
Therapy is etiotropic - what is it? Etiotropic therapy for acute cystitis. Etiotropic therapy for acute intestinal infections in children

The etiotropic therapy is a method of treatment that destroys the bacteriological factor. In order to appoint him, a special examination is made to the person. The essence of it is to identify certain types of bacteria that are present in the body. Also, a person has a frequency of stool. This indicator is considered important. Then the person is given the status of the disease, namely, at what stage it is located. Usually three stages are distinguished: light, medium and heavy. After this, special drugs are prescribed.

Important indicators for treatment

The etiotropic therapy contains certain rules for prescribing medicines. The doctor uses the following indicators to determine the treatment regimen.

  1. The appointment of medications that will more effectively affect the focus of the disease.
  2. Identify the right concentration of the drug, which is suitable in this or that case.
  3. The need to inject drugs through a vein into the human body is being investigated.
  4. The doctor needs to determine whether treatment with a single drug will be effective. This scheme of treatment of a patient is called monotherapy.
  5. It should be determined whether preventive measures are needed for treatment.

Further, an assessment is made of how effective etiotropic therapy is. If it is revealed that the treatment does not bring the desired results, then the scheme changes. Also, the doctor may suggest repeating the course of prescribed medications.

Etiotropic pathogenetic symptomatic therapy

If a person tolerates acute intestinal diseases (gastritis, colitis, dysentery), then along with this therapy other ways of improving the body are prescribed.


  1. Fermentotherapy. The organism returns the missing enzyme.
  2. Probiotic therapy. It is carried out through medications that contain probiotics.

If the dysentery has a mild or moderate degree, then for the recovery of the human body, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. In this case, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient's condition. A study is also being conducted on the effectiveness of the prescribed antibiotic.

Etiotropic therapy for acute intestinal infections in children has the same treatment regimen as in adults, but taking into account, of course, age characteristics.

If a person has a chronic form of dysentery, the doctor prescribes a longer course of taking antibiotics.

Etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy

It should be noted that the use of etiotropic therapy, namely the use of antibiotics, kills the microflora of the human body. Destroy most of the bacteria, and the rest pass into the intestines and secrete toxins. Therefore it is very important in parallel with taking antibiotics to take medications that contain probiotics. Receiving them restores the microflora of the body. Drugs that contain probiotics can be consumed separately, it is not necessary to do this only when taking antibiotics.

The etiotropic therapy is aimed at eliminating the focus of pathology. For this, the following drugs can be used.

  1. Antibiotics.
  2. Preparations that contain probiotics.
  3. Antidotes.
  4. Sulfonamides.
  5. Hyperimmune sera.
  6. Other medications that can remove the cause of any disease.

How different infections are treated with etiotropic therapy

In order to cure the infection, the patient is prescribed antibiotics, sulfanilamide preparations, antiprotozoal drugs and antiviral medications.

Also, you should know that the doctor can prescribe a wide-range or highly targeted drugs.

Principles of therapy

What are the main principles of treatment through this therapy?

  1. First of all, the doctor determines the causative agent of the disease.
  2. Further, it is examined how it reacts to the antibiotic.
  3. Appointed scheme of treatment of the patient.

For effective treatment of a person it is necessary to get rid of the focus of infection and its traces in the body. If this is done, the process of recovery will be rapid.

There are cases when it is necessary to begin treatment urgently and there is no time to study the susceptibility of the organism to this or that antibiotic. For example, if the patient is diagnosed with inflammation of the lungs, then quick help is required. In case of delay, a threat to human life may occur.

Therapy for cystitis. Treatment Scheme

It is used etiotropic therapy for acute cystitis. And what is this ailment? Cystitis is an infectious disease in which there is an inflammatory process. The patient is assigned a complex treatment regimen, taking into account his individual characteristics. The primary goal is to exclude the outbreak of pathology. First of all, etiotropic therapy for acute cystitis is aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome. Usually the doctor appoints uroantiseptics. These include:

  1. The Monural.
  2. Nitroxoline.
  3. "Furadonin".

In parallel with the admission of the above drugs are prescribed spasmolignics, as well as analgesics. It should be noted that these agents also have an anti-inflammatory effect. To this group of drugs are:

  1. "Nurofen."
  2. The Baralgin.
  3. "Nosh-pa".

In the case where the patient suffers from an acute form of cystitis with an unromantic index, the course of his treatment includes the appointment of such drugs as hemostatics. This group of drugs will help stop bleeding.

Etiotropic therapy for acute cystitis does not exclude antibiotics. They are allowed only after an additional examination, namely, the patient must pass a urine test. This study will allow the doctor to see what is the cause of the causative agent of the infection. After the hearth is determined, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate antibiotic to eliminate it.

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