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The rabbit has swollen eyes: possible causes, methods and characteristics of treatment

Cultivation of rabbits - the occupation is fascinating and with a competent approach is quite profitable. "Eared" business makes it possible to earn on the sale of pelts, pedigree material and animal carcasses. Meat of rabbits practically does not contain fat and cholesterol, it is considered an ecologically pure and dietary product. Its consumption helps to restore strength after injuries, past operations, infectious diseases.

In home-grown rabbits are unpretentious: do not need a specially equipped room, do not require free-range; The process of harvesting feed for them saves a lot of effort and time. Care of such animals is simple and even a beginning rabbit breeder can. However, in this area of animal husbandry, almost like in any other, it can not do without pitfalls: the eared pet can get sick. What if the rabbit has swollen eyes? Than to treat?

Conjunctivitis: symptoms

The most common disease, manifested by redness, inflammation, swelling of the eyes, is conjunctivitis, which flows in the mucous and purulent forms. Why do rabbits have eyes that swell up? Inflammation of the organs of vision occurs as a result of irritation with chemicals, small particles of food, sand, dust, or because of a lack of vitamin A.

If the rabbit has swollen eyes - you can assume infection with mucous (catarrhal) conjunctivitis, the signs of which are:

  • Semi-closing or closing the eye gap,
  • Redness and swelling of the conjunctiva - a transparent mucous membrane, the outer cover of the eyeball,
  • Lacrimation,
  • Fear of light.

Signs of a purulent form of the disease:

  • Severe swelling of the conjunctiva,
  • Excretion of pus from the inner eye angle,
  • Gluing of eyelids,
  • Opacity of the cornea of the eye,
  • The appearance of ulcers and thorns,
  • Sores and erosion on the edges of the eyelids.

How to treat conjunctivitis in rabbits?

If the rabbit has swollen eyes, and there are all signs of conjunctivitis, treatment should be carried out in several stages:

  • Washing the eyes with a solution of furacilin of low concentration (1: 5000);
  • Zakapyvaniem zinc drops (2-3 drops) or 0.5% resorcinol;
  • Rubbing 3% solution of boric acid with a cotton swab - this allows you to remove the formed crusts and pus;
  • Laying under the eyelids boric or iodine-form ointment;
  • Prisypaniem formed ulcers with a mixture of powdered sugar and powder calomel in equal proportions.

In untimely treatment, the whole organism is drawn into painful processes: the animal raises its temperature, there are difficulties in coordinating the movement, convulsions appear. As a result, rabbits are blinded, lose weight and die.

Prophylaxis of conjunctivitis

There is an opinion that conjunctivitis in rabbits can be treated with the same drugs as human, but a veterinarian's consultation is still necessary. For the prevention, it is recommended to keep cells and equipment clean and periodically disinfect. In a nutritious diet, it is necessary to include food containing carotene: aft cabbage, carrots with green tops, hay, beans at the beginning of the growing season.

Meeksomatosis: causes of infection

If the rabbit is swollen with eyes and nose, it can be about myxomatosis - an infectious, acute disease that has an epidemic nature and is transmitted in several ways, namely through:

  • Blood-sucking insects that carry the virus on the salivary glands (fleas, mosquitoes, mites);
  • Infected animals;
  • Hand tools, drinkers, feeders - that is, by household means.

Symptoms with edematous form

The ostomy form of myxomatosis is incurable, characterized by rapid development (from 2 to 7 days) and a high death rate. If the rabbit has swollen eyes and nose, you can assume this form of the disease, also accompanied by:

  • Reddening and tearing of the eyes, which later develop into conjunctivitis with the formation of crusts,
  • Edematous state of the nasal cavity, accompanied by the release of purulent masses,
  • Difficulty breathing, often with wheezing,
  • Inflammation of the external genitalia,
  • Strong hair loss,
  • Formation of large cones filled with fluid throughout the body.

In addition to the fact that the rabbit has swollen eyes, there is a general depression of the animal, a dull look, drooping ears. The pet stops eating. Dies within a week.

If the rabbit is swollen with eyes and ears, it certainly confirms the infection with myxomatosis. How to cure it? Treatment of edematic form of myxomatosis is often meaningless: it is better to isolate sick individuals from the rest of the herd in order to prevent infection of other rabbits. The disease progresses most actively in the summer-autumn period, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of pets: it is possible that rabbits have red, swollen eyes, inflamed eyelids, a languid and sick kind.

