
Timolovaya test - what is it? Timol: standard and diagnostic value

The person's well-being depends on the work of his internal organs. Do not neglect any of them. At the moment, the conversation will be about the liver. There are many ways to diagnose it, one of them is thymol assay. What is it, now we learn.

The essence of the procedure and for what it is needed

Before we understand what this analysis is needed for, we will give it a definition. The Timol Test is a biochemical blood test that answers the question of how proteins are synthesized in the liver. Change in any ratio of proteins in the serum indicates that the disease develops in the body.

Timolovaya blood test is coagulation. Due to this, the colloidal instability of the plasma is determined. Based on the data obtained, liver pathology can be detected at early stages. The first symptoms have not yet appeared, and violations have already been detected. What is colloid instability? Normally, protein fractions do not precipitate. If this happens, then the disease began its "movement".

In simple terms, the essence of the analysis is to determine the degree of turbidity of the serum. For these purposes, the photocolorimetric method is used. The unit of measurement is a muggle. Speaking about the chemical nature of the study, we can say that it consists in the formation of a globulin-timololipid complex, consisting of:

  • Forty percent of globulins;
  • Thirty-two percent thymol;
  • Eighteen percent cholesterol;
  • Ten percent phospholipids.

What the patient should know about

Before you go to the procedure, you should get a little acquainted with how everything will happen.

  • The doctor should explain to the patient, for what purposes this analysis will be carried out.
  • The patient must be informed that the blood is taken from the vein, at what time it will occur, who will carry out the procedure.
  • The patient is warned that unpleasant sensations may occur during the application of the tourniquet.
  • It is necessary to inform the doctor if any medications are taken that may affect the result of the analysis. Most likely, they will have to stop using them.
  • There are no restrictions in power mode.
  • After the blood is taken, the wound is squashed with a cotton ball to prevent bleeding.
  • If a hematoma is formed, a warming compress is prescribed.
  • After taking the sample, you can again use medications that were withdrawn before the study.

The mechanism of analysis

You should know that the blood test - thymol assay - is given on an empty stomach, early in the morning. Consumption of food, coffee, tea, juice should stop eight hours before the procedure. You are allowed to drink a small amount of water. Try to adhere to these rules, because the result depends on them and the correctness of the diagnosed diagnosis.

Now about the mechanism:

  • Take six milliliters of veronal-medinal buffer solution. Its acidity should be equal to seven eight eight.
  • To it add a zero of the whole one tenth milliliter of blood serum plus a saturated solution of thymol.
  • The resulting mixture is left for thirty minutes.
  • After this, using the photocolorimetric method, the degree of turbidity is determined.

This result is influenced by the conditions in which this analysis was carried out. These include: the nature of the buffer solution, its acidity and concentration, as well as the degree of purity and temperature of thymol.

Why is it necessary to determine the ratio of proteins

Timolovaya test - what is it, you already know. Now let's talk a little about blood proteins. Collecting in the liver in large quantities, they have several purposes:

  1. Provide the required volume of blood.
  2. Maintain oncotic pressure.
  3. Control the pH of the blood, keep it at the same level.
  4. Carry to the tissues: bilirubin, cholesterol.
  5. Deliver medications.

The serum contains five fractions of proteins: β - globulins, γ - globulins, and also albumins, α1 - globulins, α2 - globulins. The number of each of them should not exceed the norm. But sometimes there is a failure. Globulins exceed the norm for diseases of the liver, connective tissue, tumors, infections.

Reduction of albumin occurs when there is a violation of liver function and malnutrition.

The medicine is developing, but the accuracy of the results obtained with the thymol sample contributes to the fact that this method is used and is currently very active.

In what cases is an analysis

The blood test - timole test - is often prescribed for suspicions of such a disease as viral hepatitis. Especially high will be the result if the patient suffers from hepatitis A.

This examination will help to detect and toxic hepatitis. This diagnosis is usually determined in people who regularly consume alcohol and some medications. In addition, due to the thymol sample, the process of restoring the liver after hepatitis has been monitored.

The thymol test is increased with the following diagnoses: rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease, lupus erythematosus.

Changes in the ratio of albumins to globulins are also affected by diseases of organs such as the kidneys. If the timole test is increased, the reasons for obtaining such a result are pathological changes of this organ. Assign this analysis for suspicion of pancreatitis, any infection, with poor nutrition and abuse of fatty foods.

Causes of excess of the norm

Earlier, in the deviation of the result of the analysis from the norm, only the liver disease was diagnosed. After a while it was found that such data can be obtained with other ailments. Nowadays, if the timole test is increased, the reasons can be as follows. Patient:

  • The liver disease develops.
  • Kidney disease. The albumin protein is lost, it is excreted along with urine. There are such diseases as pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis.
  • Disturbance of protein metabolism, associated with heredity.
  • Rheumatoid pathology.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Malignant formations.
  • Myeloma disease.

In addition to all of the above, a thymol test can be increased if the patient consumes fatty foods in large quantities. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to other biochemical parameters.

With liver pathology, it is necessary to pay attention to bilirubin, cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase and the result of the sulemic test.

Analysis of the analysis

Timolovaya test - what is it? This can not be fully understood without knowing how the results of the analysis are deciphered. The data obtained can only refute or confirm a violation of the protein composition of the blood.

If you have passed the test, the thymol test of the blood (norm) should be within five units or less. If the indicator is higher, then the result is positive, then, in your body, a pathological process occurs. In interpreting data, factors such as weight, age, analysis period, and medication intake should be considered.

As mentioned above, a positive result of thymol test accompanies a large number of diseases, but still it is more significant for the detection of hepatitis at an early stage. But do not rely only on this analysis. For a more complete examination, the thymol sample should be evaluated in conjunction with other studies.

More details about the results

The "thymol assay" analysis is one of the most reliable tests that allows to give a correct assessment of the functioning of the liver. Thanks to him, you can diagnose inflammation syndrome.

A 100% positive result is obtained with infectious, toxic hepatitis, Botkin's disease. The same indicator is fixed in the period of post-hepatitis and postnecrotic cirrhosis of the liver. With stagnant, obturation, cholestatic jaundice, in twenty-five cases out of a hundred the indicator will be positive. Based on the results of the data obtained, differential diagnostics of jaundice is carried out.

Patients with subhepatic jaundice will have a positive test only if there is a complication caused by parenchymal hepatitis.

In those who have suffered an infectious hepatitis, the sample gives an increased result for six months after discharge from the hospital.

When the pathological process that occurs in the human body subsides, the indicator of thymol assay decreases.


Timolovaya test, what it is and why it is needed, you already know and understand. Even a slight increase in her should alert the attending physician. The change in the ratio of proteins indicates inflammatory processes occurring in the liver.

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