HealthDiseases and Conditions

Vegetosovascular dystonia, symptoms and treatment

Many patients, after hearing the diagnosis of "VSD", do not know what kind of illness and how to treat it. Here we will answer this question and tell you what vegeto-vascular dystonia is.

Symptoms of it can be similar to the signs of other diseases. But VSD is not a disease - it is a syndrome that appears due to any violation of human health, whether it's simple fatigue or a serious illness. And the only correct method of treating dystonia is to identify and eliminate the causes of its appearance.

This syndrome is a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates internal harmony in the body. Due to the failure of the operation of the VNS, a violation of heat exchange, digestion, circulation, and sexual function occurs in a person. Vegetosovascular dystonia, the symptoms of which we describe below, can appear in a person at any age. It can manifest itself constantly or be of the character of crises (fainting, panic attacks, etc.).

So, we learned what vegeto vascular dystonia is, then we'll talk about the reasons for its appearance and treatment.

Why does the IRR appear? The main causes of the syndrome are depression, neurosis, cervical spine, consequences of head and neck injuries, endocrine disorders, infectious diseases, allergies, malfunctioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Many body systems and organs subordinated to the autonomic nervous system begin to fail in such pathology as vegetative dystonia.

Symptoms of the IRR:

  • Predisposition to hypertension or hypotension, rapid or slow heart rate.
  • Chronic fatigue, intolerance to large or prolonged physical exertion.
  • Chilliness or heat and the desire to feel coolness, cold extremities, hot flashes, perhaps a slight increase in body temperature.
  • Violation of the stomach and intestines (there may be constipation or diarrhea, DZHVP, spastic pain).
  • Nervous disorders - slight nervous exhaustion, headaches, irritability, dizziness, sleep disturbance, dysfunction of sexual activity.
  • Sweating or dry skin.
  • Panic attacks, fainting, seizures, vagoinsular, sympathoadrenal, or complex crises.

With a constant repetition of the above symptoms, you need to see a doctor who can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment.

But vegeto-vascular dystonia, the symptoms of which are ambiguous, is not so easily revealed. To confirm the diagnosis, examinations and consultations of various specialists are necessary: the therapist, the oculist, the neurologist, the gynecologist, the endocrinologist, the cardiologist. The presence of a somatic organic disease is excluded and studies are performed according to the patient's complaints and symptoms. The patient should explain his feelings in seizures in great detail in order to make the most accurate picture of the disease. After establishing the diagnosis of "VSD" and excluding the possibility of having a physical illness the doctor prescribes individual treatment.

How to treat vegetative vascular dystonia? First of all, you need to harmonize your way of life: to play sports games, to regulate the mode of work and rest, to walk more often outdoors, to go out into nature, take a contrast shower, watch food, sleep at least eight hours a day. People with this syndrome are recommended to have a sanatorium treatment (in institutions of the neurological direction), a visit to a therapist, reflexology, aromatherapy, massage, physiotherapy. This is an important part of the treatment, which, unfortunately, many patients do not take seriously, which leads to aggravation of their condition.

Drug treatment of VSD consists of tranquilizers and antidepressants. The drugs are administered individually to each patient, depending on the clinical picture of his illness.

In the treatment of VSD, herbs with sedative and antidepressant effects are also successfully used to relieve anxiety, normalize mood, and eliminate mental overstrain.

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