
Rhesus factor: compatibility. Rhesus-conflict in pregnancy

When a couple decides to have a baby, a man and a woman often have a question about whether their Rhesus blood is compatible. For quite some time physicians and scientists are engaged in the study of these indicators. This article will tell you about what Rhesus factor compatibility has. You will find out in which cases you should not worry about the fact that antibodies are formed in blood cells. Also worth mentioning is what is the Rhesus factor-conflict during pregnancy.

What is the Rh human blood?

Rhesus blood is the presence or absence of a specific protein on the erythrocyte membrane. In most cases, it is present. That's why about 80 percent of the population have positive Rhesus values. About 15-20 percent of people become owners of negative blood. This is not a pathology. Scientists in recent years are talking about the fact that these people are becoming special.

Rhesus factor: compatibility

Quite a long time ago, it became known that some blood is well combined, and there are no other types of blood. To calculate the compatibility of the Rh factor for conception or for another purpose, it is necessary to refer to the tables. They are presented to your attention in this article. Depending on what you want to know, compatibility data may vary. Let us consider in what cases the compatibility of Rh factors is recognized, and when not.


Rhesus factor compatibility in the case of donor blood donation will have in the following cases. A person with a positive value (when there is a so-called protein on the red blood cells) can give material for negative people. Such blood is transfused to all recipients, regardless of whether they have rhesus.

Rhesus factor compatibility does not give in the case when a negative donor surrenders the material to a positive person. In this case, a serious cell conflict may occur. It is worth recalling that during the transfusion of the material it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of the blood group and the Rhesus factor. This is exactly what experienced specialists do in the walls of medical institutions.

Pregnancy planning

Of great importance is the compatibility of the Rh factor in the parents of the future baby. Many couples mistakenly believe that the probability of conception depends on these values. So, with prolonged infertility of an unclear genesis, a man and a woman are blamed for the blood group and Rh-accessory. This is completely wrong.

It does not really matter if there is a protein on the cells of the erythrocytes of sexual partners. This fact does not affect the probability of the onset of fertilization. However, with the fertilization and the establishment of the fact of pregnancy, the Rh factor (compatibility of its indicator of the father and mother) plays a big role. How do these meanings influence the future child?

Compatible Rh factors

  • If a man does not have a protein on the cells of red blood cells, then most often no danger arises. In this case, a woman can be positive or negative. This fact is absolutely not important.
  • When the Rh factor in a woman is positive, the blood of a man does not have much significance. The daddy of the future baby can have any indicators of analysis.

The possibility of conflict

Compatibility of the Rh factor of the parents can be broken in the case when the woman is negative, and the man is positive. In this case, an important role is played by those whose indicators the future baby has acquired. At present, there are certain studies of the mother's blood. Their result can, with an accuracy of 90 percent, establish the child's blood. Also during pregnancy, women with a negative Rh factor are advised to take a blood test to determine the presence of antibodies. This helps to prevent conflict and in time to carry out its prevention.

Rhesus factor: conflict in pregnancy

During the gestation of a child, many women face different problems. One of them is the incompatibility of the blood group and Rh factor. In fact, it does not matter what kind of blood (group) the future mother has. Much more important is the presence or absence of protein on the erythrocyte cells of a pregnant woman.

If the woman's Rh factor is negative, and the man (the father of the future baby) is positive, then a conflict can develop. But this will happen only if the fetus has acquired the property of the blood of his father.

How does the complication develop?

The belonging of the baby's blood is determined at the very beginning of pregnancy. Approximately up to 12 weeks the fetus develops independently due to the action of progesterone. In the second half of pregnancy there is a continuous connection and mutual exchange of substances between the mother and the future baby. The blood of a woman and a fetus does not bind to each other. However, through the umbilical cord, the child receives all nutrients and oxygen. He gives away the components unnecessary to him, with which red blood cells can also be allocated. Thus, a protein found on blood cells enters the body of a future mother. Her circulatory system does not know this element and perceives it as an alien body.

Due to this whole process, the body of a pregnant woman produces antibodies. They are aimed at destroying an unknown protein and neutralizing its action. Since most of the substances from the mother go to the fetus via the umbilical cord, the same method antibodies get into the baby's body.

What threatens Rh-conflict?

If a woman has the same antibodies in her blood, then soon they can get to the fetus. Then the substances begin to destroy the unknown protein and destroy the normal red blood cells of the baby. Consequence of such impact can be many congenital diseases or intrauterine complications.

Often children who have experienced Rh-conflict with their mother suffer from yellowing. It is worth saying that this complication is becoming one of the most innocuous. When the red blood cells disintegrate in the baby's blood, bilirubin is formed. It is he who causes yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes.

After the birth of a child with Rh-conflict, liver, heart and spleen diseases are often found. Pathology can easily be amenable to correction or be quite serious. Everything depends on the duration of the harmful effects of antibodies on the child's body.

In rare cases, rhesus-conflict during pregnancy can lead to the birth of dead children or intrauterine fetal death.

What are the signs of complication?

Can I somehow learn about the developing Rhesus conflict during pregnancy? In most cases, the pathology is revealed by the result of a blood test. Each future mother, who has negative Rhesus values, should regularly take material from the vein for diagnosis. If the result showed the presence of antibodies in the body, the doctors take measures aimed at improving the baby's condition.

Also, it is possible to suspect a Rh syndrome during pregnancy through routine ultrasound. If during the diagnosis a specialist discovers the increased sizes of such organs as the liver and spleen, then, perhaps, the complication is already developing in full force. Also, the diagnosis can show the swelling of the entire body of the child. This outcome occurs in more severe cases.

Correction of Rh-conflict during pregnancy

After the detection of pathology, you need to sensibly assess the condition of the unborn child. In many ways the treatment scheme depends on the period of pregnancy.

So, in the early stages (up to 32-34 weeks), a woman's blood transfusion is used. A new material is introduced into the body that does not have formed antibodies. Her blood that is destructive for the child is simply removed from the body. This scheme is usually carried out once a week until the time of possible delivery.

In late pregnancy, a decision can be made about an urgent cesarean section. After birth, the child's condition is corrected. Most often, the treatment scheme includes the use of medications, physiotherapy, exposure to blue lamps and so on. In more severe cases, a newborn is transfused.

Prevention of rhesus-conflict in pregnancy

Is it possible to somehow prevent the development of pathology? Of course, yes. Currently, there is a drug that fights with the formed antibodies.

If pregnancy is first, then the probability of developing Rh-conflict is minimal. Most often, red blood cells do not mix. However, during the birth, the inevitable formation of antibodies occurs. That is why it is necessary to introduce an antidote within three days after the birth of a child with a positive rhesus in a negative mother. This effect will avoid complications in subsequent pregnancies.

What to do if time is lost and another conception has come? Is it possible to somehow protect your child from conflict? A future mother in this case is recommended to regularly monitor the blood condition through routine tests. The above substance is introduced into the body of a pregnant woman for a period of approximately 28 weeks. This allows you to endure the baby before the due date without the occurrence of complications.


You now know how the compatibility table for blood groups and Rh factor looks. If you do not have the same protein on the cells of red blood cells, then it is necessary to inform the doctor about this. During pregnancy, your state of health and fetal behavior will be controlled. This will avoid the occurrence of Rh-conflict or in a timely manner to prevent it. Health to you!

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