TravelsTips for tourists

Urban Backpack: Basic Selection Options

The modern pace of life sometimes requires us to perform several actions simultaneously. For example, keep a mobile phone, bag, jacket, and even pass the fare. And only two hands. Young people have long found a way out of their similar situations - a city backpack. It houses a lot of things that you can not do without, and which are unlikely to fit in your bag. Manufacturers, noticing the unprecedented demand for backpacks, immediately responded with an abundance of proposals. Cute appearance, ergonomics, water resistance, light weight - these parameters differ from urban tarpaulins from their canvas ancestors. Female models from men's can be distinguished only by smaller volume and more vivid prints. Children, too, did not leave without backpacks - soft, frameless, they are decorated with flowers or images of fairy-tale heroes.


Make a list of things that you will wear all the time - this determines the volume of the model you are purchasing. In addition, determine how many and which branches in the backpack you need. The optimal organization of the internal space will allow you to compactly place all the necessary things.


Urban conditions are not any easier for campers. The same unfavorable weather factors and constant friction, besides wearing a city backpack you will be much more likely than its tourist counterpart. So, he must have maximum waterproofness and strength. And it's not even in appearance that will quickly lose a cheap copy made of poor-quality materials. Most likely, you will transfer in it various techniques: a camera, a laptop or a tablet. Test books and a library book are also afraid of moisture. Therefore, ask the seller the name of the fabric. If you hear "Cordura" or "Nylon", this is what you need. They are made of a thread having a special structure, water-repellent impregnation and a polyurethane coating. Such a fabric and waterproof zippers will make your urban backpack very reliable and protected.


Backs in backpacks for the city are performed in three different versions. Firstly, it is an ordinary layer of tissue. The minus of the fabric back is that in such a backpack it is inconvenient to carry objects with sharp corners - books, magazines, a laptop. Secondly, the orthopedic back. Ideal option is a city backpack with a back, made by Special "breathing" technology Air Mesh. It is easy to identify by the upper layer - mesh jersey. Good ventilation characteristics are especially appreciated in the warm season, when the back because of the air layer sweats less.


They are demanded as stringent as the straps of tourist backpacks. Urban backpack should be equipped with wide, soft and comfortable straps. They are straight and anatomical. The latter, repeating the contours of the body, more evenly distribute the load. There are straps that are sewn at the top of the backpack. Their advantage - the optimal load distribution and comfort in wearing. Take a closer look at models with side slings. For example, a polar backpack, equipped with screeds, can be easily reduced in volume, when space is freed in it.

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