Health, Preparations
The preparation 'Enap-N' - features of application
Tablets "Enap-N" have their own antihypertensive effect, due to the fact that the blockade of APF anaprilatom occurs. Enalapril, which is part of this drug, is involved in reducing the level of aldosterone and angiotensin II in the bloodstream, it also stimulates the vasodepressor systems of the body and depresses the pressor (RAAS). Thanks to it, the formation of the endothelial vascular factor increases. This substance reduces peripheral resistance, so the robot of the left ventricle is facilitated, regression of its hypertrophy is caused, dilatation is reduced and damage to the cells of the myocardium is prevented. There is an improvement in coronary hemodynamics, an increase in cardiac muscle resistance to hypoxia and a decrease in the frequency of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. Due to the fact that enap-N tablets contain enalapril, the necrosis zone decreases after the onset of myocardial infarction and the metabolism of the cardiac muscle improves. In this case, neither the amount of blood pumped in a minute, nor the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle, almost do not change. In those cases where there is hypertension and chronic cerebrovascular disease, this substance reduces the renovascular resistance, and also stimulates blood circulation in the kidneys, the release of sodium and water, the rate of glomerular filtration, stores potassium in the body.
With the systematic administration of the drug "Enap-H", the condition and well-being of patients with cardiovascular diseases improve, and the death rate is significantly reduced in the presence of congestive heart failure. The result of using this drug does not depend on the age and sex of the patient. It also has no negative effect on either fatty or carbohydrate metabolism and does not cause any abnormalities in the sexual function of the body.
Therapeutic effect after taking the Enap-H medication comes in an hour and lasts about 24 hours.
Indications for use
It is recommended to use this drug in the presence of renovascular arterial hypertension, essential arterial hypertension and, of course, with heart failure of any degree. In order to slow the development of heart failure, it is also recommended to take the drug Enap-N. It helps not only with treatment, but also to reduce the incidence of unstable angina and reduces the likelihood of myocardial infarction, contributes to the prevention of the development of ischemic myocardial disorders.
The preparation "Enap-N" is a method of application
Tablets are not chewed, and their reception is not tied to food intake. The initial dose of the drug should not exceed 5 mg per day and gradually it can be increased to 20 mg, and in particularly severe conditions and up to 40 mg, which is divided into two doses. If the patient has cardiac decompensation or severe arterial hypertension, then at the beginning of the drug intake, the pressure may drop significantly. That's why you must first take small doses and always under the supervision of a doctor.
If the patient was treated with diuretic drugs, the use of the Enap-H drug may cause a decrease in the volume of circulating blood and a risk of arterial hypotension appears . In this case, the initial dose of the drug can be taken and less than 5 mg / day.
The required amount of this drug for each child is selected individually. If the weight of the child is 20-50 kg, then the initial dose should not be more than 2.5 mg.
As side effects may appear dizziness, changes in taste, increased fatigue. There may also be a decrease in platelet and leukocyte count, agranulocytosis and anemia. Possible occurrence of orthostatic reactions, hypotension, increased urea in the blood serum, muscle spasms.
Tablets "Enap-N" - reviews about the drug
People who regularly take this medication, indicate that it reduces blood pressure well, and there is no need for its regular use. The disadvantage is that many people point out the fact that only a doctor can prescribe the drug and pick up the necessary dose.
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