Finance, Personal Finance
Social card of a pensioner. Sberbank card for pensioners
A convenient scheme for obtaining and developing funds from the pension fund is offered to all Russian pensioners by Sberbank, having issued for them a special plastic card called "Maestro". Any operations on it are completely free of charge, including a printout about the movement of money on the account. Despite all the convenience of use, not everyone liked the social card of a pensioner.
A passbook or a plastic card
The use of a plastic card is not mandatory when transferring a pension to an account with Sberbank - yet most pensioners prefer decades of proven savings accounts. Assess the advantages of the card in front of the paper custodian cherished figures can far away for each of the elderly. To start something new, even to master some simple and convenient gadgets, many consider it superfluous - a mobile phone is enough. Therefore, the Savings Bank card for pensioners is not yet very popular among the older generation.
But for those who decided to have a stylish plastic in their pocket or purse instead of the usual bills, only two applications must be filled in order to receive the card, both in the Sberbank office: the first one for the card itself, and the second for the pension fund for changing the personal bank account , Which will need to list all the due payments. The second statement should be delivered by the bank to the FIU independently. But here it should be remembered that the timing of registration of a social card may not coincide with the announced Sberbank. Instead of the 7 days, the card in most cases falls into the hands of a pensioner after 2-3 weeks. It is necessary to have time to guess the next transfer of money.
Difficult, but convenient
Only personally having experienced all the comforts of using the card, you can evaluate its advantages over a savings book or receiving a pension in the post office. In addition, that "plastic" saves its users from the need to waste time and energy in long queues, in which pensioners are difficult to stand and tired, it has a host of other advantages. There is no need to carry "live" bank notes to shops, pharmacies, polyclinics, which each of us can distracted, lose.
Reliable protection of your cash
A sufficient number of banknotes in your pocket is undoubtedly a pleasing circumstance, but at the same time frightening. More or less became a thief in public transport - it does not matter, enough and one. Having met such a dodger, you can, instead of enjoying the sensation in the hands of a bundle of money, get a blow from their sudden disappearance. And with the card everything is not so hopeless: it is protected by a personal pin-code, it is not given to everyone - an experienced hacker can crack it in a few hours, and until it does, you can always block access to the card by going to the nearest Sberbank office , Or by calling the service center.
Round the clock and without leaving home
Advantages of a bank card are beyond doubt
On which side or at what angle do you look at the use of cards - they are still more profitable than cash or a savings book. If one of the pensioners can be frightened by the fact that when transferring and storing money from the book they were able to receive interest from the bank that they might lose when they received a card, then everything was done correctly - the accruals on the account are also made when the card is owned : 3.5% per annum Sberbank accrues on the balance of the amount stored on it. In addition, retail outlets: shops, pharmacies that are included in a specially compiled and laid out on the Sberbank website, provide their customers who pay with cards a pleasant discount. For pensioners, they are 2-15% of the purchase price.
Another important advantage is that the social card of a pensioner Means its round-the-clock use. In each settlement, including in villages, there are Sberbank offices with installed ATMs, access to which is open all 24 hours.
A map, and not one
Money under control
Communication with maps. Training
People who have long had a certain attitude towards innovations, it is rather difficult to accept something that can fundamentally change the ordinary course of their lives, even if they are pleasant and life-facilitating changes. Social card of a pensioner Applies just to such innovations. The main thing here is to make sure that all this is reliable. And after the pensioner overcomes the first doubts and personally assesses the convenience of owning the card, you can train him and its wider use, up to payment for purchases and services via the Internet. The role of the instructor was also taken up by Sberbank, having organized the School of the modern pensioner, classes in which every interested social card holder can visit. Training is conducted in the branches of the bank, and when and where exactly, you can find out in his nearest office and in person, and by phone. In addition, the army of Sberbank consultants is called upon to assist in the card operations, there are several of them in each operating room, and any client of the institution, if necessary, can apply to them for assistance.
To Sberbank for a card
To find out where and how to get a pensioner's social card, it will not be necessary to apply special efforts - it is enough with a passport and a pension certificate to go to any of the offices of the Savings Bank. Of course, it is best to choose the closest one to the place of residence, as from time to time there will have to visit. The social card is issued only to those elderly people who have already issued their pension according to all the rules and can confirm it with the relevant documents - for the Savings Bank it is enough for a regular pensioner's certificate.
Filling out and signing in the office only two documents: application form for receiving a card and an application for transferring a pension to it, the elderly people thereby carry out all the actions that are required of them for the acquisition of "plastic". All the rest, including the resolution of the issue with the pension fund, is the responsibility of the bank's employees.
Replacement after the expiry of the term or in case of loss
If someone still doubts
Simplifies and develops
Progress makes our life more comfortable. And manage it with the presence of "smart" gadgets in many ways more convenient. The younger generation of Russians understood and accepted this long ago, the turn of their grandmothers and grandfathers. To see first hand how much they are willing to accept something new, you should visit Sberbank. Social card of a pensioner, contrary to skeptics, many of its users liked. People willingly take off her pension, pay for utilities, transfer money to children and grandchildren. Of course, there is always a consultant nearby, but many elderly people are able to carry out simple operations themselves.
Some admit that with the advent of a mobile phone, the Internet with its convenient options, a bank card, they got rid of the need to stand in lines on the day of payment of the pension, whatever their state of health, or sit by the window waiting for the postman. Having once tested the properties of the map, many people stop there.
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