
Valley of the Kings, Egypt: where is the description, history and scheme

Ancient Egypt refers to those civilizations whose unsolved secrets are waiting for their time. Secrets of the pharaohs and their temples continue to beckon experienced archaeologists going to the banks of the Nile in the hope of learning something new. The Egyptians believed in the obligatory transition of the soul to the afterlife, and for its implementation it was necessary to keep the body shell unharmed. Expensive tombs were built as the home of the deceased rulers of the country; It was the pyramids that were considered royal burial vaults. However, not all the pharaohs were buried there - most of them rest in a valley near the city of Luxor.

Valley of the Kings in Egypt: history, description

Located on the Nile River, the mystical valley is a unique place, with more than sixty tombs of pharaohs buried from the 16th to the 11th century BC. The history of the appearance of the royal tomb begins with the desire of Pharaoh Thutmose I, who ruled during the so-called New Kingdom and dreamed that his body was buried secretly.

Afraid of plundering his tomb, he orders to find a place inaccessible to thieves with an entrance hidden from others' eyes. And now, after his death, the first burial, made in the form of a well, appears in a secluded deserted gorge, known as the Valley of the Kings. Egypt has always carefully treated its unique attractions, in which anyone can penetrate the very heart of antiquity. For a thousand years tourists have come to this sacred territory, often behaving not so cautiously with the historical monument and allowing themselves to leave graffiti and drawings on the walls.

The place on the west bank of the Nile was chosen for several reasons. The funeral processions held here were hidden from unnecessary eyes by steep rocks, and limestone has long been used in construction. It was he who defended all graves from possible damage with time.

New burial plan

The decision of Thutmose I changed the old system of burial, according to a completely new plan, the Valley of Kings was built in Egypt. The scheme was as follows: now the burial place of the rulers was cut out in the rock, and the entrance in the form of a long inclined tunnel, going deep, was necessarily masked. The walls were decorated with carved bas-reliefs, which tell of the exploits of the deceased.

The plundering of burial vaults

Pharaoh was not in vain afraid of desecrating his tomb. At that time unclean people went on stealing in the thirst to fabulously get rich. After seizing the jewels, the criminals, fearing revenge and punishment, burned the remains of the mummy. There are facts when robbers were provoked officials, and in such a risky manner they avoided well-deserved punishment. Archaeologists give one more reason why the sarcophagus was vandalized. Violent in religious fanaticism, the Egyptians dragged out the mortal remains of the pharaohs to actually bury them, protecting the integrity of the soul of their master and at the same time fearing punishment for allowing thievery to be plundered. Often mummies were hiding in basements, in which in a few centuries they were discovered by archaeologists, delighted by such a find.

According to scientists, for five time periods, during which the country ruled thirty dynasties of pharaohs, the history of Ancient Egypt is divided . The valley of the dead kings, unfortunately, began to be subjected to Vandal looting in the era of the twentieth and twenty-first dynasties. And some families, who were robbing, successfully passed knowledge to other generations, since this was a very profitable business.

Valley of the Tsaritsa

Nearby was the Valley of the Tsaritsa, where not only the wives of rulers were buried, but also their children. There are about seventy sarcophagi, similar in appearance to the tombs of the rulers, but much smaller. For example, the burial of the wife of Pharaoh Nefertari scholars is considered the most beautiful of all found.

Bright murals on the walls have not lost their colors, all images are made according to an ancient tradition - portraits are painted exclusively in profile. Wonderful illustrations of the Book of the Dead admire those who visited this sacred place. At the top of the sarcophagus it is as if the glow of the starry sky illuminates.

Archaeological sensation

Serious study of the sacred territory for the Egyptians began in the XIX century. Then scientists found about three dozen defiled burials. Now under the protection of UNESCO there is an amazing and completely unsolved place, the name of which is the Valley of the Kings. Egypt long kept its secrets - until in the early 20-ies of the XIX century archeologists did not find the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, which became a historical sensation. For thirty-three centuries it stood undefered, retaining thousands of magnificent works of art for descendants, and the most famous of them was the death mask of the ruler.

Deadly secrets of the curse of Tutankhamun

With the opening of this tomb, a mystery is connected, which took the lives of English archaeologists from that expedition. The inscription in the sarcophagus read that anyone who disturbed Pharaoh's peace would overtake death. After this, an inexplicable series of deaths begins. The sponsor of the expedition dies first, and then his brother, for a few months the eternal peace is found by scientists who have opened the tomb, and physicians are powerless in trying to establish the reasons for their sudden death. On the second day even the old friend of the sponsor dies, who came to admire the treasure. It is known about 22 deaths that happened absolutely unpredictably, but with the same symptoms of heat, subsequent chills and loss of consciousness. Curious fact: the sponsor himself and his wife died from a bite of a normal mosquito. But the founder of the expedition, Lord Carter was the only one who died naturally in old age.

Researchers are still trying to unravel the causes of strange deaths. Some believe that everyone has ruined the fungus, the spores of which were inhaled by members of the expedition, others blame the virus that had been waiting for its victims for many centuries, while others say that the radiation that destroyed all of them. However, people died for unknown reasons and in the 70s. Many wondered if the Valley of the Kings was to blame for them. Egypt at that time shook the mysterious incident that happened to the six robbers who tried to steal from the Cairo Museum a mask of Tutankhamun. Five of them died mysteriously before the trial and in prison, and the latter died when he was released. The story says that on his desk found a note in which it was said about the curse.

Valley of the Kings (Egypt): new mysteries

Surprisingly, eighty-odd years after the study of the tomb of Tutankhamun, scientists found a new burial. They found a mine leading to the tomb, in which five sarcophagi were kept. It was believed that the valley was fully studied, and the find puts this claim in doubt. On the cover of a sarcophagus, archaeologists have discovered an image of an attractive woman and jewelry made of gold. Hurrying to draw a conclusion about a new discovery, the experts were disappointed: under the cover of the mummy was not found, and found the things all the same with the name of Tutankhamun or with his relative.

Features of the tourist itinerary

Now everyone who comes to the country knows where the Valley of Kings is in Egypt. This is a very popular route, especially since now comfortable roads are laid in the city of Luxor. Sometimes the tombs are closed for maintenance, so you should clarify this point before you start traveling. Indifferent after visiting this object no one will remain, because there are very few places in the world where one can get acquainted with the culture of burial.

From the very early morning begins an excursion to the Valley of the Kings. Egypt - a country with a hot climate, so many are hard to endure the trip. Guides advise you to stock up on drinking water and warn about the ban on photographing in tombs. Contrived to capture the unique views are waiting for a lot of fines, and all the footage and video will be deleted. The fee for the excursion includes the visit of tourists to three tombs, for the pleasure of admiring other mysterious objects will have to fork out. Tourists emphasize that inside there is bad ventilation and moist air, which is difficult to breathe. Therefore, if possible, it is best to enjoy the tombs in winter.

Its mysteriousness has long attracted people of ancient Egypt. The Valley of the Kings is that very mystery that is not completely solved, to which millions of travelers want to touch. Until now, one can not say for sure how many secrets the country preserves with its ancient heritage. We will wait for new discoveries!

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