
Theory of blood renewal, blood renewal in men and women

Many couples would like to be able to determine in advance what sex their child will have. After all, you want to count, when it is better to make an attempt to conceive a child of the right sex. This idea has owned the minds of people for a very, very long time. Naturally, there are a lot of different calculation systems: according to the dates of the birth of parents, and by their signs of the zodiac, by the lunar or solar cycle, by blood groups of parents, and so on. One of the new theories, not yet documented, based on the renewal of blood in men and women.

Everyone knows that all the cells of the body are gradually being updated: the old ones die, their place is occupied by new ones. And for a certain period of time, the blood is completely renewed. In women and men, this process takes different time, it is on the renewal of blood in humans and a new method of calculation is based.

The authors of this system introduce the concept of the power of blood. It is assumed that the younger blood at the beginning of the cycle is stronger than at its end. At conception there is a connection of the cells of both partners, and the sex of the child will depend on whose blood is younger. Accordingly, for calculation, it is necessary to know at what rate the blood is renewed in men and women.

How exactly does the calculation take place? It is enough simply to divide the age of each parent into the rate of renewal of his blood. Then you need to compare the numbers after the comma: the larger the remainder, the younger the blood. Accordingly, who has a decimal number after the decimal point, that parent will determine the sex of the child. Update of blood in men and women occurs at different rates, for women - for 3 years, for men - for 4. Let's give an example of calculation: for example, a woman at the time of conception turned 26 years old, and a man - 33 years. The first digit is divided by 3, the result is 8.6; The second - by 4, we get 8,2. We are interested in the remainder after the comma. At the woman it is equal 6, at the man - 2. Obviously, the blood of a woman is younger than that of a man, which means that at this age it is more likely to conceive a girl. If the numbers are approximately equal, then the chances of conceiving a girl and a boy are almost the same. And if one of the parents or both of them has a remainder equal to zero, then in this period there is a very high probability of conceiving twins.

Update of blood in women occurs faster for a whole year, and this means that the situation is changing rapidly. There are programs that calculate the chances of conceiving a child of a particular sex in percent by month. They allow you to choose a specific time during the year, when the chance to conceive the child of the desired gender is highest, while a simple calculation only allows you to determine the year. But do not postpone the same attempts to conceive for as long as 12 months.

Another nuance is associated with the Rh factor of the blood. The fact is that if the Rh factor in a woman is negative, then the result of the calculation must be turned around, that is, the sex of the child will depend on the sex of the parent whose blood is older.

By the way, do not forget that in the case of a large loss of blood, for example, as a result of childbirth, surgery or transfusion, an extraordinary blood update takes place. Therefore, in the event that one of the parents has a loss of more than 1000 ml of blood, the calculation should not be the date of birth, but the date when this unfortunate incident occurred.

As you can see, blood renewal in men and women allows you to quickly and easily calculate the sex of the child. On the other hand, this theory, as already mentioned above, has not been scientifically confirmed, and one can not rely on it completely. It is worthwhile to use at the same time 2-3 systems. However, you will agree, the birth of a child is in any case a miracle and joy, regardless of whether the boy is a girl or a girl. Rejoice in your happiness, and if you can not calculate the sex correctly, do not worry, you can always try again. And everything will come out of you.

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