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The problem of choice: arguments. The problem of choice in human life

God created man in his own image. But the most important thing that he gave to his creation is the ability to think, meditate and make choices. Sometimes we face very difficult tasks, which it seems difficult to solve independently. In this case heroes of literary works come to the aid, which offer their weighty arguments. The problem of choice is the main theme of the essays of the Unified State Examination, therefore the younger generation needs to be properly prepared for the decisive stage in their life.

The problems of choice in human life

Think about how often in a day you have to decide questions that have two or more answers? First you think about what to eat for breakfast, then how to get dressed in school and what way to go there. After school, you usually wonder, do your lessons now, or after a party? Should I go out with Masha or Kolya today? All these questions are just minor daily problems, which you will most likely cope with easily.

But in life there is a choice more serious. Sooner or later, but you have to think about where to go to study, where to work, how to determine your life's path. This should be thought about right now, on the verge of adult life. It is for this purpose that teachers are asked at school to read works, analyze them and draw conclusions. In order to make it easier for you, based on the experience of others. We suggest that you consider what the problem of life choices is in the literature. Arguments are given as examples.

Social problems

What kind of a young man can have difficulties with society? Teenagers, as is known, people are very emotional and unstable emotionally. During puberty, they have completely unusual thoughts, and sometimes they think that the whole world is against them. But survival in society is a pledge of a happy adult life. And you need to learn this as soon as possible. The table on the left shows the problem of choice, the arguments from the literature are on the right.


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Social inequality. Some people are too rich - others are poor.

Dostoevsky FM "Crime and Punishment". Despite the fact that the novel raises so many different problems, the main is the borderline of poverty, behind which the main characters are forced to exist.


Closure, orientation only on one's own world, without regard for others.

There is a problem of choice in the works: Saltykov-Shchedrin "A wise gudgeon" and Chekhov "A Man in a Case".


Loneliness and its weight.

A good example is Sholokhov's The Destiny of Man. The problem of life choice and loneliness is immediately apparent to two heroes - Andrei Sokolov and the boy Vanya. Both lost all that was dear to them during the war.

Problems of school relationships

Such difficulties also occur quite often. And to understand them, and even more so to solve, it is very difficult for a teenager. Parents, as a rule, can not or do not want to interfere with the relationship between teachers and schoolchildren. Let us consider what literature can say about this.


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Unwillingness to learn and gain knowledge

This is also a significant problem of choice in a person's life. Arguments about the reluctance to receive knowledge are in F. Fonvizin's comedy "The Minor." The protagonist, being lazy and slobbering, did not achieve anything in life, and was not fit for independent existence.


Unwillingness to read and be educated

Excellent arguments are offered in his autobiographical trilogy AM Gorky's Childhood, In People, My Universities.


The role of the Russian language in the life of any person

Nabokov in his novel "Gift" extols the Russian language as a gift of fate and teaches how to appreciate what is given from above. It is also useful to read the poems of Turgenev, in which he admires the power and greatness of the Russian language.


The clash of different views on life

Teacher and student, like father and child. One behind him has a colossal experience and his adult view of the world. The other has its own opinion, often contradicting the adult. This is also a kind of problem of choice. Arguments from literature can be found in Turgenev's work Fathers and Sons.

Family problems

Where without them? Family problems always occur at any age. We can hurt the nearest person, and do not even think about his feelings. All the same forgive. And sometimes we hurt our parents the most. It is very difficult to protect yourself from mistakes. But you can read what the problem of choice is. Arguments from literature will help in this.


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The complexity of the relationship between parents and children.

Parents often do not understand the point of view of their offspring. The choice of children seems to them terrible, contrary to the norms and rules of life. But sometimes the children are not right. Read the story of Gogol "Taras Bulba". This is a very serious work, which forces us to reflect on the problem of choice in the life of a person. The arguments are impressive.


The role of childhood

Do you think that everything is simple with children? No matter how it is. We live in a relatively calm and stable time and can give children the joy of growing up. But not many had it. About how quickly you can grow up during the war, writes Pristavkin in the story "The Golden Cloud slept". Tolstoy still has a problem of life choice. Arguments are searched in the trilogy "Childhood", "Adolescence", "Youth".


