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Ulcer on the penis. Than to treat ulcers on a sexual member?

A rather unpleasant symptom, which can talk about the occurrence of a number of diseases in men, is an ulcer on the penis. And most importantly, what they should do, if such a symptom occurs, - immediately contact the appropriate specialist for help. Otherwise, you can start a serious illness, the consequences of which can drastically change a man's habitual life.

Basic information

In medicine, an ulcer on the penis is called balanoposthitis. The main cause of this disease is hidden infections that enter the male body during sexual intercourse. Such trouble turns for the patient into a serious physical and psychological problem.

Without treatment, ulcers will increase in size and cause a lot of inconvenience, therefore, with the appearance of the smallest formations, it is better to immediately seek help.

Causes and main signs of the disease

Ulcers on a male member can be of different shapes and sizes. It depends only on the disease, the manifestation of which is the named symptom. Exceptionally, it is very difficult to put an exact diagnosis and start treatment, therefore after visual inspection the doctor appoints a number of special analyzes. To do this, the contents of the ulcers are sent to a laboratory study, according to which it will be possible to say exactly what will continue to be fought.

According to practical analysis, the appearance of ulcers on the penis, as a rule, indicates the presence of the following diseases:

  • Syphilis;
  • Herpes of the penis:
  • Soft chancre and others.

The main signs of the disease

The main signs of the appearance of ulcers on the penis, caused by infection, are:

  • Decreased appetite;
  • fever;
  • General weakness;
  • malaise;
  • fatigue;
  • Pain in the joints and muscles;
  • An increase in lymph nodes in the groin area;
  • A feeling of apathy;
  • Decrease working capacity.

If, in the presence of ulcers on the genitals, additionally detected and a few of the above signs, it is worth immediately contacting the doctor.


The causative agent of genital herpes is the herpes simplex virus (HSV). There are no more than 8 varieties of the noted disease, but those that provoke its manifestation on the genitals are of the first and second type.

This disease can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy airborne, contact-household (rarely) and sexually. In this case, regardless of the transmission path on the genitals may appear rashes. Most often these are small ulcers on the penis, which eventually dissolve themselves. It is worth noting that the male herpes can pass almost asymptomatically. And to confirm its presence, you just need to take an analysis of the contents of the rashes and wait a bit.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of such a disease completely today - once you get into the body, the herpes virus remains there forever. But therapeutic measures will help to increase the gap between relapses of the disease. Most often the treatment is carried out with such drugs as "Famciclovir", "Valaciclovir" or "Acyclovir."

In this case, if the herpes in men will manifest itself too often, it is worth considering the strengthening of the immune system and the course of antiviral drugs. The duration of relapse depends not only on the correct treatment, but also on compliance with some general rules, including minimum physical exertion and stress and proper nutrition. While the most effective means of herpes is recognized "Acyclovir" or "Zovirax", which is sold in the form of ampoules, tablets and ointments.


An ulcer on the penis may be the first sign of syphilis , a sexually transmitted disease that is transmitted sexually. Its current has four periods. In this incubation time is considered from the moment of infection until the appearance of the first solid chancre. A primary period is characterized by an increase in lymph nodes and the appearance of a specific rash on the mucosa and skin.

A week later in this place, ulcers occur, located on a firm bottom. Most often, these lesions are covered with a serous composition and occur together with a specific rash. To diagnose syphilis with ulcers, it is necessary to pass a serodiagnosis, to pass a PCR analysis and to conduct macroscopic examination in a dark field. As a supplement, treponemal tests may be necessary.

To understand, than to treat ulcers on the penis, from the beginning it will be necessary to find out what kind of disease they are caused by. Treatment of syphilis, depending on the stage of its neglect, can be complex or strictly individual. It is based on antibiotics from the penicillin group, which are replaced, in cases of possible allergic reaction, by other drugs.

In severe disease, ulcers from syphilis can remain on the penis even after complex treatment. Then it is necessary to supplement the course of antibiotics with restorative drugs, immuno- and physiotherapy.

Gangrenous balanitis

Another cause of ulcers on the surface of the male sexual organ is a disease such as balanitis. To the appearance of such an unpleasant illness can lead to infection of the genitourinary system, non-observance of personal hygiene, tight underwear and phimosis. In this case, initially there is an ulcer on the skin of the penis, or rather - on its head. From the side it looks like a small shallow depression, covered with pus.

Most often balanitis is accompanied by high fever, general malaise and dry mouth. If untimely treatment can begin necrosis of the head of the penis. Therapy of gangrenous balanitis is carried out in a complex manner.

Initially, the patient will have to give up sexual intercourse for the period of treatment. Next, we have to drink a course of sulfonamide drugs and antibiotics. Necessarily all this time it is necessary to do lotions with an antiseptic, with the help of which disinfected ulcers with purulent contents. Most often this is an ordinary manganese or "Chlorhexidine". By the way, if the causative agent of the disease is an infection, the affected parts of the penis will have to be treated 3-4 times a day with "Levomekol" ointment.


A purulent ulcer on the penis may occur as a result of chancroid - another sexually transmitted disease that is sexually transmitted. Most often, this pathology is diagnosed among people in Africa, Latin America and Asia. From unprotected sexual intercourse until the appearance of the first redness on the penis, no less than 10 days pass. Over time, in place of red spots appear abscesses, and then a malodorous ulcer is formed. With soft shankra, the edges of the wound are quite plastic, the pus is light, although the wound itself is very painful.

Treatment of such a disease is fairly simple, if it is not started. For this purpose, antibacterial therapy or sulfonamide drugs are prescribed. The course is no less than 2 weeks, after which the patient has about 6 months to undergo regular examinations with a doctor to avoid relapse of the disease.

As additional drugs for a deeper treatment, you can use local antibiotics as lotions and ointments. In a more advanced stage, surgical intervention is possible.


To ensure that the described problems do not disturb the males any more, a number of simple preventive measures should be carried out constantly:

  1. Refusal of active sexual intercourse, which can lead to damage to the penis.
  2. Use of condoms.
  3. Compliance with personal hygiene.
  4. Avoidance of casual sexual relations.

Having paid attention to the listed items and observing them in the future, you do not have to worry that there will be an ulcer on the penis.

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