
Than so remarkable condoms are polyurethane?

Contraceptive means to date there is a sufficient number. But the most popular so far are classical condoms, of which there are also a huge number. And latex products for a long time were considered the best of all. But today polyurethane condoms are becoming more popular. And there are reasons for that.

Clear Advantages

  • Well, firstly, polyurethane condoms are very thin. So, they retain all sensitivity. This is what is missing from latex products for contraception.
  • Secondly, polyurethane condoms are hypoallergenic. That is, no irritation, itching, and even more so rashes from them can not be. The exception, perhaps, is only individual intolerance.

  • Thirdly, polyurethane has an important quality - it does not degrade and does not deteriorate from greasy lubricants. That's why such condoms are most often used during anal sex.
  • Fourth, the period of storage for these contraceptives is greater than that of latex ones. They do not collapse from ultraviolet exposure, so they can be stored longer without requiring special conditions.
  • Fifthly, protection. It remains on top, despite the fact that the products are thin.

Condoms polyurethane reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy, and from sexual infections. And, of course, this stuff does not smell anything. It does not have any characteristic odor unless otherwise provided by the manufacturer's intention (as in the case of aromatic condoms).

Some shortcomings

Naturally, without them, too, was not done. Condoms polyurethane during intercourse often tear and burst, rather than latex or rubber. Perhaps, this is their biggest drawback. In addition, among the condom made of polyurethane there are no "exquisite" models. All means of contraception are standard - smooth and without any roughness, otherwise they would break even more often. The material is simply not designed to create any "antennae," spikes and other additions to condoms.

Despite all this, polyurethane condoms are still more expensive than their latex "brothers". And this, too, does not please many buyers.

Reviews of "users"

And they are quite diverse. Polyurethane condoms, customer feedback about which there are very different, are now being purchased more and more often. Some are dissatisfied with the fact that condoms are often torn. Some people take several pieces for one sexual intercourse, which is quite expensive. Others are not satisfied with the absence of those same additions, which are rich in latex and rubber condoms, greatly enhancing the sensations and bringing more pleasure. Not everyone likes the usual smooth polyurethane condoms. The responses of those who rose to protect these contraceptives are somewhat different.

So, many are happy that they are really thin, and therefore do not interfere with getting a natural pleasure, something that inevitably occurs between a man and a woman during sexual intercourse. Others are pleased with the fact that condoms made of polyurethane allow you to engage in nonclassical sex as if there is no contraception. For example, anal or oral. And even a little overpriced can not overshadow this fact.

Brands & Manufacturers

They are not so little. Almost every manufacturer of condoms considers it necessary to release at least one kind of polyurethane among latex products. Perhaps the most little known to date are Sagami Original. They are produced in different configurations and with different additions: smell and color. These are Japanese polyurethane condoms. The brands of the rest are more famous. For example, "Visit".

This brand has long been known in the Russian market. The cost of contraception from this brand of polyurethane is slightly higher than similar latex, which is understandable. The production of condoms based on this material is more expensive - hence the inflated price. Vizit for convenience made condoms that are hard to put on wrong: the inner and outer walls are different in appearance. And the possibility of using an oil based lubricant allows you to quickly turn out even accidentally put inside out condom.

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