poisoning as solidarity with the death of your beloved mid-twentieth century actress Merlin Monroe. Many people did not find the strength to survive the loss and joined it in their last decision. In recent history, memories of the death of the frontman of the Nirvana group, Kurt Cobain, are still fresh in the memory of the fans. In April 1994, the musician was found dead on the floor of his own house with a shot through his head. With him, weapons and a suicide note were found. It is not necessary to say that the leader of a cult rock band unwittingly condemned to death a lot of admirers of his talent. Young people regarded this act not as a desire to play with death or attract attention, but as a sign of protest.

The actual problem of our time

If in the XVIII century the main "irritant" of impressionable youth was literature, nowadays there are more reasons for concern among parents. The media relish every detail of another high-profile incident than they can not outrage the disturbed and concerned public. So, for example, Roskomnadzor created a working group, which included prominent public figures, psychologists, journalists, journalists, as well as experts studying the problems of suicide. Russian public figures prepare recommendations on the correct coverage of cases of suicide in the media. Otherwise, the effect of Werther can kill more than one thousand people.

How to correctly cover tragic news

We remember what a powerful effect the work of the great Goethe had on young people in Europe. However, no one will hide the news, in the Internet age they will still leak to the masses. It is important to know how to correctly illuminate an event. Absolutely superfluous are the details of suicide, the coverage of causes and motives. Millions of people can have similar destinies. And someone's suicide can become an instruction for action or be regarded as the only way out of a difficult situation. Why does imitation take place?

This is a serious psychological problem

People who find themselves in difficult situations, fall into depression or feel the burdens of other mental disorders. They do not have the strength to fight or ask for help. In such a critical state, it is much easier to learn about the fate of a person duplicating your destiny, like two drops of water. Only this man has already found a way out ... Journalists who describe the next case with deliberate drama add fuel to the fire even more. Elevated tones and excessive emotionality act on desperate people like a red rag on a bull.

Experts call on media to restrain and bezemotsionalnosti

We have already learned how the Werther effect works, now we learn how journalists should work, so as not to provoke people to a fatal step. The Expert Council of Roskomnadzor proposes to cover the fateful events with restraint and concise. There should not be details of the action itself, which can become for fans a detailed instruction for action. The attitude of journalists and broadcasters should be serious and balanced. You can not lead a story on behalf of the victim, deliberately focus on the field and the age of the suicide. According to statistics, Werther's syndrome increases the number of suicides of one sex and age with the deceased. As you can see, the words that flow like a continuous stream from the news television series, have too effective influence.

The power of a word

Desperate people, especially adolescents, perceive news of suicide as an algorithm for action. However, modern reporters are too pesky to sensations and ratings. But nobody canceled psychology and the impact of word strength. According to the expert group, there are three people for every one thousand people in the situation that led to the suicide of the next "hero" of the news. If journalists themselves are poorly versed in psychology, it is not unreasonable for them to hire a full-time psychologist who will give recommendations on proper coverage of the topic.

Psychological portrait of a follower

Now let us examine in more detail the psychological portrait of a person who can follow the example of a famous suicide. What is the Werther effect from the point of view of identifying a risk group? Here is a typical portrait of a man. He is insecure, relies on someone else's opinion and is used to following the chosen example to follow his actions . This person is guided, it is easy to confuse or convince. He trusts someone else's assessment more than his own perception of the situation. He has a weak willpower, and he does not develop a sense of self-preservation.

The Werther effect: examples from recent history

Here are some instructive examples from life. In the 80s, the television series Death of a Student was popular in Germany. Together with the initial credits, in each new series, a scene was shown in which the student rushes under the wheels of a moving train. It's amazing, but in parallel with the show law enforcement agencies noted a surge of identical suicides. Teenagers and students rushed under the train two and a half times more often than before the television series went on screens.

And here is another similar example. Thirty years ago in Austria, suicides in the subway suddenly became more frequent. And then the employees of the Vienna Metro, together with the local Center for Crisis Assistance, went on unprecedented measures. They stopped sending information about the next victim to the media, who decided to reduce their lives to the metro. It worked, and cases of suicides were cut three times. Since then, the Austrian press no longer inflates the sensations from another's tragedy. We will follow this example.

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