Family relationships. Orphanhood.

Family values need to be stored. Proof of this is Tolstoy's novel-epic "War and Peace". Do not be lazy, read everything, and you will understand how important it is to preserve what has developed and settled for centuries.

The problem of choosing a life path. Arguments from literature

Even an adult man sometimes seems that his life failed. Work is not to his liking, the profession does not bring the desired profit, there is no love, nothing around her does not portend happiness. Now, if I then, ten years ago, went to study there, or married that, then my life would have developed quite differently, perhaps happier. Man himself creates his own destiny and everything depends on this choice. The biggest difficulty is the problem of choosing the path of life. Arguments from the literature will help to understand this extremely complex issue.

Perhaps the best example for the younger generation is Goncharov's novel Oblomov. The theme of the whole work is choosing your place in life. On the fate of several people, the author tells what can happen if one is weak-willed, or vice versa, hard-headed and stubborn. Ilya Oblomov, as the main character, bears negative features - inability to work, laziness and stubbornness. As a result, it turns into a kind of shadow, without a goal and happiness.

Another example of how the inheritance, and not your own choice, affect the life of a person is Eugene Onegin by Alexander Pushkin. It would seem, what else does a young nobleman need? Carefree life, balls, love. You do not need to think how to work, where to get money for food. But Onegin does not like such a life. He protests against the established secular life, against the moral standards of his time, for which many consider him an eccentric. The main task of Onegin is to find new values, the meaning of his life.

How to be with the profession

Another insoluble task of the younger generation is the problem of choosing a profession. Arguments can lead parents completely different, offering their children the best, in their opinion, occupation in life. Now this situation is not uncommon. Moms and dads are forced to go to study where their child does not want to go. They argue their position differently: the doctor is profitable, the financier is prestigious, the programmer is in demand, and the poor teenager just wants to become a machinist.

It happened with the main character of Mikhail Veller's work "I want to be a janitor". The main character had the problem of choosing a profession. Arguments in favor of who needs to become, he was given by his parents. They advised to look at others who successfully defended their candidates, performing at concerts after the conservatory. But the hero did not want to change his freedom to sit in his auditoriums and study books. He was attracted to the childhood dream of becoming a janitor, which he aspired to.

An example of the fact that it is not enough to choose a good profession is to your liking, but you also need to develop your skills, AP Chekhov cites in the story "Ionich". Especially if you are a doctor. So it was with the main character Ionich. He honestly worked, helped people, until he became obsolete. He did not follow the novelties in pharmacology, he was not interested in new methods of treatment. He risked losing his well-being. The moral of the work: the right choice of a profession is only half the success, your skills and talent need to be improved.

The problem of moral choice. Arguments

All our actions are subject to the influence of the surrounding world. Before taking this or that step, we will certainly think whether it does not contradict the norms of social relations, conscience, morality, etc. This is all a matter of moral choice. The arguments here are simple. One sage said that there is never a right decision. Because for you it will be true, but for someone it will be false. Let's see what literature teaches us.


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Humanity, mercy

M. Sholokhov gives the best examples. He has several stories from which one can draw theses about mercy and humanity. This is the "Science of Hatred", "The Fate of Man".



Sometimes circumstances force a person to commit cruel and terrible acts. It's hard to find such arguments. The problem of choice arose among the heroes of M. Sholokhov's epic novel Quiet Flows the Don. The action takes place during the years of the revolution, and the main characters have to sacrifice something in the name of the revolution.


About dream and reality

Here you can not do without the romantic history of A. Green "Scarlet Sails". But what would have happened if Gray had never appeared in Assol's life? In reality, this does not happen. Of course, dreams sometimes come true, but you have to make a lot of efforts for this yourself.


Fighting good and evil

We are always fighting two elements - good and evil. Think about your actions, and you will find arguments. The problem of choice appeared before the heroes of Bulgakov's novel Master and Margarita. This is an excellent work, in which the branches of good and bad deeds are very skillfully intertwined.



