
Suppressed is ... Definition of this concept and ways to resolve internal conflict

What is "depressed"? The meaning of this word we will try to disclose in this article. If we talk about the state of mind, then every person has experienced this unpleasant feeling at least once in a lifetime. For what reasons this happens and how to deal with it, and also in what other meanings is the word used - we try to understand together.

The meaning of the word "suppressed"

First, let's define the meaning of this word. In the first interpretation, "suppressed" is muffled, restrained, barely audible. In this sense, the term is used in relation to the sounds of the voice. For example, a depressed whisper or moan. When a person wants to contain some external manifestation of emotions due to the circumstances, he suppresses them, in other words - does not allow them to break out. As a result of this, the published sound becomes barely audible, therefore it is called depressed. From the word "suppress" (muffle).

In the second sense, the word "depressed" is a heavy, gloomy one. In this case we are talking about the state of mind of a person. We will discuss this in more detail.

Depressed state. What it is?

One can speak of the depressed state of a person when his taste for life disappears, his interest in the events is lost, the sense of peace of comfort goes away and a breakdown occurs. This condition is very unpleasant and painful. It's hard for a person to go to work, do not want to communicate with friends, stress picks up and threatens to degenerate into depression. In order to fight this condition, you need to determine its cause. Among the common causes of depressed mood are the following:

  • Stress, chronic fatigue, violation of the working and rest regime;
  • Accumulated problems, growing like a snowball;
  • Dissatisfaction with self, low self-esteem;
  • Disappointment in something or someone;
  • Loss of landmarks and goals;
  • Fear of the future, uncertainty in the future;
  • The constantly present feelings of envy and anger;
  • A chronic sense of guilt;
  • Fear of doing things;
  • Unfulfilled dreams.

Of course, every person can have other, personal reasons for experiencing a depressed state, but in any case, no matter what causes it, you need to get rid of it.

What is the danger of oppression?

"Suppressed" is an inactive, ineffective and indifferent to everything that happens. He does not set himself any goals and drifts down the river. Over time, this condition can progress and grow into a protracted depression, to get out of it independently to a person may not be able to. Therefore, it is important not to run this feeling, but to try to solve problems as they come, not allowing them to accumulate and oppress the psyche. Only a person who feels the thirst for life, who knows how to sincerely rejoice at all its manifestations, is able to "turn mountains" and become happy himself, making the people happy and those around him.

There is an exit

As we have already explained, a person who is depressed is bad in all respects, both for the person himself and for others. How can we get out of this unpleasant state, if it still catches up?

First, you need to get rid of a sense of uncertainty. After all, it sometimes happens that the problems seem to be not even colossal, but there are many of them, and the depressing effect occurs as a result of accumulation. Some difficulties you even do not realize, but subconsciously they undermine your state. Therefore, take a pen and write on paper everything that bothers you, which causes negative emotions. Thus, you define the range of tasks that need to be addressed.

Secondly, having determined the range of problems, draw up a plan for their solution, it is possible by points, because order and systematization are the key to success.

Third, look at your life more closely. After all, there are probably more positive moments in it than troubles. For any problem, find positive factors. Example: "Let us have a non-ideal relationship with my husband, but he loves me, earns money and takes care of the family."

And always believe in the best, our subconscious has unlimited potential, so never lose faith in yourself!

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