Spiritual development, Astrology
Sagittarius is a woman. Characteristics of the sign
Representatives of this sign are characterized by outbursts of anger and some eccentricity. However, their life is never boring and monotonous. Sagittarius-women believe that they came to our world to make it better. They are hard to please, they are demanding at work, picky. If they are offended, they become sarcastic and arrogant, though, they forget very quickly and offenses.
Sagittarius-women look at this world with a sober look and never idealize people. In a partner, they value erudition and intelligence, not passion and outward appeal. Among Sagittarians there are a lot of old maidens who could not find their own choice. Such women either do not marry at all, or are often divorced. These ladies can give up personal life in favor of the public.
She is not a careerist, not mercantile, but she needs money as a key to freedom, which means she will always earn them. Often Sagittarius' woman is called a "shirt-guy", since she is the soul of any male company. She is proud and never asks for help. In the soul, Sagittarius is vulnerable, it is very easy to offend her, but she will not show it. Such a romantic lady and can cry over a read book or viewed movie.
The Sagittarius woman easily loses friends and goes on a break in relations. She is not averse to pokomandovat his partner, but he does not tolerate such an attitude.
In marriage, a Sagittarius woman can be very unpredictable and explode because of any little things, but the thing is that she is accustomed to concealing her emotions and gives vent to feelings when mistakes are corrected too late.
To force her to marry at a conscious age, it is necessary to make a lot of efforts. It will not be possible to do this by commands or persuasion.
The Sagittarius woman, whose Zodiac speaks of her hospitality and cordiality, will be able to easily locate any person to herself. Her guest will feel better than at home. Laughter and fun always reign in her home.
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