And again, "Master and Margarita." The woman for her loved one left her home, wealth and family. She became a weightlessness, a shadow, she sold her soul to the devil for her Master. The work makes you think.

And one more story that I would like to remember in this context. This is Gorky's "Old Woman Isergil." Brave hero Danko tore his heart out of his chest to save people, thanks to which the way was lit up, and everyone was saved.

Personal problems

The most painful topic for teenagers is love. At the same time, it is most interesting to write about it. And how many examples can be given! Love and romance are another problem of choice. The writing is forced to write, relying on one's own thoughts, which sometimes get mixed up and confused. Let's consider what arguments can be given in this context.

Just want to remember the tragic love of Romeo and Juliet in the play of Shakespeare. Misunderstanding of the relatives and hostility of the clans lead to tragic consequences, although the young sincerely were in love and experienced only the most tender and virgin feelings to each other.

A perfect example of this romantic relationship in Kuprin's story "Pomegranate Bracelet". After reading this work, I want to believe that love is the best feeling that has ever appeared in a person. "Garnet bracelet" is an ode to the young, a hymn of happiness and a prose of innocence.

Love is sometimes fatal. This in the literature has its arguments. The problem of choice appeared before Anna Karenina in the novel of the same name, L.N. Tolstoy. The feelings that arose for the young officer Volkonsky became destructive for her. For the sake of a new happiness, a woman left her devoted husband and her beloved son. She sacrificed her status, her reputation, her position in society. And what did you get for this? Love and happiness or longing and disappointment?

Problems of ecology, relationships with nature

Different is the problem of choice in life. Arguments were given the most different. It's time to talk about the environment in which we live. Recently, mankind has seriously thought about the fact that a person, in fact, refers to his home, Mother Earth, very disdainfully. And all actions aimed at preserving the health of the planet do not bring significant results. The ozone layer is being destroyed, air is polluted, there is practically no fresh fresh water left in the world ...

Do you take care of nature? Do you allow yourself to leave your garbage after resting in the forest? Do you burn the plastic and extinguish the flame before leaving? On the relationship with nature, the authors wrote a lot. Consider what can be useful for the USE.

Let's start with the novel anti-utopia E. Zamyatin "We". It is about the inhabitants of a certain One State, which became numbered, and their entire existence is possible only within the framework of the Sentinel Tablet. They have no trees and rivers, because the whole world is built of human buildings and adaptations. They are surrounded by perfectly even proportions of glass houses. A relationship and love are allowed in the event that there is a pink card. Such a world Zamyatin was specially portrayed to show that a person turns into a programmed robot without nature, real feelings and beauty of the surrounding world.

The struggle between nature and man takes place in the work of E. Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea." The real problem of choosing a person is shown here. Arguments are perfect. If you want to live, stay. This applies to both a weak old man and a strong shark caught on a hook. The struggle for life goes to the death. Who will win and who will surrender? A small story makes you think deeply about the meaning and price of life.

The problem of patriotism

Beautiful arguments about the love of the Motherland can be found in many works about the war. It is during this hard time that sincerity of feelings is truly manifested.

An example of ideology about false and true patriotism can be considered a novel-epic of Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace. There are many scenes in the books devoted to this. It is worth remembering Natasha Rostov, who persuaded her mother to sacrifice carts for the wounded near Borodino. At the same time, Prince Andrew Bolkonsky himself is mortally wounded in the decisive battle.

But the greatest love for the Motherland is for ordinary soldiers. They do not utter loud speeches, they do not praise the king, they are just ready to die for their land, for their country. The author directly says that it was only through the unity of the entire Russian people that Napoleon was able to defeat this war. The French commander in other countries faced exclusively with the army, and in Russia he was opposed by ordinary people of different classes and ranks. Under Borodino, the army of Napoleon suffered a moral defeat, and the Russian army won thanks to the mighty spirit and patriotism.


How to pass the exam perfectly is the main problem of choice. Arguments (USE), we tried to bring those that are most often found in the themes of works. It remains only to choose the necessary.

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