Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

We leaf through the dream book: what does the guy's mum dream about and what to expect from such a vision?

If you want to know what the guy's dream is about, then it's worth to look into a couple of popular interpreters. In one book it will be said that this vision is a harbinger of happiness in your personal life. In another - that such a dream only promises quarrels and troubles associated with the beloved. Therefore, apart from the interpretations, one must also take into account personal impressions of the vision. But still I'd like to turn to the most popular dream books for help.

The interpreter of the XXI century

This book is able to tell you what the guy's dream is about. If such a vision happened a few days after a real quarrel or a skirmish between a girl and a lover, then soon they will reconcile, and their relationship will only become stronger. In reality, does the dreamer not know the mother of her lover? Then this vision promises her the fulfillment of her long-cherished dream.

If the girl in a dream quarreled and swore with the mother of her partner, then soon she will be in a situation in which she will have to prove something to someone. Also, complications in relations with a loved one, friends, relatives, or with a team are possible.

And what does the mother of a guy dream of trying to annoy a girl in a vision, doing various kinds of minor dirty tricks? This is not good. Perhaps she really does not feel positive feelings for the potential daughter-in-law in real life. So the girl should be more careful in communicating with her, if any. It is advisable to follow every word and behavior. Any objectionable potential mother-in-law trifle can ignite in her the desire to provoke a scandal.

Family Dream Book

This book can also help to understand what the guy's dream is about. In her vision, did the girl try to do something good for her? Gave gifts, for example, or helped in something? Unfortunately, this only says that all her attempts to please potential mother-in-law will not succeed. Moreover, Madame can count good gestures for clever tricks and the intention to get into trust. Approximately the same thing means a dream in which the girl saw herself living with her in the same apartment.

And what does the acquaintance with the boy's mum, when the young lady felt anxious and even intended to escape, dream of? It is believed that this vision embodies her habit of running away from problems. Which does not lead to anything good. Perhaps it's time to wean ourselves from it.

According to Miller

This dream book recommends paying attention to the details. In the vision, did the mother of the beloved cry? So soon the girl will have to face troubles. The woman looked happy? This is also not good. Perhaps the dreamer's partner devotes her mother to all the details of their relationship and asks her for advice on each situation. Which, of course, shows him not on the best side.

Finally it is worth to say about what the dream of the mother of the former guy. They say that this vision represents the girl's longing for the ex-lover. But if the lady looked angry and mercilessly swearing, then nothing but problems, from such a dream can not wait. Perhaps in the near future someone will try to test the girl's patience for strength. The most important thing is not to yield to provocation. Surrendering to emotions, you can only make yourself worse.

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