Peculiarities of myxomatosis of the nodular form

Mixomatosis in the nodular form is not so dangerous and is characterized by a more gradual development of events: the rabbit does not immediately die, fully feeds, normally feels itself. The presence of the disease can be judged by the small nodular formations, most often appearing on the animal's head, in the eye and ear area. The next stage of the disease affects the organs of vision: the rabbits are swollen with eyes. What should I do if dangerous symptoms are found? Than to treat an animal?

It should be noted that the nodular form of myxomatosis is also characterized by the appearance of a cold and hoarse breathing. Nodules enlarge, the head becomes covered with swollen areas. The crisis of the disease is observed after 9-11 days. Further all the signs of the acute form of myxomatosis are present: loss of appetite, wheezing, numerous growths, disfiguring the animal beyond recognition, in some cases the development of pneumonia. The difference between the nodular form of the disease and the acute one lies in its gradual attenuation on the 30-40th day. If the animal was sufficiently hardy, it recovers. Survival is 50%. In any case, a pet, representing a danger to the brethren, should be treated with antibiotics and external antiseptics. It is necessary to disinfect the rabbit, litter deeply, and the rest of the rabbits to introduce the vaccine.

Treatment of myxomatosis

The rabbit's eyes are swollen. Than to treat? Myxomatosis treatment is effective at the earliest stages and consists of subcutaneous daily injections of "Gamavit" of 2 ml and 1 ml of "Fosprenil" until the time of full recovery. Also within a week 2 times a day it is necessary to give to the animal a preparation "Baytril" (drinking) at the rate of 1 ml per 10 kg of live weight. Eyes should be instilled in drops, and the wound treated with an alcohol solution of iodine. In order to prevent the infection of healthy individuals, the cured rabbits should be kept in quarantine for about 2-3 months.

Preventive measures

To prevent infection with myxomatosis can only preventive measures, namely vaccination of the entire population at the earliest age. It is done twice: at the age of 28-45 days with a repetition after 3 months. Dosage - 1 ml of the drug subcutaneously. Formation of immunity to myxomatosis occurs on the seventh day from the moment of injection and persists for 8-9 months. The graft from myxomatosis is done annually in March. As an accompanying sanitary-and-hygienic measures it is necessary to prevent contacts of pets with strangers, who can also act as carriers of myxomatosis. Cells and the area near them must be kept clean, and animals should be provided with clean drinking water and high-quality food.

Pasteurellosis: description, signs

Why do rabbits have eyes that swell up? This symptom may be a sign of infection with pasteurellosis, an infectious disease caused by a Pasteurella stick localized in the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. The manifestation of the first symptoms is poorly expressed and is observed 5-10 hours after infection.

In acute form, the disease manifests itself by a sharp increase in temperature, hyperemia of the mucous membranes, and a strong edema of the upper respiratory tract. Sick animals are characterized by oppression, lack of appetite. The lethal outcome occurs on the second day after infection.

In chronic form, the disease accumulates in the digestive tract and respiratory apparatus, manifested by purulent discharge from the nasal cavity and diarrhea. The animal dies within a week.

Causes of infection with pasteurellosis

If the rabbit has swollen eyes, what can be the cause of this phenomenon? The causes of the spread of pasteurellosis are infected animals, drinking water, feed containing pathogenic microorganisms. For the treatment of the disease, antibiotics (intramuscularly) and sulfanilamide preparations are used: Norlsulfazole, Tetracycline, Biomycin, Levomycin, Oxytetracycline. Treatment of the chronic form of the disease during the first 3 days is carried out by sulfanilamide preparations, the next 3 days should be injected with intramuscular antibiotics, then again continue treatment with sulfonamide drugs. In total, the duration of such therapy is 9-10 days.

To prevent contamination of pets with pasteurellosis, extract extracts are used, which is acceptable for young animals aged 1.5 months and older. The rabbits are younger every 7 days, a special serum is introduced at the rate of 4 ml per 1 kg of live weight.

Malocclusion: a description of the disease

In rabbits, red, swollen eyes can be observed with malocclusion - a disease of improperly grown teeth, whose roots are pressed against the eyeballs all the time. Often the pressure is so strong that the eyes seem to fall out of the orbits. With the advanced stages of the disease, the only way out is to amputate the organ of vision.

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