
Tincture of propolis: cooking

Propolis is widely known in folk medicine, where it occupies a special place, being a product of the life of bees, the so-called apiproduct. Along with honey, he found wide application in cosmetology and pharmaceutics. Bees in a beehive along with nectar bring particles of sticky aromatic substances from the kidneys and shoots of plants. They use these resinous particles to seal and seal cracks and various voids in the hive, thereby protecting their home from the impact, sometimes even very aggressive, of the environment. The interior surfaces, leaves, various cracks and gaps of the hive lined by it are a protective barrier against the penetration of microbes, bacteria and other uninvited guests.

Propolis contains more than three hundred different biologically active organic and inorganic compounds. Due to its composition propolis has a number of healing properties. Preparations made from it have analgesic, antiseptic, wound-healing, antitoxic and even antioxidant properties. And this is not all their list.

How to prepare alcoholic tincture of propolis will prompt recipes of traditional medicine. It is an extract of its most useful components and can be easily manufactured at home. The concentration of tincture can be very different - from 5 to 50%, it determines the ways of using the drug in the treatment of specific diseases. The concentration depends on the ratio of the constituents that contains the tincture of propolis.

Preparation of any tincture begins with the crushing of propolis, which under ordinary conditions resembles a crumbling rosin. This is not surprising, because it includes pollen, vegetable resinous substances, glands of the bees themselves , pergus and various admixtures. The less solid impurities, the better the quality of propolis. Therefore, when buying should be selected pieces are more plastic. And for the preparation of tincture, they are chopped in a cooled state. Chopped pieces are poured with alcohol or good vodka in the required proportion. So, to obtain 10% concentration, 10 g of solid substance should be poured into 100 ml of alcohol-containing liquid.

It is important to note that there is a "fast" tincture of propolis, the preparation of which takes a minimum period of time. The mixture must be heated to 50 degrees in a water bath until completely dissolved, with constant stirring. It must be remembered that one can not bring the mixture to a boil, because biological components may lose their properties. Next, it should be filtered through two layers of gauze and drained into a glass container of dark glass. It can be stored in a dark cool place. Healing properties persist up to several years.

Tincture of propolis, the preparation of which requires a longer period, differs only in that dishes with a mixture are placed in a dark place and for 14 days periodically shaken (at least twice a day).

Medications from propolis can be not only alcohol. How to prepare a tincture of propolis water can be found in various sources of traditional medicine. Propolis is chopped in a cooled form, preferably to a dusty state, poured in water (30 grams of raw material per 100 ml) and heated in a water bath with a constant stirring with a wooden spoon for no more than 1 hour. It is filtered and stored in a cool place. Only the storage time for water tincture is not more than one week.

Along with the water there is a tincture of propolis, the preparation of which is carried out on milk. It is used to treat a number of colds and as a restorative.

Preparations from propolis can contain as an addition curative components in the form of various herbs, honey, which will repeatedly strengthen its medicinal properties.

When using propolis, it must be remembered that this is a strong enough tool and it should be applied very carefully. Especially in those cases when there is an allergic reaction (or suspicion of it) to beekeeping products.

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