HealthDiseases and Conditions

The cheek was swollen. What to do and how to be?

It is not uncommon for a person to have a swollen cheek. What to do in this case? The answer to this question is below.

A person is, in a way, a business card of a person. And when the face swells - you need to take action. But often a person simply panics. That is why the answers to this question will be described below: "The cheek swelled. What to do?".

First of all, it is worth noting that swelling of the face is most often a sign of any disorder in the body. Therefore, to neglect this symptom and to hope that "it will pass by itself" does not follow. But to pester all the friends on the phone with a question: "The face swells. What to do? "Is also not the best option. It is best to gather at least a minimal set of knowledge that will help you determine for yourself whether the swelling of the face is easy and is the result of a large amount of water drunk at night. Or maybe the situation is more serious and requires consultation of a specialist, to whom you ask the question: "The face was swollen. What to do?".

So, do not worry in the following cases.

If the person has swelled only slightly (although this is also a subjective concept), while the degree of swelling does not increase, the complexion has not changed, and the body temperature is not increased. Typically, such mild manifestations suggest that a person drank a lot of fluids, or abused the day before with salty, fatty, spicy food. Strictly speaking, no interference is required here. The state will pass by itself.

Do not worry too if the person is swollen after visiting the dentist. Within 2 hours is the norm. As a rule, the doctor warns about this in advance. But if the swelling does not disappear, you can call the doctor and ask him: "The cheek is swollen. What to do?". Your response will depend on the doctor's response.

That is, panic ahead of time is not worth it! But also to hesitate - too!

And when the answer to the question "The cheek is swollen." What should I do? »Need to search urgently and immediately?

If the tumor develops very quickly. This can be a manifestation of an acute allergic reaction to something. In the absence of physicians and special preparations, this condition may not be able to be removed.

Also an excuse for calling a doctor is a bite of an insect (mosquito, wasp, bee), in the place of which swelling was formed.

If the swelling is accompanied by a pain in the tooth - you should also contact the professionals. It can be an inflammatory process, the formation of a cyst. Most likely, additional diagnostics will be required.

Also, the swelling of the cheek may be a consequence of the hematoma. Even if it seems to you that there were no strong blows .

You should definitely consult a doctor if the swollen cheek is supplemented by fever, nausea, weakness and other obvious signs of ill health.

By the way, something in the event that the face has swelled up, to do or make in no event it is impossible.

For example, do not follow the advice of all-knowing acquaintances and relatives and apply a hot water bottle to the swelling area (if there is an abscess, then pus can penetrate the brain, the consequences of which can be truly fatal).

The same applies to the "painting" of a sore spot with iodine.

Do not, respectively, eat hot food and drink hot drinks.

Handfuls of swallowing anesthetic is also not necessary. It will not solve the problem! But for a doctor can "lubricate" the symptomatology, which makes it difficult to recognize the cause of swelling of the face.

The general recommendation when answering the question "The cheek is swollen. What should I do? "Is that you should not panic, as well as trust the advice of lay people to calm down and wait for improvement. No wonder they say that it is better to show excessive vigilance and pass a couple, perhaps unnecessary analysis, than not to take due measures and all my life to suffer consequences!

Strong to you health!

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