
Well-being is ... Explanation of the term

Misunderstanding of certain terms or their one-sided interpretation can lead to an erroneous perception of the situation. That is why people show a commendable curiosity and prefer to thoroughly understand the details. For example, "health" is a concept that refers only to physical health or to more subtle matter? How to determine if everything is all right with him? What should I look for?


If you look at dictionaries, then well-being is a perception of the totality of your own physical and mental state. Sometimes the question arises, is not the word an excessive construction? If a person feels everything, then why does the prefix "itself", he did not perceive everything before through mediators?

The fact is that in feelings and sensations it is possible to allocate conditionally the subject and the object. The object can be material or ephemeral, and the subject thus only accepts the sensations, evaluates and reacts accordingly. If we are talking about the state of health, then the object and the subject are the same person.

Feeling is health?

Often this concept is confused with physical health, that is, with the absence of disease in the medical sense. If all body systems work correctly, nothing hurts, no pathologies are observed, then well-being should be good. If your doctor is interested in this, he asks specifically to describe the symptoms, to subjectively evaluate, listen to yourself.

However, well-being is not only a well-functioning body. Change it can and external factors - some events that affect the psyche. Everything affects everything literally: circumstances, mood, weather, personal life, everyday turmoil. Sometimes well-being is not due to excellent factors of influence, but in spite of. So, there was an internal reserve or some strong positive feeling that blocked a lot of negative factors.

Psychic as an important component

Mental forces can largely determine a person's well-being, this will be confirmed by any psychologist. Unfortunately, doctors do not always listen to the patient's statement that his state of health does not meet the doctor's positive forecast. Often, problems with the emotional state indicate hormonal disorders, and this affects the entire body as a whole.

It turns out that the self-awareness of all the processes that occur not only with the body, but also with the personality, should not be overlooked, because it can be considered an unimportant important symptom. According to folk wisdom, all diseases happen "from nerves". The truth is in this, and everything is really connected with the state of mind. It turns out that the general state of health should in no case be limited to physical health.

Attempts to regulate the state of health by willpower

When a person feels tired and somehow broken, the first thing that comes to mind is sickness. To begin with, the body temperature is checked, because this is the simplest parameter available to everyone at home. If the temperature is raised, then an explanation is obtained, and further conventional measures for treatment can be taken.

But what if there is no temperature, no definite pains, too, there was no trauma, but does not everything feel good? Home-grown "psychologists" recommend to pull themselves together, gather, mobilize will power and stop feeling bad. The council is strange and for the most part not effective. However, if a person complains of a poor state of health without visible physical illnesses, he is accused of hypochondria, and even of hypocrisy.

How to learn to recognize important signals

Our body is designed to such a degree of complexity and uniqueness that, by inexperience, we simply do not recognize the signals that it sends. With grief in half, we determine what state of health can be called bad enough to get socially approved relief, seek help from a doctor, go to a well-deserved hospital.

It's worth remembering that the body will not send signals just like that. Even if the doctors claim that the alarm that alarmed you is really "just wrong", the heart is OK, and you are just too hypochondriac. Either the body sends a false signal, which means that something is wrong with the main nervous pathways, either the psyche is broken or the doctors missed something during the examination.

Anxious obsessive conditions, which are practically not diagnosed by general practitioners, are not reflected in typical analyzes, are not monitored by ultrasound. It is worth turning to a psychiatrist who, in the first place, will assign an in-depth examination for physical health. Doctors say that some of the patients who apply for help not only do not suffer from psychiatric illnesses, but also show enviable intelligence and logic, turning with doubts to narrow specialists.

The state of health is the first parameter of our viability, it is on it that further treatment is based. Be attentive to yourself!

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