Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

To fish with your hands in a dream - to pregnancy or wealth?

It is very rare that the interpretations of the same dream for different dream books are the same. However, if you dreamed of catching fish with your hands in a dream, this is clearly a good omen.

Depending on the source to which you refer, or from other details and events in a dream, you will either get rich, or in the near future get pregnant. There is no big difference, in principle, no. Our ancestors, under which the first interpretations were created, believed that children are profit. Profit in the family.

But let's talk about what we dream about fishing with our hands yet. It's quite a complicated activity in reality. Therefore, if we consider dreams, as subconscious signals, sleep will mean some complicated enterprise. Most likely, to achieve success and make a profit, you will have to make an effort.

Returning to the details of the dream, it should be noted that the most important is in which pond you have to fish with your hands in a dream. As you remember, about catching fish in troubled waters there is an idiom. How many fish you see in the pond, what size it is, also matters. Notice also whether you have satellites and assistants, or someone is trying to take away prey.

In some dream books, it is also possible to find separate interpretations for various species of fish. A predatory fish in a dream almost always heralds some sort of danger. Especially if she has big teeth and she tries to bite you. Vivacity with "male" names - perch, bream, catfish - means the birth of a boy.

Fishing rod, nets, hands - is there a difference?

If you use dream books, you may notice that there is not always an emphasis on how you have to fish in a dream. Sometimes it really does not matter. But how important is this or that symbol in a dream, every time you need to judge yourself. Usually the most important things are those that are first remembered after awakening.
Perhaps, you started to fish with your hands in a dream because you did not have the necessary device? You could lose the fishing rod and nets or come without them to a place where others are already fishing. This will mean the disorganization of your actions.

Freud's admirers might have noticed that the fishing rod is a phallic symbol. And there is. In the ancient Slavonic dialects, the word "ud" signified a part of the body, and was later used as one of the names of the penis. Water, in turn, is the archetype of the feminine principle. Many legends say that the world and all living things were born out of the water.

Finding or catching fish after descending down for a woman will definitely mean if not pregnancy, then thoughts about children and their feminine early. If a woman has to fish herself in her sleep alone, she may need to do more to get pregnant.

What is the result of sleep

Usually, sleep is not recalled at first, but from the end or from an interesting event in the middle. Try to remember what results your night fishing brought, and what a feeling left a dream. Catching fish with your hands or with something else may not be as important as staying with the catch.

Many things can happen: the fish will be released back, it will be spoiled, it will be taken away or given away alone, cooked, or the fish in the dream turns into another object. As you can guess, positive events and the emotions of sleep mean positive events in life.

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