HomelinessDo it yourself

Simple cleaning of water at home

Every year the ecological situation in the settlements significantly deteriorates. Therefore, taking care of one's health goes to one of the main places. You can take vitamins and go to a fitness club. But if at the same time you drink dirty water, then all efforts are useless. There are several ways to improve the quality of life and help rebuild your body. To do this, you need to know how to clean water at home.

Most methods have been used for several millennia. Throughout the history of the development of society, a person has been engaged in providing their homes with clean drinking water. Let's look at a few available ways that can be used in any place convenient for you.

Purification of water at home by the ancient method

For several thousand years, special disinfecting properties of copper are known. Passing water along such a water pipe, the inhabitants of ancient Egypt and Rome had a clean drink, in which there were no pathogenic bacteria. But this substance also has negative qualities. Its compounds are very poisonous. Therefore, the storage of water in a copper vessel is life-threatening. To disinfect it, four hours is enough. After this time, clean water must be transferred to another container.

In Russia and India, water purification at home was done using silver plates or dishes. This method is still used by the Russian Orthodox Church for the preparation of holy water. A silver object, dropped into a vessel, will purify the liquid much faster and better than gaseous chlorine, carbolic acid and chlorine. But the main plus is that the disinfecting effect of this liquid persists for several months.

A great interest of scientists was caused by the method of disinfection used by herbalists and ancient healers. Purification of the water was carried out with the help of a willow bark, cherry leaves, juniper branches and mountain ash. In this way, it is possible to purify even marsh water, relieving it of unpleasant taste and smell. To do this, you need to dial it into any container and hold the rowan branches in the vessel for about 2-3 hours.

But the oldest method, which is known from biblical times, involves the use of a young dry white wine. Added to the water in 1/3 proportions, the drink clears it no worse than a silver plate.

Purification of water at home by modern methods

One of the simplest ways to decontaminate is boiling the liquid. But even such an easy procedure must be carried out correctly. To kill 50% of bacteria you need to boil water from 5 to 10 minutes. If the process is performed within 30 minutes, 99% of the pathogenic microorganisms will be destroyed. And only anthrax virus will die after one hour of continuous boiling. Although this method is considered the most common, it also has a big drawback. Such a liquid contains the maximum concentration of heavy metals, salts and nitrates.

Purification of water at home by evaporation is widely known and is a method of obtaining a distilled liquid. Although it does not have bacteria at all, consuming it for a long time can lead to negative consequences. Distilled water has the ability to wash out useful microelements and salts from the human body.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to clean water is freezing. This procedure is easy to conduct at home. And if you have a separate freezer, you can provide your family with clean water every day. It is enough to fill the jar with liquid. Then install it in the freezer. In the process of freezing, water molecules, turning into a crystal, displace all foreign impurities.

It is necessary to wait for the moment when 2/3 of the entire volume of the liquid turns into ice. We take the jar and pour out the water, and put a piece of ice in another container and defrost it. In this way we get pure water without impurities.

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