Health, Medicine
Symptoms of meningitis
Meningitis is a very terrible disease, the consequences of which can be irreversible. In itself, it represents nothing more than an inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord and brain. Its causative agents are different. Usually - it's chlamydia, viruses, fungi, bacteria and so on. Symptoms of meningitis are different. About them and about a lot of other things will be discussed here.
What are the causes of meningitis?
Eighty percent of the diseases are caused by the following bacteria:
- Haemophilus influenzae;
- meningococcus;
- Pneumococcus.
In fact, their presence in the human body is the norm. Problems begin only when they begin to infect the brain. In some cases, this is due to weakened immunity and suffered head trauma. Meningitis can develop after an inflammatory disease of the ears or nose.
Intestinal sticks, for example, are much less likely to cause meningitis. The same goes for the Klebsiella. They can cause the described disease in the event that a person underwent surgery on the spinal cord or brain. Most often, infection occurs in the hospital.
Listeria is a bacterium that can cause meningitis in people whose immunity is severely weakened.
Symptoms of meningitis can often be observed in young children. In adults, it appears much less often.
Meningitis: symptoms in children and adults
In most cases, the disease is acute. Symptoms of meningitis usually begin with fever, severe pain in the muscles, general weakness of the body. Then there may be differences. Some symptoms of meningitis depend specifically on the pathogen: enterovirus - an intestinal disorder, meningococcal - rash, pneumococcus - problems with salivary glands.
One of the brightest signs of this disease is a headache, which has a diffuse nature. She is quickly gaining strength and very soon begins to cause great discomfort. Children start crying and crying. Pain is aggravated by movement.
Symptoms of meningitis are also nausea and vomiting. The skin becomes very sensitive. Usually, an adult begins to experience all the main symptoms of meningitis the day after infection, the child - much faster.
Adolescents as well as adults become extremely irritable. There is drowsiness, confusion of thoughts. When meningitis is affected tissue of the spinal cord, as well as the brain. The blood flow worsens. Of course, this can lead to a stroke.
Treatment of the disease
Hospitalization is mandatory. You should not even try to take any action yourself. It is better to call a doctor at the first suspicion of this terrible disease.
Bacterial meningitis can lead to irreversible effects or even death in just a few hours. If the child has a fever without reason, the temperature has risen, and besides, he has become capricious and irritable - hurry to call a doctor. The success of treatment largely depends on when the first measures were taken.
For the treatment of meningitis use a number of drugs that can improve cerebral blood flow. These include antihypoxants, antioxidants, nootropics.
In the event that the treatment of bacterial meningitis is started immediately, the probability that the patient will survive is ninety percent.
After discharge from the hospital, those who have had meningitis must have a long period of time to be observed with a neurologist. They will have to avoid heavy physical exertion, frustration and emotional turmoil. Also, they are not recommended to drink a lot of liquid, stay in the sun for a long time, overstrain the brain. The use of alcohol is unacceptable, even in small doses.
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