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Riddle: "What has a head, but does not have brains?"

What has a head, but does not have brains? Riddle, which is often asked children. No one is embarrassed that at a young age not every child can understand what they are talking about at all. After all, it is unlikely that every parent dedicates his child to anatomical details from an early age.

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"What has a head, but does not have brains?" - the answer to this problem can be ambiguous, as on most such folk pearls. Of course, people for a long time had to form a picture consisting of the right and "wrong" answers.

Guessing the riddle: "What has a head, but does not have brains?" - a person, in most cases, expects to hear one particular option. It so happened that the "right" will be several of the following options - cheese, garlic, onions.

Indeed, many are familiar expressions - "cheese head", "garlic head". Hence the "right answer" appears. But not everything is so simple. There are many other options for answering the riddle "What has a head, but does not have brains?".


If for the child the answer to this riddle is obvious, then any adult is able to offer another answer and even explain why. Of course, we will not include in our small list of insults and vulgar jokes, but even then there are several alternative options.

For example, you can easily answer - a pin whose dull pommel is also called the head. Or, that is a good answer for the child - Winnie the Pooh, who has a sawdust in his head.

Yes, and any product that at least slightly resembles a person or animal. Scarecrow, scarecrow, mannequin, statue - you can name any word and you will be absolutely right. Moreover, if in the conventional version the combination "head ..." is used, then the same stuffed or manikin has a full "head", which means these options will be more correct.

Unfortunately, if you are looking for an answer to a question for a child in a kindergarten or school, then it will be necessary to name the approved "grocery" option, since most educators do not accept deviations from learned standards, and therefore your child can easily get a low estimate for dissent. So decide for yourself what to do if you help your child with an answer to the riddle "What has a head, but does not have brains?".

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